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Human Reproductive System

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1 Human Reproductive System

2 Introduction Function is to produce a new life
Even though anatomical parts differ in males and females, both systems have the same type of organs gonads or sex glands ducts or tubes to carry the sex cells and secretions accessory organs

3 Male reproductive system
Consists of the testes, epididymis, vas deferens, seminal vesicles, ejaculatory ducts, urethra, prostate gland, Cowper’s glands, and the penis

4 Male reproductive system
Testes two male gonads or sex glands located in the scrotum, a sac suspended between the thighs outside the body Produce sex cells called sperm

5 Male reproductive system
Testes Scrotum is outside the body allowing for a lower temperature, ideal for sperm production also produce testosterone aids in maturation of sperm responsible for secondary male characteristics

6 Male reproductive system
Epididymis coiled tube 20 feet in length located above the testicles receives sperm from the testes stores sperm while they mature and become motile connects w/tube called vas deferens

7 Male reproductive system
Vas deferens aka ductus deferens act as passageway and as temporary storage area for sperm. vas deferens are cut during a vasectomy to produce sterility

8 Male reproductive system
Seminal vesicles two small pouch-like tubes located behind the bladder contains a glandular lining that produces thick yellow fluid rich in sugar provides nourishment for sperm fluid makes up large part of semen

9 Male reproductive system
Ejaculatory ducts two short tubes formed by union of vas deferens and seminal vesicles carry sperm and fluids, known as semen, through the prostate gland into urethra

10 Male reproductive system
Prostate gland doughnut shaped gland located below the bladder on either side of the urethra produces an alkaline secretion increased motility neutralizes the acidity in vagina provides favorable environment

11 Male reproductive system
Prostate gland muscular tissue in the prostate contracts during ejaculation to aid in expulsion of semen into the urethra when the prostate contracts, it also closes off the urethra preventing the passage of urine

12 Male reproductive system
Cowper’s glands aka the bulbourethral gland two small glands below the prostate connected by small tubes to the urethra produce mucus that serves as lubricant for intercourse secretes an alkaline fluid decreases acidity of urine residue in urethra providing more favorable environment

13 Male reproductive system
Urethra tube that extends from the urinary bladder to urinary meatus carries urine from the bladder and semen from the reproductive tubes

14 Male reproductive system
Penis external male reproductive organ glans penis enlarged structure at distal end covered w/a prepuce or foreskin circumcision is surgical removal of prepuce made of spongy erectile tissue functions male organ of copulation deposits semen into vagina provides for elimination of urine

15 Male reproductive system
Penis external male reproductive organ glans penis enlarged structure at distal end covered w/a prepuce or foreskin circumcision is surgical removal of prepuce made of spongy erectile tissue functions male organ of copulation deposits semen into vagina provides for elimination of urine

16 Diseases of male reproductive system
Epididymitis inflammation of the epididymis pathogenic organisms: gonnococcus, streptococcus, or staphlyococcus intense pain, swelling, and fever antibiotic, cold applications, pain medications

17 Diseases of male reproductive system
Orchitis inflammation of the testes pathogens, mumps, or injury can lead to sterility swelling, pain and fever antibiotics, antipyretics, and pain medications

18 Diseases of male reproductive system
Prostatic hypertrophy or hyperplasia enlargement of the prostate gland common in men over 50 screening blood test prostate-specific antigen (PSA) dysuria, polyuria, nocturia, urinary retention and urinary infections fluid restrictions, antibiotics

19 Diseases of male reproductive system
Prostatic hypertrophy or hyperplasia prostatectomy: surgical removal of all or part of the prostate transurethral resection (TUR); removal of part of prostate by inserting scope into the urethra and removing enlarged area perineal or suprapubic incision malignant condition requires prostatectomy, orchidectomy, radiation and estrogen therapy

20 Diseases of male reproductive system
Testicular cancer highly malignant form of cancer most frequently affecting year olds painless swelling of testes orchidectomy, chemo and radiation should begin monthly testicular examinations testicle rolled gently between fingers to feel for lumps examine for swelling 20

