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Body Weight Year 11; Health and Human Development Danielle.

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1 Body Weight Year 11; Health and Human Development Danielle

2 Body Weight Maintaining a health body weight is beneficial for your health. Genetics plays a major role in your body weight as does your food intake. When people do not have a balanced food intake they don’t obtain the amount of nutrients they need to get the optimum health and development they need. This is a result of not eating enough nutrient dense food.

3 Risks of being overweight If you are overweight or have a BMI of over 25 you may develop :- -Cardiovascular disease. Which is a high fat diet contributes to a build up of plaque on the artery wall that increases the chance of a heart attack or stroke. -Cancer. High-fat, low-fibre diets can increase the risk of colorectal cancer. -Respiratory Problems. Weight can put pressure on the lungs that makes it difficult. -Arthritis. Excess weight places extra pressure on joints, which can increase the rate at which cartilage is worn down.

4 Risks of being under weight If you are underweight or have a BMI of under 20 you may develop:- -Compromised immune function -Respiratory disease -Digestive disease -Cancer -Osteoporosis -Increased risk of falls and fractures

5 Body image and self esteem Body image and self esteem play a major part in young peoples development. In our society today the ideal body image for a girl is to be slim, while for boys it is to be strong and muscular. Your body image can be described as the perception people have on their own body and the feelings they experience as a result of that perception.

6 How to improve you body image and self esteem -Treat your body with respect and love. -See that there is beauty and strength in all bodies. -Wear clothes you enjoy and feel comfortable in. -Experience the joy of moving your body freely. -Find physical activities you love doing, for example, dancing, gardening, walking or sports. -Stand tall: watch your posture. -Be patient. Healing your relationship with your body takes time.

7 How to be health and have a good lifestyle Young people should be encouraged to; -Eat a variety of foods. -Eat regular food and snacks. -Eat food they like, and when they like. -Plan meals ahead of time.

8 Body mass index Body mass index (BMI) is used to estimate your total amount of body fat. It is calculated by dividing your weight in kilograms by your height in metres squared. Differences in BMI between people of the same age and gender are usually due to body fat. However there are exceptions to this rule, which means the BMI is not accurate. The BMI will over estimate the amount of body fat for: -Body builders -Some high performance athletes -Pregnant women the BMI will under estimate the amount of body fat for: -The elderly -People with a physical disability -People that have an eating disorder like anorexia nervosa

9 BMI chart

10 Healthy weight loss To maintain a stable weight, your energy intake needs to equal the energy you use. If you use more energy than you consume, you will lose weight. On the other hand, if you eat more than you use, you will gain weight. a healthy weight loss; -Skipping meals is not recommended as the next time you eat you are more likely to eat more. -Eat a wide range of food from all food groups. -Have six small meals a day instead of three large ones. -Reduce the food intake of foods with a high in fat, salt and sugar. -try to balance and extra food with an extra exercise. The more energy you burn, the more treats you can afford to have. -Exercise is important in weight loss as it prevents muscle loss and also keep you metabolism high.

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