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Welcome Back!.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Back!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Back!

2 Today Introductions Maintenance Internships and Research Opportunities National Meeting

3 Maintenance things Please everybody sign in with your NAME and STUDENT ID Canvas Membership Reimbursement Upcoming Events: Webinar: February 9th, 6:00pm, The Role of Chemistry in Global Security Fundraiser: Soup Sale! January 28th (Thursday) 11:00 – 1:00 Allison: vegetarian chili Drew: vegetarian soup National Meeting: Mar 13-17

4 Internships and research experiences
Why get one? Realize what you are interested in within chemistry Build key skills that make you competitive for future jobs, fancy internships, graduate school, and beyond. Networking! Resume building (sounds cheesy, but seriously)

5 Internships and research experiences
What types of internships and research experiences are available to me? Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Industry Internship

6 REus 8-10 week program with other undergraduates University, live on or near campus “shadow” a graduate student Attend weekly presentations on research at that university, how to get into graduate school, how to give science presentations, etc. $4,000 - $8,000 stipend

7 reus .jsp

8 Industry internships These, you will have to do your own research to see what you are interested in. Past Park students have done internships at: bayer/students/

9 How to choose an reu Search for REUs that offer research that you are interested in (preferably 2-3 professors you wouldn’t mind working with) Narrow down this list to the amount you want to apply to Take into consideration: stipend, cost of travel, food stipend, location

10 Applying to the reu Talk to professors: 3 letters of recommendation
be kind and gracious when asking and reminding professors of the due date be organized Personal Statement/ Resume Talk to career services, a professor, an upperclassman (ME) about your resume – you want it to look professional and SCIENCE- oriented Look up examples Familiarize yourself with the research – be specific – “know” what you are talking about Focus on: what research you are interested in, what goals you have academically and career-wise Don’t be afraid to put yourself in a position you aren’t sure of

11 Applying to the internship
Search for online applications, often under the “Career” tab Don’t be afraid to call their hiring manager and ask if there are opportunities for undergraduates Familiarize yourself with the company Be flexible: may not pay, need so many hrs of work per week Use your network – local ACS, friends, family Dress professionally, have a resume on hand, go over interview etiquette

12 Final thoughts Do not fear rejection – it happens to everybody
Apply to many and apply now! Never hesitate to reach out to students and faculty, it can improve your application tremendously You guys can always me: or

13 Thank you Officers please stay afterwards

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