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ANKLE INJURIES Sports Medicine Ankle Sprain Evaluation.

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1 ANKLE INJURIES Sports Medicine Ankle Sprain Evaluation

2 Sprains/Strains Sprains 1st, 2nd, 3rd degree
Stretch or tear to a ligament Ligaments connect bone to bone Strains 1st, 2nd, 3rd degree Stretch or tear to a muscle or tendon 1st degree- stretched but not torn 2nd degree- torn but still intact 3rd degree- Ruptured or completely torn

3 ANKLE INJURIES Ankle Sprain Evaluation
Sports Medicine Ankle Sprain Evaluation First Degree ankle sprain usually occurs to the anterior talofibular ligament usually takes the athlete 2-4 days (+/-) before returning to play.

4 ANKLE INJURIES Sports Medicine Ankle Sprain Evaluation First Degree

5 ANKLE INJURIES Ankle Sprain Evaluation
Sports Medicine Ankle Sprain Evaluation Second Degree ankle sprain usually occurs to the anterior talofibular, posterior talofibular and calcaneofibular ligaments usually takes the athlete 7-10 days (+/-) before returning to play.

6 ANKLE INJURIES Sports Medicine Ankle Sprain Evaluation Second Degree

7 ANKLE INJURIES Ankle Sprain Evaluation
Sports Medicine Ankle Sprain Evaluation Third Degree ankle sprain usually occurs to the anterior talofibular, posterior talofibular, calcaneofibular ligaments,and deltoid ligament usually takes the athlete 4-6 weeks (+/-) before returning to play.

8 ANKLE INJURIES Sports Medicine Ankle Sprain Evaluation Third Degree

9 ANKLE INJURIES Ankle Sprain Evaluation
Sports Medicine Ankle Sprain Evaluation Syndesmotic or “high” ankle sprain occurs to the anterior tibiofibular, posterior tibiofibular ligament and usually takes the athlete 4 weeks (+/-) before returning to play.

10 ANKLE INJURIES Ankle Sprain Evaluation Syndesmotic or “High”
Sports Medicine Ankle Sprain Evaluation Syndesmotic or “High”

11 ANKLE INJURIES Ankle Sprain Evaluation Syndesmotic or “High”
Sports Medicine Ankle Sprain Evaluation Syndesmotic or “High”

12 ANKLE INJURIES Ankle Sprain Evaluation Inversion Ankle Sprain MOI
Sports Medicine Ankle Sprain Evaluation Inversion Ankle Sprain MOI Inversion ankle sprains usually result from traumatic inversion or inversion plantar flexion.


14 ANKLE INJURIES Inversion Ankle Sprain Signs/Symptoms
Sports Medicine Inversion Ankle Sprain Signs/Symptoms Observation- Swelling, discoloration, decrease in motor function (ROM).

15 ANKLE INJURIES Inversion Ankle Sprain Signs/Symptoms
Sports Medicine Inversion Ankle Sprain Signs/Symptoms Palpation- Athlete will exhibit pain and point tenderness on the ATF, PTF, and/or CF depending upon severity.

16 ANKLE INJURIES Inversion Ankle Sprain Signs/Symptoms Stress
Sports Medicine Inversion Ankle Sprain Signs/Symptoms Stress Anterior drawer test: This test is used to evaluate injury to the ATF. This test is performed by first stabilizing the tibia and calcaneus. The tibia is then pushed posterior as the calcaneus is pulled anteriorly. A positive test is indicated if the talus slides forward from under the tibia.

17 ANKLE INJURIES Inversion Ankle Sprain Signs/Symptoms Stress
Sports Medicine Inversion Ankle Sprain Signs/Symptoms Stress Anterior drawer test:

18 ANKLE INJURIES Inversion Ankle Sprain Signs/Symptoms Stress
Sports Medicine Inversion Ankle Sprain Signs/Symptoms Stress Talar tilt test: This test is used to evaluate injury to the ATF, PTF, and CF ligaments. This test is performed by positioning the ankle at 90 degrees. While stabilizing the lower leg the calcaneus is then inverted.

19 ANKLE INJURIES Inversion Ankle Sprain Signs/Symptoms Stress
Sports Medicine Inversion Ankle Sprain Signs/Symptoms Stress Talar tilt test:

20 ANKLE INJURIES Inversion Ankle Sprain AIM
Sports Medicine Inversion Ankle Sprain AIM Rest, ice, compression, elevation. Horse Shoe, compression sleeve/sock The athlete is progressed according to clinical and functional symptoms exhibited. Rehab Strengthen (How?) Proprioception (How?)

