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- -Internships 101- - Why should you apply to an internship? What kinds of internships are there? Where can you find one that fits your career goals?

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2 - -Internships 101- - Why should you apply to an internship? What kinds of internships are there? Where can you find one that fits your career goals? How do you create a competitive application? Agenda

3 Why should you apply to an internship? Moving out of the classroom (1) Help you decide whether a particular occupation is what you want to do for your career. (2) Build your skill set. (3) Grow your credentials: (a) add new items to your CV (b) skills too! (4) Networking! (5) Letters of recommendation. (6) Curriculum (a) required for EVB (b) possible 421 credit for BIO, etc (7) Cash!

4 Why should you apply to an internship? UDayton can give you knowledge in your field, but cannot always offer the skillset needed in certain areas…this is an opportunity to learn skills that will get you jobs. It is also good to experience how other universities/organizations/researchers do things. New perspectives on things are important, and doing an internship can help you figure out what you love and what you don’t! ….new perspectives ….new skills

5 What kinds of internships are there? (1) NSF REU (2) Agencies (3) Individual Faculty (4) Local groups/companies (5) Non-profit programs McEwan Lab Internship Site

6 What kinds of internships are there? (1) NSF REU (2) Agencies (3) Individual Faculty (4) Local groups/companies (5) Non-profit programs There an enormous number of NSF REU, in all areas of science: Link. Here is an example:

7 What kinds of internships are there? (1) NSF REU (2) Agencies (3) Individual Faculty (4) Local groups/companies (5) Non-profit programs

8 What kinds of internships are there? (1) NSF REU (2) Agencies (3) Individual Faculty (4) Local groups/companies (5) Non-profit programs

9 What kinds of internships are there? (1) NSF REU (2) Agencies (3) Individual Faculty (4) Local groups/companies (5) Non-profit programs

10 What kinds of internships are there? (1) NSF REU (2) Agencies (3) Individual Faculty (4) Local groups/companies (5) Non-profit programs Some examples: Conservation and Land Management Program Archbold Cedar Creek

11 Where can you find one that fits your career goals? 1.Think about an area that you would be interested in…in a place you want to be…. 2.Use Google!! 3.Research what they have to offer to students 4.Apply for an internship, ask for a job, or just see if they can recommend you to something!

12 Where can you find one that fits your career goals? Ev.B Jobs Emails!! If you are not getting EV.B Jobs emails and want to, simply email Dr. McEwan and he will add you to the list

13 Where can you find one that fits your career goals? McEwan Lab Job Site

14 How do you create a competitive application? (1) Make a good curriculum vitae or resume (2) Contact etiquette & strategy (3) Letter of application & personal statements (4) Building a case for yourself beforehand (5) Act confident and be thoughtful


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