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Exercise New Words © ORCA Education Limited 2004 ^*#{}#*^

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1 Exercise New Words © ORCA Education Limited 2004 ^*#{}#*^
SHOW tom, tom.acs, 50, 68 PLAY Acknowledge PLAY Explain SAY Hello I am Tom. ^PAUSE=300^ I will provide some extra guidance ^PAUSE=300^ during this {prez entation=presentation.} ^PAUSE=800^ SAY My colleagues may also give some help. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Explain2 SAY In this {prez entation=presentation} we will look at why taking exercise is so important.^PAUSE=1300^ SAY We will look at all the benefits you get from taking some exercise ^PAUSE=300^ everything from ^EMPHASIS^fighting the ^EMPHASIS^flab PLAY LookUpLeft PLAY Point45 SAY ^PAUSE=300^ to meeting new people. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Announce2 SAY Exercise is a fun thing to do^PAUSE=300^ with lots of immediate benefits when you are young, ^PAUSE=600^ and with the ^EMPHASIS^added bonus of helping you when you are older! ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Think PLAY Alert SAY Oh yes! ^PAUSE=300^ SAY There are some terms that may be new to you. SAY If you want to see them before the {prez entation=presentation} click on the New Words button. PLAY Point225 SAY ^PAUSE=800^ END New Words © ORCA Education Limited 2004 © ORCA Education Limited 2004

2 Are you fit for life? No matter how old you are taking exercise and keeping fit will help you enjoy life. Young people need 1 hour light exercise a day. ^*#{}#*^ SHOW peedy, peedy.acs, 13, 63 PLAY Wave PLAY GestureLeft SAY OK, ^PAUSE=500^ so what are these people doing? ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Think SAY ^PAUSE=500^ How could each of them be benefiting from exercise? ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Explain SAY Well of course there are ^EMPHASIS^lots of ways! ^PAUSE=500^ ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY GestureUp SAY Starting with these two young people. ^PAUSE=700^ SAY They both like ^EMPHASIS^any kind of sport. ^PAUSE=400^ Sport is just ^EMPHASIS^fun to them. ^PAUSE=300^ I do not suppose they ^EMPHASIS^ever think ^PAUSE=300^ of the confidence they are gaining ^PAUSE=300^ or the friends that they make ^PAUSE=300^ because they do sport. ^PAUSE=600^ MOVE 23,63 SAY The older girl is Katie ^PAUSE=300^ she wants to be a model. ^PAUSE=300^ Sport lets her keep slim ^EMPHASIS^without having to worry about a diet. ^PAUSE=1300^ SAY Mister wonderful here is Steve. ^PAUSE=300^ PLAY Alert SAY Steve does body building. ^PAUSE=300^ This is his ^EMPHASIS^whole life, ^PAUSE=300^ he is obsessed with how he looks ^PAUSE=300^ and he ^EMPHASIS^even makes money from success in competitions. ^PAUSE=1300^ MOVE 43,63 SAY The lady in the suit is a ^EMPHASIS^really busy business lady. ^PAUSE=600^ She likes to keep slim ^PAUSE=300^ but she finds that her visits to the gym help give her ^EMPHASIS^energy, ^PAUSE=300^ confidence ^PAUSE=300^ and mental ^EMPHASIS^sharpness. ^PAUSE=800^ PLAY Decline SAY I bet she can ^EMPHASIS^really give them a hard time in the Board-Room. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY LookLeft SAY How ^EMPHASIS^old do you think he is on the end? ^PAUSE=1300^ SAY Well he has been receiving a pension for ^EMPHASIS^three years. ^PAUSE=800^ PLAY Process SAY That makes him 68. ^PAUSE=600^ Well you do not ^EMPHASIS^have to let yourself go as you get older! ^PAUSE=1300^ END Look at these people, how do you think each one benefits from exercising?*

