Knowledge for healthcare: Open Access in the NHS

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1 Knowledge for healthcare: Open Access in the NHS
Richard Osborn London Strategic Lead for Library Services & eLearning

2 Knowledge for Healthcare
Full framework and a short briefing are available at: @NHS_HealthEdEng #HEELKS

3 An ambitious vision Note the inclusion of patients and the public – a much wider scope than NHS library and knowledge services have traditionally covered. @NHS_HealthEdEng #HEELKS

4 Knowledge for Healthcare Programme
Four workstreams: Workforce Planning and Development Service Transformation Quality and Impact Resource Discovery plus some other areas of work, e.g. funding, return on investment, copyright etc… @NHS_HealthEdEng #HEELKS

5 Resource Discovery 5 strands to this workstream:
Collaborative procurement Knowledge Hub Authentication Discovery Service for the future Open access publishing & repositories “Quick and easy access to the widest possible range of resources” is the aim of the resource discovery workstream @NHS_HealthEdEng #HEELKS

6 Open Access content Open access content from over 2,000 additional titles has been made more easily discoverable, by adding titles to the NHS Link Resolver – from publishers such as Wiley, Biomed Central and Elsevier NICE plan to build on this collection in the future @NHS_HealthEdEng #HEELKS

7 Open Access publishing
National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) is leading the way. @NHS_HealthEdEng #HEELKS


9 Open Access publishing
There is a commitment in Knowledge for Healthcare to encourage open access publishing more widely across the NHS Open Access Task and Finish Group plans to produce guidance for NHS organisations and staff Key question – where will the funding for article processing charges come from ? Will funding need to be diverted from content budgets ? @NHS_HealthEdEng #HEELKS

10 Scoping existing landscape of repositories across the NHS
Very few NHS organisations have repositories: Tavistock & Portman NHS Foundation Trust The Christie NHS Foundation Trust Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Royal Devon & Exeter NHS Foundation Trust Ashford & St Peter’s Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust plus other staff publications databases @NHS_HealthEdEng #HEELKS






16 Collaboration with HE partners
UCLP (UCL Partners) Open Access is a new service, making research publications from UCLP Trusts freely available online Pilot at Royal Free in 2015; rolling out to six more Trusts during 2016 Is this a potential way forward for other areas of the country – a collaboration between Trusts and HEIs, co-ordinated by an Academic Health Science Network ? More details available from Video available at: @NHS_HealthEdEng #HEELKS


18 NHS Open Access Repository ?
Should the idea of a single repository for the NHS in England be pursued ? Or should individual Trust initiatives be encouraged, alongside collaborative ventures ? Different repositories could be signposted from the proposed Knowledge Hub in due course @NHS_HealthEdEng #HEELKS

19 NHS Digital Content Store
An initiative at a very early stage of discussions. HEE, NICE and PHE working in collaboration with BL and CLA. This would build on the work currently taking place across the HEI sector – to create a digital content store of recommended reading, key publications etc.. CLA Copyright Licence for NHS in England includes allocation of 9,000 copyright fee paid articles per year. These will be the initial focus for the proposed digital content store However, this does have the potential to become an open access repository for the NHS in England, complementing existing initiatives @NHS_HealthEdEng #HEELKS

20 HEE LKSL Lead on Resource Discovery and NICE Liaison
Questions Richard Osborn HEE LKSL Lead on Resource Discovery and NICE Liaison @NHS_HealthEdEng #HEELKS

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