21 ANKLE INJURIES Eversion Ankle Sprain MOI
Sports Medicine Eversion Ankle Sprain MOI Eversion ankle sprains usually result from an eversion MOI and represent only percent of all ankle sprains. Eversion ankle sprains are typically more severe than there inversion counterparts.

22 ANKLE INJURIES Sports Medicine Eversion Ankle Sprain MOI

23 ANKLE INJURIES Eversion Ankle Sprain Signs/Symptoms
Sports Medicine Eversion Ankle Sprain Signs/Symptoms Observation- Swelling, discoloration, decrease in motor function (ROM).

24 ANKLE INJURIES Eversion Ankle Sprain Signs/Symptoms
Palpation- Athlete will exhibit pain and point tenderness on the deltoid ligament.

25 ANKLE INJURIES Eversion Ankle Sprain Signs/Symptoms
Sports Medicine Eversion Ankle Sprain Signs/Symptoms Stress- Ankle eversion test: This test is used to evaluate injury to the deltoid ligament. This test is performed by positioning the ankle at 90 degrees. While stabilizing the lower leg the calcaneus is then everted.

26 ANKLE INJURIES Eversion Ankle Sprain Signs/Symptoms
Sports Medicine Eversion Ankle Sprain Signs/Symptoms Stress- Ankle eversion test:

27 ANKLE INJURIES Eversion Ankle Sprain AIM
Sports Medicine Eversion Ankle Sprain AIM Rest, ice, compression, elevation. Horseshoe, compression sleeve/sock The athlete is progressed according to clinical and functional symptoms exhibited. Rehab Strengthening (How?) Proprioception (How?)

28 ANKLE INJURIES Syndesmotic Ankle Sprain (“High” Ankle Sprain) MOI
Sports Medicine Syndesmotic Ankle Sprain (“High” Ankle Sprain) MOI Syndesmotic ankle sprains occur to the distal tibiofibular joint and involve the anterior and/or posterior tibiofibular ligaments. Syndesmotic ankle sprains usually result from an external rotation or forced dorsiflexion MOI and are often injured in conjunction with inversion and/or eversion sprains.

29 ANKLE INJURIES Syndesmotic Ankle Sprain (“High” Ankle Sprain) MOI
Sports Medicine Syndesmotic Ankle Sprain (“High” Ankle Sprain) MOI

30 ANKLE INJURIES Syndesmotic Ankle Sprain (“High” Ankle Sprain)
Sports Medicine Syndesmotic Ankle Sprain (“High” Ankle Sprain)

31 ANKLE INJURIES Syndesmotic Ankle Sprain (“High” Ankle Sprain)
Sports Medicine Syndesmotic Ankle Sprain (“High” Ankle Sprain) Signs/Symptoms Observation- Swelling, discoloration, decrease in motor function (ROM). Athlete is unable to bear weight.

32 ANKLE INJURIES Syndesmotic Ankle Sprain (“High” Ankle Sprain)
Sports Medicine Syndesmotic Ankle Sprain (“High” Ankle Sprain) Signs/Symptoms Palpation- Athlete will exhibit severe pain, point tenderness, and loss of function at the tibiofibular ligaments.

33 ANKLE INJURIES Syndesmotic Ankle Sprain (“High” Ankle Sprain)
Sports Medicine Syndesmotic Ankle Sprain (“High” Ankle Sprain) Signs/Symptoms Stress- The ankle is passively externally rotated and/or dorsiflexed.

34 ANKLE INJURIES Syndesmotic Ankle Sprain (“High” Ankle Sprain) AIM
Sports Medicine Syndesmotic Ankle Sprain (“High” Ankle Sprain) AIM Rest, ice, compression, elevation . The athlete is progressed according to clinical and functional symptoms exhibited. Rehab Strengthening (How?) Proprioception (How?)

35 ANKLE INJURIES Sports Medicine Ankle/Lower Leg Fractures

36 ANKLE INJURIES Sports Medicine Ankle/Lower Leg Fractures

37 ANKLE INJURIES Sports Medicine Ankle/Lower Leg Fractures

38 ANKLE INJURIES Sports Medicine Ankle/Lower Leg Fractures

39 ANKLE INJURIES Special Tests for Bony Integrity (Fracture)
Sports Medicine Special Tests for Bony Integrity (Fracture) Squeeze Test

40 ANKLE INJURIES Special Tests for Bony Integrity (Fracture)
Sports Medicine Special Tests for Bony Integrity (Fracture) Heel Tap (Percussion)

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