3 What type of shape are you?
We are not all the same body type but we can all keep ourselves in good shape. Mesomorph, broad shoulders, narrow hips and muscular limbs. In sport you might be an all round athlete like a decathlete. Ectomorph, narrow shoulders and hips little body fat and light muscles. You probably have plenty of stamina and can keep going when others get tired. ^*#{}#*^ SHOW tom, tom.acs, 13, 68 PLAY Wave PLAY Explain SAY Classifying people according to their body type is called {somato typing=somatotyping.} ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Explain2 SAY Our height and shape is set by ^EMPHASIS^genetics ^PAUSE=300^ as is our bone structure ^PAUSE=300^ and predisposition to put on weight. ^PAUSE=600^ Predisposition ^PAUSE=300^ is a built in ^EMPHASIS^likelihood. ^PAUSE=600^ PLAY LookUp SAY Like, ^PAUSE=300^ for example, ^PAUSE=300^ your genes may make you predisposed to baldness. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Announce2 SAY However that does not mean we just shrug ^PAUSE=300^ and say ^PAUSE=300^ {thats=that’s} it! ^PAUSE=600^ I am big ^PAUSE=300^ or I am thin ^PAUSE=300^ and there is ^EMPHASIS^nothing I can do about it! ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Decline SAY We can make our bodies less extreme ^PAUSE=300^ and more attractive in ^EMPHASIS^many ways. ^PAUSE=1300^ SAY General exercise will give us better posture ^PAUSE=300^ and vitality. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY HandsOnHips SAY Any resistance exercise ^PAUSE=300^ including light weights, ^PAUSE=300^ will give us good body tone ^PAUSE=600^ ^EMPHASIS^that looks good for both ^EMPHASIS^men ^PAUSE=300^ and ^EMPHASIS^women. ^PAUSE=1300^ SAY Of course a good balanced diet is important. PLAY Explain3 SAY One important thing to look at with body types ^PAUSE=300^ is not your {persons=person’s} weight ^PAUSE=300^ but the amount of body ^EMPHASIS^fat that you have. ^PAUSE=1300^ SAY Endomorphs do not have to be fat ^PAUSE=300^ and in the same way Ectomorphs do not have to be skinny. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Think END Endomorph, narrow shoulders and wide hips. You might be heavy but if you exercise you can develop a very good physique. *

4 So what does exercising give us?
Mental Health: Physical Health: energy a positive outlook a distraction from work and worries confidence a chance to meet others relaxation sport is fun. a strong heart healthy lungs fluid joints mobility and agility strong muscles an active metabolism weight control improved digestion reduces effects of aging.* ^*#{}#*^ SHOW tom, tom.acs, 50, 68 PLAY Wave PLAY Explain SAY One of the most important ^EMPHASIS^positive things that people can do to help them live ^EMPHASIS^longer ^PAUSE=300^ is to take regular exercise. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY GestureLeft SAY The list here tells you what the ^EMPHASIS^specific physical benefits are. ^PAUSE=`300^ PLAY Explain2 SAY Each one of them will make life ^EMPHASIS^easier ^PAUSE=300^ and more ^EMPHASIS^enjoyable. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Announce2 SAY Well that seems fairly obvious! ^PAUSE=500^ MOVE 25,68 PLAY LookRight SAY But what people may ^EMPHASIS^not appreciate ^PAUSE=300^ is that physical activity has ^EMPHASIS^mental benefits. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY GestureRight SAY Apart from these ^PAUSE=300^ research has shown ^PAUSE=300^ that exercise releases chemicals that help ^EMPHASIS^counter depression. ^PAUSE=500^ Exercise also improves concentration. ^PAUSE=1300^ SAY If you are feeling low ^PAUSE=300^ or cannot work something out ^PAUSE=300^ try going for a long ^EMPHASIS^brisk walk. ^PAUSE=600^ It works! PLAY Pleased SAY You could ^EMPHASIS^ even tell your parents^PAUSE=300^ that playing football ^PAUSE=300^ is good for revision!^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY CrossArms SAY Mind you it is as well as, ^PAUSE=300^ not ^EMPHASIS^instead of! ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Think END

5 Being Unfit How will being unfit harm him?
This businessman is not fit. Not by any use of the word. He is making lots of money but he is not looking after his body. Even if he gives up smoking he will still have lots of health problems. He will get short of breath. He will have less energy. He is less attractive to other people. He has an increased risk of a heart attack. He will be more prone to certain types of cancer. How will being unfit harm him? He has a lower life expectancy. *

6 Why is dieting a bad idea for young people? *
What about fat? It is quite natural for us all to carry some fat. Fat is one of our energy stores. Calories that we have taken in, if not used, will be turned to fat as a store. You need to make sure that you exercise enough to be able to use up the calories you take in. This lady is not really carrying a lot of fat, but if you are, the first answer is exercise rather than a diet. A healthy diet may be the only diet you need. ^*#{}#*^ SHOW tom, tom.acs, 32, 68 PLAY Wave PLAY Announce2 SAY You should only diet ^EMPHASIS^after consulting a doctor.^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Explain SAY When you are still growing your body needs the right nutrients^PAUSE=300^ and you should not deprive your body of what it needs. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Explain2 SAY If you eat a healthy^PAUSE=300^ well balanced diet ^PAUSE=300^ you will be pretty sure of getting the needs of your body right.^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Explain3 SAY If you do need to shed some weight^PAUSE=300^ your doctor will advise you how to do this ^PAUSE=300^ by eating a healthy diet, ^PAUSE=300^ taking exercise^PAUSE=300^ and allowing your body to ^EMPHASIS^grow into your ^EMPHASIS^correct weight.^PAUSE=1300^ SAY It is amazing how the shape of your body changes as you grow to maturity. ^PAUSE=600^ PLAY GestureLeft SAY Girls especially are prone to put on ^EMPHASIS^some weight during adolescence ^PAUSE=300^ which they then lose as they mature. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Think END Why is dieting a bad idea for young people? * © ORCA Education Limited 2004 and suppliers all rights reserved

