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St. George and St. Teresa Catholic Primary School

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1 St. George and St. Teresa Catholic Primary School
Year 2 Parents’ Meeting September 2017

2 We are settling in really well!

3 Exploring habitats

4 What is Jigsaw? A whole school programme, which comprises
A comprehensive and completely original scheme of work for primary schools, F1/2 to Year 6 PSHE (Personal, Social, and Health Education), emotional literacy, social skills, and spiritual development (SMSC) Explain briefly about the overview of Jigsaw.

5 A detailed weekly lesson plan for all year groups, including all teaching resources
The Jigsaw Approach, underpinned by mindfulness Assemblies, Jigsaw Friends, Jigsaw Chimes, original music and songs, assessment opportunities

6 What does Jigsaw cover? Relationships education
Body image and relationships with food Influences including technology and social networking Bullying Personal safety and safeguarding Diversity Global citizenship Financial awareness and enterprise This slide highlights the key elements of Jigsaw and the contents. Emphasise that everything is taught in an age- and stage-appropriate way, responding to children’s needs. You might like to highlight the assessment here that begins in the second Puzzle: Celebrating Difference

7 What does Jigsaw cover? Spiritual, Moral, Social, Cultural Development
Emotional Literacy Social skills Comprehensive Assessment Mindfulness

8 The Jigsaw Puzzles (units)
Being Me In My World Celebrating Difference Dreams and Goals Healthy Me Relationships Explain how the Puzzles starts in September and finish in July, which helps to show progression. We have seen success in schools that have timetabled Jigsaw lessons at same time (e.g. all classes doing Jigsaw on Tuesday afternoons). This is helpful for monitoring, inter-class work, celebrations, etc. Give an overview of each Puzzle. Being Me In My World: A sense of belonging; Welcoming others; Building the positive and nurturing ethos of the class/school; Being part of a school community, a wider community, a global community; Rights (UNCRC) and responsibilities; Working and socialising with others; School Council and pupil voice; The Learning Charter: rights, responsibilities, rewards and consequences. Celebrating Difference: Similarities and differences – diversity; Appearance, disability, racism, power, friendships, conflict; Accepting everyone’s right to ‘difference’, regardless of their circumstances or choices; What is ‘normal’?; Bullying – what it is and what it isn’t, including cyber and homophobic bullying. Dreams and Goals: Hopes and dreams; Goals to success; Learning and personal strengths; Challenges – team work skills and tasks; Overcoming obstacles; Enterprise and fundraising; Experiencing and managing feelings of pride, ambition, disappointment, success; Aspirations – jobs and careers; Dreams and goals of others in different cultures/countries; Dreams for the world . Healthy Me: Emotional health (Relaxation, being safe, friendships, mental health skills, body image, relationships with food, managing stress) and Physical health (Eating a balanced diet, physical activity, rest and relaxation, keeping clean, drugs and alcohol, being safe, first aid). Relationships: Families; Friendships; Love and Loss; Memories; Grief cycle; Pets and animals; Safeguarding and keeping safe; Attraction; Assertiveness; Conflict; Own strengths and self-esteem; Cyber safety and social networking; Roles and responsibilities in families; Stereotypes; Communities; Wider communities Changing Me: Life cycles; How babies are made; My changing body; Puberty; How babies grow; Growing from young to old; Becoming a teenager; Assertiveness; Self-respect; Safeguarding; Family stereotypes; Self and body image; Attraction; Change; Accepting change; Looking ahead; Moving/transition to secondary. Trainers: ask people to look through Jigsaw folder with you from this slide on. Walk through whichever Puzzle they are about to start. It might be a good idea to start with a Puzzle with assessment included.

