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Unit 3: Lower leg, foot, ankle

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1 Unit 3: Lower leg, foot, ankle

2 Lower leg/ankle

3 Anatomy Tibia Fibula Talus Calcaneus Weight bearing bone of lower leg
Heel bone

4 Articulations Inferior tibiofibular joint
Talocrural joint (ankle joint) Subtalar joint

5 Ligaments Lateral ligaments Medial Anterior talofibular
Posterior talofibular Calcaneofibular Medial Deltoid



8 Muscles (4 compartments)
Anterior Tibialis anterior Extensor hallucis longus Extensor digitorum longus Peroneal (fibularis) tertius Lateral Peroneal (fibularis) longus Peroneal (fibularis) brevis Superficial posterior Gastroc Soleus Plantaris Deep posterior Popliteus Flexor hallucis longus Flexor digitorum longus Tibialis posterior


10 Anterior Muscle Action Tibialis anterior Dorisflex and inverts foot
Extensor hallicus longus Dorsiflex and inverts foot; extends great toe Extensor digitorum longus Dorsiflex and everts foot; extends the toes Peroneus (fibularis) teritus Dorsiflex and everts foot

11 Lateral Muscles Actions Peroneus (fibularis) longus
Plantar flexes and everts foot Peroneus (fibularis) brevis Plantar flexes and everts the foot

12 Superficial posterior
Muscles Actions Gastrocnemius Flexes the leg and plantarflexes the foot Soleus Plantarflexes the foot Plantaris Flexes the leg; plantarflexes the foot

13 Deep posterior Muscles Actions Popliteus
Flexes and rotates the leg medially Flexor hallicus longus Plantar flexes and inverts the foot; flexes great toe Flexor digitorum longus Plantarflexes and inverts the foot; flexes the toes Tibialis posterior Plantarflexes and inverts the foot

14 Evaluation-History Distinguish between overuse vs. acute
Acute- sudden onset Overuse- develops over time What irritates it more? Intensity, activity, sport, terrain What kind of surface do they play on? How long has it been bothering them and how did it happen?

15 Evaluation- Observation
Gait analysis – how they walk Foot type Arches, forefoot position, rearfoot position Weight bearing vs. non-weight bearing alignment

16 Evaluation- Palpation
Bony landmarks Tibia, fibula, malleolus’, calcaneus, talus, navicular, cuboid, cuneiforms, metatarsals, styloid process of the 5th, metatarsal heads Plantar fascia Ligaments- ATF, CF, PTF, deltoid Muscles – anterior tibialis, gastroc, soleus, peroneals, extensor tendons, Achilles tendon

17 Evaluation- Special Tests
Muscle testing Extensor digitorm longus Extensor hallicus longus Flexor digitorum longus Flexor hallicus longus Tibialis anterior Tibialis posterior Peroneals Gastrocnemius Soleus

18 Evaluation- Special tests
What it tests for… Video Anterior drawer ATF Posterior drawer PTF Compression test Fracture Bump test Thompson test Achilles Talar tilt (inversion) CF (eversion) deltoid

19 Ankle injuries Lateral ankle sprain Medial ankle sprain
Syndesmotic (high) ankle sprain Achilles tendinitis Medial tibial stress syndrome Compartment syndrome

20 Ankle injuries Lateral ankle sprain Ligaments involved: CF, ATF, PTF
MOI: Inversion Signs and symptoms: Painful pop on lateral side of ankle Bruising Instability Swelling Weakness Treatment: RICE/crutches if unable to walk Rehab

21 Ankle injuries Medial ankle sprain Ligaments involved: deltoid
MOI: eversion Signs and symptoms: Painful pop on medial side of ankle Bruising Instability Swelling Weakness Treatment: RICE/crutches if unable to walk Rehab

22 Ankle injuries Sydesmotic Sprain (high) MOI: forced dorsiflexion
Typically happen in conjunction with lateral or medial ankle sprain Signs and symptoms: Severe pain Loss of function Pain with passive ER and dorsiflexion Treatment: Take longer to heal Immobilization RICE rehab

23 Ankle injuries Achilles tendinitis Inflammation of the Achilles tendon
MOI: repetitive weight-bearing activities; duration and intensity of activity is increased too quickly with insufficient recovery time; overuse injury Signs and symptoms: Generalized pain and stiffness in Achilles Uphill running and hill workouts Crepitus in tendon Treatment: Proper shoe ware Decrease activity and proper training Modalities Massage

24 Ankle injuries Medial tibial stress syndrome (MTSS) Shin splints
MOI: repetitive microtrauma due to running and jumping activities Weakness of leg muscles Shoes Training errors (on hard surfaces) Signs and symptoms: pain in medial leg Treatment: stretching, strengthening program, change in shoes and training, ice, modalities

25 Ankle injuries Compartment syndrome
MOI: increased pressure within one of the compartments of the lower leg and causes compression in the muscles and neurovascular structures Signs and symptoms: Deep aching pain Tightness and swelling Pain with passive stretching Reduced circulation and sensory changes Treatment: Ice and elevation, stretching Refer to doctor

26 Rehab

27 Foot

28 Anatomy Toes (phalanges)
First toe- hallux Metatarsals – 5 bones between the phalanges and tarsal bones Tarsal bones Calcaneus (heel bone) Talus Cuboid Navicular Cuneiforms – first, second, and third


30 Arches of the foot Metatarsal arch Transverse arch
Medial longitudinal arch Lateral longitudinal arch Plantar fascia- band of fibrous tissue along the bottom of the foot

31 Articulations Interphalangeal (IP) joint
Metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint Intermetatarsal joint Tarsometatarsal Joint (Lizfranc) Subtalar joint Midtarsal joint


33 Muscles and movements Dorsiflexion Plantarflexion Tibialis anterior
Extensor digitorum longus Extensor hallicus longus Peroneus teritus Plantarflexion Gastrocnemius Soleus Plantaris Peroneus longus and brevis Tibialis posterior FHL FDL

34 Muscles and movements Inversion, adduction, and supination
“Tom, Dick, and Harry” Tibialis posterior Flexor digitorum longus Flexor hallicus longus Eversion, abduction, and pronation Peroneus longus Peroneus brevis Peroneus tertius EDL


36 Evaluation- History

37 Evaluation- Observation

38 Evaluation- Palpation

39 Evaluation- Special Tests

40 Foot injuries Jone’s Fracture March fracture Calcaneus fracture
Metatarsalgia Turf toe Lizfranc injury

41 Foot deformities/injuries
Pes planus – flat foot Pes cavus – high arch Plantar fascitis Jones fracture – fx at base of 5th metatarsal Turf toe (great toe hyperextension)

42 Rehab In small groups come up with a 3 day ankle/lower leg rehab program Show progression through the program Pick one of these injuries: Shin splints Ankle sprain Turf toe Achilles tendinitis

43 Rehab Examples of beneficial exercises for lower leg/ankle/foot…
Balance on dynadisc/foam pads SL hops Calf raises 4 way ankle exercises Towel scrunches Heel walks Toe walks

44 So how does walking work?

45 Gait cycle

46 Let’s walk it out… Looking for… Pronation Supination Toe out/in

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