7 Exercise makes you happy
Competing and perhaps winning can be enjoyable but all exercise can help you mentally. Any form of exercise (even taking a walk) has been proven to improve mental health, mental performance and make people feel happier. He is, and feels healthier and has more energy. He has met people and his self esteem has increased. Studies show he will be less likely to suffer depression or mental illness. Exercise has produced endorphins in his body that make him feel happy and relaxed. * How will doing exercise help him mentally?

8 Physical Benefits Some girls especially, say they do not like to exercise because it gives you big muscles. This man Steve is a body builder he is an exception because all he wants are big muscles. He has developed a physique that he wants for his activity but his all round fitness may not be so good. Most people would benefit from light strength exercise that develop muscle tone. Muscle tone is the ability of our muscles to hold our body in a good shape. ^*#{}#*^ SHOW tom, tom.acs, 38, 68 PLAY Wave PLAY LookLeft PLAY DontRecognize SAY OK firstly. ^PAUSE=300^ PLAY Announce2 SAY Weight training when you are growing is ^EMPHASIS^not a good idea!^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Explain2 PLAY Explain SAY There are examples of young athletes who have developed ^EMPHASIS^serious joint problems^PAUSE=300^ and injuries ^PAUSE=300^ including life long back problems by doing heavy weights. ^PAUSE=1300^ SAY Your muscles are capable of putting a ^EMPHASIS^lot of strain on the joints ^PAUSE=300^ and the skeleton ^PAUSE=300^ of a growing young person.^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Explain3 SAY Isometric exercises are good! ^PAUSE=300^ You just work against your own body resistance. ^PAUSE=300^ Also circuit training and most aerobic exercises are good for the heart ^PAUSE=300^ but also develop nice muscle tone. ^PAUSE=1300^ SAY Muscle tone is that firm stretched appearance of muscles that are gently working to hold your body in position.^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY HandsOnHips SAY Someone with good muscle tone will walk tall with control and not slouch like a sack of potatoes!^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Think END What exercise could you do to develop muscle tone? *

9 Muscular Endurance Part of Steve’s problem could be a lack of muscular endurance. Muscular endurance is the ability of the muscles to work over a long period of time without tiring. Swimming, cycling, walking and some aerobics sessions help develop muscular and cardiovascular endurance. This type of exercise gives you more energy for everyday life. It is also an excellent way of controlling your weight. *

10 Flexibility Stretching and exercises like yoga, dance, aerobics or gymnastics all help to make you supple and give you a good range of movement. Becoming more supple and agile will make you more attractive. Look at someone who has good posture and control. Their balance, the way they hold themselves and move make them more attractive to the opposite sex. Flexibility and range of movement is important as people get older. If people don’t retain flexibility even simple tasks like dressing become difficult. *

11 Coordination and Timing
If you feel clumsy and awkward exercise and sport can help. Many ball sports help your coordination and reactions. Good timing means using your senses and muscle control together such as in hand eye coordination. If someone has poor coordination it will be noticeable in their everyday lives. Test - try returning a tennis ball as many times as possible off a wall 2 metres away for 30 seconds.*

12 Your Heart and Lungs In Science you will have learnt about the cardiovascular system. Exercise helps develop and improve the efficiency of your heart. All aerobic exercise including a brisk walk will help improve your lung capacity. A healthy heart and lungs makes all activity easier and you will live longer.

13 Heart Disease Taking part in sport encourages good health.
Poor diet and lack of exercise can increase blood pressure. Fats can collect in the arteries making them narrower. The heart works harder to pump the blood around. This can lead to a heart attack.* ^*#{}#*^ SHOW tom, tom.acs, 23, 68 PLAY Wave PLAY Explain SAY In this country heart disease is one of the biggest causes of death. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Blink SAY Fat is deposited in the artery walls. ^PAUSE=300^ It builds up until the arteries become ^EMPHASIS^partly blocked. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Explain2 SAY This increases blood pressure ^PAUSE=300^ and makes the heart work harder. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Announce2 SAY In a heart attack the heart does ^EMPHASIS^not get enough oxygen ^PAUSE=300^ and can stop. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Explain3 SAY Heart attack victims ^EMPHASIS^can be saved and treated. ^PAUSE=1300^ SAY Regular exercise, ^PAUSE=300^ low cholesterol diet ^PAUSE=300^ and reducing stress ^PAUSE=300^ will help prevent heart disease. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Think END

