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Keiko Davidson Elementary Library

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1 Keiko Davidson Elementary Library
The Great Dragon Reading Quest and Library Information Night

2 KDE Library Schedule We are on a 3 week library lesson rotation.
Week 1- Kindergarten and 1st Grade Week 2- 2nd and 3rd Grade Week 3- 4th and 5th Grade Students come to the library for a library lesson every 3 weeks for 40 minutes. Students can come to check out books every day during open checkout times: 9:00-10:45 am and 12:30-3:00 pm. Teachers bring students to check out as a class during their off weeks.

3 Library Book Bags Each student will receive a library book bag with a dragon on it. It says “Look what I’m dragon home!” The students will keep their library books inside of the dragon bag inside of their backpacks when they are not reading the library books. If a student loses their dragon bag, they will have to pay $1 to replace the bag. These dragon bags should help to keep our library books safe from damage. 

4 Library Programs The library will sponsor special events for the students at Davidson Elementary this year. We will have several author visits, 2 book fairs, and book clubs throughout the year. Our first book fair will be December 4th-8th . We will have a Book Character Pumpkin Patch in October. Grades K-5th - The family must enter a pumpkin which represents a book they read together. They must also complete the favorite book form. Each KDE student in the family will earn a pumpkin patch dog tag for their reading chains. The Birthday Book Club will be open all year. Grades K-5th: The student will select, donate and read a book from our library collection. The student will check the book out for 2 weeks. The birthday book club fairy will come and sing to the student and deliver their birthday book. The student’s name will appear on the See the Birthday Book Club flyer for more information. Texas Bluebonnet Bash-students who read 7 or more Texas Bluebonnet books will be invited to the Bluebonnet Bash. Students who read 5 books will vote for their favorite book.

5 Our Reading Programs- Begin October 10th
Students in grades 1-5 will have the opportunity to earn various reading tags and prizes from the library just by reading their favorite books. Each student will be given a Great Dragon Reading Quest folder with a QUEST (Bingo) Board to fill out as they read books. The students are responsible for keeping up with their Great Dragon Reading Quest folders. They turn in their folders to the library to earn reading tags and various library prizes throughout the year. Kindergarten students will have a separate reading program which will allow them to read books and earn library sponsored spirit sticks. More information about this program will be sent home to Kindergarten parents.

6 Here’s How the Program Works
A variety of tags will be introduced and will be designed for specific grade levels. Each student will receive a Great Dragon Reading Quest folder and tag sheet which describes the tags that they will be able to earn. The types of tags will include: Nonfiction Books Fiction Books – various genres will be introduced Award winning books 2 X 2 Books (the current year’s titles only): Grades K-2nd Texas Bluebonnet Award Books (the current year’s titles only): Grades 3rd-5th Caldecott Books: Grades 3rd-5th Newbery Books: Grades 3rd-5th

7 Library Reading Program Rewards

8 Great Dragon Reading Quest/Reading Logs
Each student will be given a Great Dragon Quest Folder/Reading Log. They will choose which tags they want to earn. They will read 3-5 books (depending on the grade level) that go along with each particular tag. After each book read, they will have their parent or teacher sign that the student read the book. Students return their reading logs to the librarian to review and earn their tags and prizes.

9 QUEST Boards for 1st-5th Grades
1st and 2nd Grade Quest Board 3rd, 4th and 5th Grade Quest Board

10 1st and 2nd Grade Tag List

11 1st and 2nd Grade Tag List Continued

12 Tag List for 3rd-5th Graders


14 Kindergarten Reading Program
This year the Kindergarten students will have the opportunity to participate in 4 different reading programs. Parent letters will be sent home at the beginning of October. Students may read library books or books from home to complete the reading programs. The 4 reading programs are: Watch My Scarecrow Grow Think Snow Texas 2X2 Going Bananas For Books

15 Kindergarten Reading Log

16 Watch My Scarecrow Grow-Oct.
Students will read 6 books to earn pieces of the Scarecrow. When it is completed, they will turn it into the library and earn a Scarecrow Spirit Stick. Reading Program Created by Barbara Jinkins

17 Reading Program Created by Barbara Jinkins
Think Snow-Jan. Students will read 15 books to earn snowman pieces. When it is completed, they will turn it into the library and earn a Snowman Spirit Stick. Reading Program Created by Barbara Jinkins

18 Texas 2X2-Feb. This program is done mostly in the classroom. The teachers will read the books to the students. You can also read the books at home. You can also find the Texas 2X2 books at the public libraries. Students must read 8 out of the 20 books listed to earn a Texas 2X2 Spirit Stick.

19 Going Bananas for Books-March
Students will read 12 books to earn a sticker on their reading log. When it is completed, they will turn it into the library and earn a Monkey Spirit Stick. Reading Program Created by Barbara Jinkins

20 Please contact the KDE Library if you have any questions.

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