9 Our Class Timetable Maths RE- Corporate Worship Break
English – R W Inc / Guided Reading Reading books. Two a week Due in on Mondays.- please remember to sign. P.E./Games every Monday and Thursday Library every other week-Book reviews Other subjects will be delivered in the afternoons with some subjects blocked ie Art and D&T

10 Curriculum overview Letters sent home (last week) School web site.
Prepare children– research - conversations - raise interest, support and enhance learning



13 English Grammar & Punctuation
Use the correct vocabulary Regular plural noun suffixes –s or –es (for example, dog, dogs; wish, wishes). Prefix – ‘un’ and how it changes the meaning of verbs and adjectives such as kind/ unkind. Punctuation – capital letters, full stops, question marks, exclamation marks. Writing in sentences, joining words and joining clauses using ‘and’. Connectives to join sentences as well as using ‘and’ words such as then, but, after, next, so

14 English English will continue to be delivered in targeted groups.
The children will continually revisit phonemes (what we hear) and graphemes (what we see) alongside punctuation and grammar. Spelling rules/patterns may be repeated. It is important that children not only learn spellings for the test but apply them in writing across the curriculum. We will use Oxford Owl spelling.

15 I have high expectations for the quality and quantity of writing produced. Children become more independent when composing their writing. Give them as many real opportunities to write for a real purpose. Children must use a pencil only. (Not biro)

16 Reading Please ensure your child reads for at least 10mins per day and regularly discusses the content of their reading with you with reference to the text. This must be recorded in your child’s Home School Diary. Reading books and Home School Diary should be kept in your child’s bag and brought into school every day. We will give the children two books a week. Please give your child the chance to re-read the text this will help with fluency and comprehension. Our school reading scheme should only be the tip of the iceberg. Reading ‘real books’ and being read to are vital to your child’s progress in reading. It is not about speed reading or ‘barking at print’. Comprehension, inference and proving it are key elements of Year 2.

17 Maths We will be following a new scheme of work this year based on the Shanghai methodology of teaching. At first, it may seem like a slower pace compared to older siblings, but it has been proven to give the children a greater depth of understanding in the long run. Number and place value Addition and subtraction Multiplication and Division Fractions Measurement Geometry- properties of shapes Geometry- position and direction Statistics See Home School Diary for further guidance on Maths At home, make Maths fun, practical and part of the day-to-day routine ie. Discuss the time, money, mental calculations in the car etc. Encourage your child to tell the time using an analogue clock. They may wear a watch to school and I would strongly advise you to support this as it will be greatly beneficial.

18 Equipment Preparation is key and if children do not have the appropriate equipment they may become upset. Home School Diary . Ask your child to inform me if there is a note in their diary. Your child will be provided with a long ruler and shown how to use it for measuring and underlining. It would be beneficial if your child practised this at home. I do not encourage the use of rubber s as I like to see where children have corrected their work. It shows reflectiveness. It would be useful for your child to have a small pencil case with their own sharpener, whiteboard pen, pencil crayons, rubber and glue stick. (not felt pens). All children need an art shirt (Old shirt/ top/ apron) (labelled). PE/ Games kit in one bag. Wet play activity- colouring book, Top Trumps… Do not let your child bring in items other than these As they may get lost or broken.

19 P.E. Kit Games Kit: Rugby top Dark blue shorts Blue long socks
Tracksuit (Optional) Trainers (Outdoor), Pumps (Indoor) P.E. Kit: White top Royal blue shorts White socks Please ensure all items are clearly named. Lost property!

20 Snacks Children in KS1 will be provided with fresh fruit every day.
Please ensure that your child has a named water bottle in school every day. Water only for drinking. If you wish for your child to have milk please speak to the office.

21 Home School Diary Please ensure that you record the title and comments about your child’s reading book and sign when you have listened to them read. Write children’s targets in. These can be found in their last school report. For subject guidance on Maths and English please refer to relevant section in the Diary.

22 Homework ______________________ Continue to read a variety of texts
At the end of each half term, your child may be provided with a variety of activities to be completed over the holiday i.e. comprehension, writing task, handwriting or a mini project If we feel your child would benefit from extra activities at home, we will discuss this with you. Literacy book for spellings. Will stay in school. Readin

23 Assessments in English and Maths
Around May time- Phonics test Reading task Reading test Writing tasks Spelling test Maths test Mental Maths Science We will not inform parents or children of dates. Keep routine as normal as possible. Will be done in the classroom Reading task: reading to the teacher, looking for fluency expression and comprehension Reading test: L2 and L3 Comprehension reading and answering questions. Writing tasks: cannot disclose what they are. They will be graded on sentence structure, composition of the whole text and handwriting.

24 Any Questions? Tea and coffee Leave through the playground

25 W / KiVa / Parent Resources / Parents St G and T

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