14 Why is Blood Pressure Important?
The blood is put under pressure by the beating action of the heart. High blood pressure can cause a stroke or heart attack. High blood pressure can be caused by heart disease and prevented by exercise. In the UK doctors are encouraged to check the blood pressure of all patients regularly in order to try to prevent strokes and heart attack. * ^*#{}#*^ SHOW peedy, peedy.acs, 13, 68 PLAY Wave SAY Hello. ^PAUSE=400^ I will just explain how we measure blood pressure. ^PAUSE=800^ PLAY LookLeft PLAY Confused SAY {Thats=That’s} not right! ^PAUSE=300^ You will not get an ^EMPHASIS^accurate reading that way. ^PAUSE=300^ They have cut that persons arm off! ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Uncertain SAY No wonder he has low blood pressure! ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Explain SAY How are they supposed to do this? ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Read SAY The cuff is placed around the upper arm ^PAUSE=300^ to stop the blood flowing in the artery ^PAUSE=300^ as the heart contracts. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY ReadContinued SAY When the heart relaxes the blood pressure from the heart ^EMPHASIS^reduces ^PAUSE=300^ the blood can flow again. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY ReadReturn SAY The instrument can measure the pressure when the blood was ^EMPHASIS^stopped, ^PAUSE=300^ that is when the heart was contracting, ^PAUSE=300^ and is called the systolic pressure. ^PAUSE=1300^ SAY It also measures the pressure when the blood flows again. ^PAUSE=300^ This is when the heart relaxes ^PAUSE=300^ and is the diastolic pressure. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Alert SAY An average young adult like you would be 120 over 80 for these two readings. ^PAUSE=1300^ SAY Your blood pressure varies for many reasons including ^PAUSE=300^ age, ^PAUSE=300^ exercise taken, ^PAUSE=300^ and ^EMPHASIS^stress. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Think END

15 Taking Part Sport England found in 2000 that 49% of the population took part in formal or informal sport or exercise. Sport gives you a social life and self esteem. Sport makes taking regular exercise easier. © ORCA Education Limited 2004 and suppliers all rights reserved

16 Something for Everyone
No matter what your ability you can find a sport or activity for you. If you do not like competitive sport there are plenty of other options. Find activities that are both social and healthy. Start by just walking to school. Add some more energy to everyday tasks like going up and down stairs. * ^*#{}#*^ SHOW tom, tom.acs, 33, 68 PLAY Wave PLAY GestureLeft SAY The paralympic movement is very important for getting across the message that sport is for ^EMPHASIS^everyone.^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Explain SAY The Paralympic Movement started at Stoke Mandeville Hospital ^PAUSE=400^ in England. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Blink SAY The idea was to encourage people ^PAUSE=300^ who were disabled by accidents ^PAUSE=500^ to keep active and continue to enjoy their sport. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Explain2 SAY The movement has grown considerably ^PAUSE=300^ and now a ^EMPHASIS^full scale Paralympic Games are held after ^EMPHASIS^each Olympic Games. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Announce2 SAY The issue of mental or learning disability is difficult. ^PAUSE=900^ They are ^EMPHASIS^not included in the Paralympics. ^PAUSE=600^ But their disability is just as real and no different. ^PAUSE=600^ This ^EMPHASIS^could be because the problems of defining the disability is ^EMPHASIS^even more difficult than it is with physical disability. PLAY Sad PLAY Think END

17 A bit of excitement There is a growing interest in outdoor pursuits some taken to the extreme like free climbing, underwater orienteering, wilderness survival. Many of these are being made competitive and promoted as sports. Outdoor pursuits help you see beautiful places. There are many adventure challenges that can be fun good exercise and are character building.* © ORCA Education Limited 2004 and suppliers all rights reserved

18 Is there something near you?
If you live in the middle of Milton Keynes surfing may be a bad choice? Look at your local library for clubs and classes. Look for activates you can do with your friends. You may make new friends. Get involved while you are young it gets harder as you get older. *

19 Vocabulary Some words or terms mesamorph ectomorph endomorph
mental health mobility endorphins depression muscle tone endurance flexibility coordination cardiovascular blood pressure *

20 The Task Think back over the last week and list all the times you too some exercise. Don’t forget the informal things like walking to the shops. If you are taking less than 1 hour light exercise a day (preferably with 30 minutes of vigorous exercise that pushes your heart rate up to 120 bpm.) then you are not getting enough exercise. Think of 5 people you know of different ages then outline how they could take more exercise and how they would benefit. *

21 End End Show Acknowledgements
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