21 Female reproductive system
Consists of the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, vagina, Bartholin’s glands, vulva and breasts

22 Female reproductive system
Ovaries female gonads or sex glands small almond-shaped glands located in pelvic cavity attached to uterus by ligaments follicles thousands of small sacs in ovaries when ovum matures, follicle releases ovum process called ovulation

23 Female reproductive system
Ovaries also produce hormones aids in development of the reproductive organs produce secondary sexual characteristics

24 Female reproductive system
Fallopian tubes two tubes about 5 inches long attached to the upper part of uterus lateral ends of these tubes are located above ovaries but have no direct connection to ovaries lateral end also has fingerlike projections called fimbriae, which help move the ovum

25 Female reproductive system
Fallopian tubes serve as a passageway for ovum to the uterus peristalsis cilia fertilization, union of ovum with a sperm to create a new life, usually takes place here

26 Female reproductive system
Uterus hollow, muscular pear shaped organ located behind bladder but in front of rectum three parts fundus – top section attached to fallopian tubes body or corpus – middle section cervix – narrow bottom section attached to vagina

27 Female reproductive system
Uterus functions organ of menstruation allows for growth of fetus contracts to aid in expulsion of fetus

28 Female reproductive system
Uterus endometrium inner layer of specialized epithelium provides for implantation of ovum if no fertilization; endometrium deteriorates and causes menstruation

29 Female reproductive system
Uterus myometrium muscular middle layer allows for expansion of uterus during pregnancy contracts to expel fetus during birth perimetrium serous membrane outer layer

30 Female reproductive system
Vagina muscular tube connecting cervix with outside passageway for menstrual flow female organ of copulation birth canal during delivery lined with mucous membrane

31 Female reproductive system
Bartholin’s glands aka vestibular glands two small glands located on either side of vaginal opening secrete mucus for lubrication during intercourse

32 Female reproductive system
Vulva structures that form the external genital area Mons veneris: fat pad anterior/superior Labia majora: folds that enclose vagina Labia minora: two folds within majora

33 Female reproductive system
Vulva vestibule area inside minora contains openings of urethra and vagina contains clitoris perineum area between vagina and anus

34 Female reproductive system
Breasts contain lobes separated into sections by connective tissue and fatty tissue milk ducts located in tissue main function is the secretion of milk

35 Diseases of female reproductive system
Breast tumors can be benign or malignant can be identified by lump in breast or discharge from nipple early detection important american cancer society recommends BSE every month ACS mammograms 1-2 yrs after 40 mammograms/ultrasonagraphy can detect masses 2yrs prior to being felt

36 Diseases of female reproductive system
Breast tumors lumpectomy simple mastectomy: breast only radical mastectomy: breast, muscle and lymph nodes malignancy: chemo, radiation used in addition to surgery

37 Diseases of female reproductive system
Cancer of the cervix and/or uterus detected by Pap smear (Papanicolaou test) abnormal vaginal discharge, bleeding hysterectomy: uterus and cervix panhysterectomy: uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes chemotherapy and/or radiation

38 Diseases of female reproductive system
Endometriosis abnormal growth of endometrial tissue outside the uterus pelvic pain, dysmenorrhea hormonal therapy, pain medications, surgical removal affected organs

39 Diseases of female reproductive system
Ovarian cancer one of the most common causes of cancer death in women occurs between 40-65 abdominal discomfort, constipation, diarrhea abdominal distention,polyuria surgical removal of affected organs chemotherapy and/or radiation

40 Diseases of female reproductive system
Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) inflammation of the cervix, endometrium, fallopian tubes and ovaries bacteria, viruses, and fungi lower abdominal pain, fever, purulant discharge antibiotics, fluids, rest and pain medications

41 Diseases of female reproductive system
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) group of symptoms that appear 3-14 days prior to menstruation hormonal or biochemical imbalance, poor nutrition, or stress nervousness, irritability, depression headache, backache diet modifications, exercise, stress reduction training

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