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Alexander Klepikov Arctic & Antarctic Research Institute of Roshydromet (AARI) St.Petersburg Reinforcing the Development and Implementation of the GEO Cold Regions Initiative (GEOCRI) GEO-XIII, St.Petersburg, Russian Federation 8 November 2016
IPY has showed the feasibility of addressing key polar issues
The International Polar Year was very important for the Russian polar research. During the period of IPY 2007/08 Russian polar researchers have got approximately 27 million USD in addition to the basic financial support. These funds were spent primarily on the field works and the development of observational infrastructure in the Russian Arctic. Number of Russian IPY 2007/08 expeditions Marine Land Arctic Antarctic
Arctic & Antarctic Research Institute expeditions
2006,2009 2012 2010 2010
Russian ice drifting stations “North Pole” in 2003-2012
Observations at the ice drifting station “North Pole”:
Radiosound Observations at the ice drifting station “North Pole”: structure of low stratosphere and troposphere, including study of ozone layer; structure of atmospheric boundary and; surface radiation and cloudiness; greenhouse gases in atmospheric surface layer; spectral and integral albedo; turbulent regime of atmospheric and oceanic surface layers standard meteorology and radio soundings; sea ice structure and physical– mechanical properties; ocean thermohaline structure and currents. aerostat Unmanned plane MAWS-420 GPS and GLONAS systems for ice drift calculations Inlets of ozone, carbon dioxide, methane and radioactivity analyzers Polygon 80x100 m for mass balance and dynamic studies Lidar Ice thickness measurements Radiation Carbon dioxide flux measurements Precipitation gauge Weather shed Total ozone Echo-sounder Snow height Spectrometer “Ramses” IMB buoy Transmitter IMB Thermo chain IMB Echo-sounder emitter Long ranger ADCP WH LP 757 ADCP WHS 300 Ice thickness submersible vehicle 2 SBE 37SM MicroCat 3 SBE 19 profilers Current meter RCM Grid Juday
Hydrometeorological Observatory Tiksi
Main observations: standard meteorology and upper air radiosoundings; surface air aerosol, including black carbon; surface radiation and heat balance; UV radiation, total ozone content and ozone in low stratosphere; CO2 /methane fluxes; GHGs concentrations in atmosphere boundary layer mercury and POPs in the air; temperature of the active layer of soil.
1. PEATLANDS (47.3%) 1.1 Fen (22.7%) 1.1.1 Dry fen (18.9%) 1.1.2 Wet fen (3.8%) 1.2 Bog (17%) 1.3 Bog-tundra heath transition (3.8%) 1.4 Bog-dry fen transition (3.8%) 2. MOORLANDS/HEATHS (24.4%) 2.1 Tundra heath (13.1%) 2.1.1 Lichen tundra heath (5.6%) 2.1.2 Shrub-moss tundra heath (5.6%) 2.1.3 Dwarf birch tundra heath (1.9%) 2.2 Tussock tundra (11.3%) 3. MEADOWS (5.7%) 3.1 Grass meadow (3.8%) 3.2 Willow meadow (1.9%) 4. STONY (20.8%) 4.1 Non-vegetated areas (17%) 4.2 With grass meadow patches (3.8%) 5. WATER (1.8%) Temporal evolution of different soil temperature from 30 September 2011 to 13 December 2012 in Tiksi. Days of the year: from 1 to 365 is for 2011, from 366 to 700 for 2012.
Transpolar Drift System of the Arctic Ocean.
“Laptev Sea” Cluster (H. Kassens, L.A. Timokhov) German partners: GEOMAR, AWI, Mainz Academy, Universities of Trier and Kiel Russian partners: AARI, GOIN, SPbSU, MSU, Shirshov Institute, Lena-Delta Reserve Main Goals: - Changes of the Transpolar Drift System as a result of climate change; - Ecological consequences of climate change in the region; Regional changes of the atmosphere/sea/ice/ocean system; Stability of the Arctic climate system: history of the Transpolar Drift. Target 1. Monitoring of sea ice transport and fresh water content in sea ice. Study fresh water transport by surface and subsurface currents between seas and to the Arctic Basin. Target 2. To estimate fluxes of fresh water and materials to/from the Arctic Basin and the rates of internal transformations within the Arctic Ocean. Target 3. To explore the role of fresh water transport in a variability of Transpolar System. Target 4. To investigate the processes on the Arctic continental shelves that influence on the global cycling of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorous and their intensity. Transdrift stations map
Oceanography, hydrochemistry
Biology, Sedimentology Mooring stations TRANSDRIFT history: 22 expeditions (including 5 winter surveys). Last cruise was in September 2015 Totally more than 1100 oceanographic stations in the Laptev Sea 3 books and more than 500 articles published About 300 presentations at the conferences
NABOS: Nansen Amundsen Basins Observational System
MAIN GOALS OF NABOS: (a) To quantify the water mass structure and its variability (b) To evaluate the mechanisms by which the Atlantic Water is transformed on its pathway along the slope (c) To estimate the impact of the Atlantic Water heat transport on ice and climate (d) To estimate the rate of exchange between the arctic shelves and the interior in order to clarify mechanisms of the arctic halocline formation First phase of NABOS ARCTIC AND ANTARCTIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE INTERNATIONAL ARCTIC RESEARCH CENTER UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA FAIRBANKS
NABOS-2015 on board r/v “Akademik Treshnikov”, August-September 2015
Oraganochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and their metabolites (chlorobenzenes, DDT, DDE, mirex, toxaphenes, aldrin, dieldrin, endrin, heptachlor, chlordane etc.) Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) congeners Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) AMAP monitoring: RPA «Typhoon» of Roshydromet take samples in Amderma (Russian Arctic) to monitor more than 150 individual POPs substances
Global emissions of mercury in 1990–2005 (AMAP, 2011)
Emissions, tonnes P,p’-DDE is a breakdown product of the pesticide DDT, and concentrations are beginning to decline in these populations. This may be due to success in dietary advice and outreach, or it may be due to birth year differences, as pregnant women in are more likely to have been born after the phase outs began, therefore they have only bioaccumulated residual contaminants, rather than bioaccumulating during the active use years. Bans of the agricultural use of DDT began in 1968, with the US banning agricultural use of DDT in 1972, and most uses in Canada were phased out by the mid-1970s, with registration of all uses of DDT discontinued in 1985, while existing stocks of DDT to be sold, used or disposed of by DDT was banned worldwide by the Stockholm Convention in However, some countries are still using DDT for malaria control and some agricultural uses.
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