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Teacher Talk Discoverers III 2nd grade Ms. O’Boyle

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Presentation on theme: "Teacher Talk Discoverers III 2nd grade Ms. O’Boyle"— Presentation transcript:

1 Teacher Talk Discoverers III 2nd grade Ms. O’Boyle
Fill out the “my child’s favorites” form on your child’s desk. Open the paper to compare their responses & write a note back to them!

2 About Ms. O’Boyle I grew up in Cornelius, NC.
I graduated from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte with a B.A. in Elementary Education. My hobbies include reading, swimming, and spending time with family and friends. My dog Kooper is 3 and a half. He’s an Australian Cattle/ Lab mix and has insane amounts of energy!

3 Daily Schedule (am) Time Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday 7:55-8:10
Wednesday Thursday Friday 7:55-8:10 Arrival 8:15-9:05 Math Chinese Art Spanish 9:10-10:00 ELA-W 10:05-10:55 Music 11:00-11:20 SEL Time 11:20-11:45 Lunch

4 Unpacking to Prepare for the Day

5 Daily Schedule (pm) 11:45-12:15 Recess ELA-R 12:15-1:05 Music
Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 11:45-12:15 Recess ELA-R 11:45-12:35 12:15-1:05 Music 12:40-1:05 1:10-2:00 Sci/ S.S. ELA -R Math 2:05-2:55 P.E. 3:00-3:20 Dismissal

6 Art with Mrs. Tans

7 Enrichment Schedule Monday – Art & P.E. (closed toe shoes)
Tuesday – Chinese & Music Wednesday – Art & Spanish Thursday – Chinese & Music Friday – Spanish & PE(closed toe shoes)

8 Chinese Enrichment

9 By Friday your child will have completed all 6 centers:
Reading 6 Each day begins with a reading skill or strategy mini lesson. Then students will complete 2 self-directed and independently centers per day. Guided reading teacher led group includes: comprehension, vocabulary, skill, strategy & fluency development. By Friday your child will have completed all 6 centers: Read to Self Work on Writing Read to Someone Word Work Listen to Reading Technology

10 Read to Someone

11 Read to Self

12 By Friday your child will have completed all 6 centers:
Writing 6 Each day begins with a writing skill or strategy mini lesson. Then students will complete 2 self-directed and independently centers per day. All About Spelling and word study Cursive handwriting Grammar for grades 1-3 Building vocabulary By Friday your child will have completed all 6 centers: Write to Self Word Work Write to Someone Spelling Work on Writing Technology

13 2 Stars & A Wish Writing

14 Word Work (Spelling)

15 Math Schedule outline:
whole group mini lesson practice in small groups or partnerships with textbooks independent practice in workbook Supplement with extension projects, choice menus, and center work Focus on introducing multiple ways to solve problems and vocabulary Encourage math games, word problems, real life practice

16 Small Group Math Practice

17 Individual Math Practice

18 Social Studies Regions of the US Entrepreneurship Ancient China
Using an online teach guide, Teach TCI Traditional SS standards based on Common Core, 3rd grade Entrepreneurship Night of the Notables, March Ancient China Beginning a civilization Life, writing, religion, technology Study an aspect of China

19 Recess

20 Social Emotional Learning
Process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions. Self-awareness, Self-management, Social awareness, Relationship skills, Responsible decision making

21 SEL at Scholars SEL committee made up of teachers & staff who will work to develop and measure the program over the next few years. Future goals include: specific needs of gifted students and SEL, parent participation, surrounding Charlotte community involvement SEL resources will be shared through our community. We will also have a parent session in the fall

22 Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
20 minutes every day character lessons, games, songs Whole school meeting on Mondays Second Step Program making friends, managing emotions, and solving problems Access Home Links via class website

23 Explore Science!- Hands-on learning and discovery
Discovery Education Teach TCI Insects and Life Cycle Space

24 Brain Breaks

25 Parent Expectations Sign your child’s agenda/ planner DAILY. Review their behavior color & see HW assignments. Please also check your child’s take home folder DAILY. It is the responsibility of the child to bring home HW and return it to school as assigned. -Please also check your child’s planner for spelling words of the week. Newsletters will be sent via on Fridays.

26 Grading Rubric Academic
4- Exceeds mastery of the standard(s) by going above and beyond what was explicitly taught for the standard(s) 3+-Consistently demonstrates mastery of the standard(s) taught without major omissions, errors, or misconceptions and is approaching the ability to exceed mastery of the standard(s) by going above and beyond what was explicitly taught for the standard(s) 3- Demonstrates mastery of the standard(s) taught without major omissions, errors, or misconceptions. 2+-Is approaching the demonstration of mastery of the standard(s) taught without major omissions, errors, or misconceptions 2- Developing understanding of standard(s) taught with major omissions, errors, or misconceptions. 1+-Is approaching the development of understanding of standard(s) taught with major omissions, errors, or misconceptions. 1- Unsatisfactory understanding of basic ideas or processes of the standard(s) taught.  

27 Grading Rubric Behavior
4- Demonstrates leadership through integrity, civility, and responsibility while upholding school and classroom rules. 3- Consistently exhibits integrity, civility, and responsibility and upholds school and classroom rules. 2- Inconsistently exhibits integrity, civility, and responsibility and inconsistently upholds school and classroom rules. 1- Rarely exhibits integrity, civility, and responsibility without upholding school and classroom rules.

28 Grading Rubric Effort Homework
4- Exceeds mastery of active classroom participation, on-task behavior, and self-motivation by going above and beyond what was explicitly expected. 3- Consistently demonstrates mastery of active classroom participation, on-task behavior, and self-motivation. 2- Inconsistently demonstrates mastery of active classroom participation, on-task behavior, and self-motivation. 1- Rarely demonstrates mastery of active classroom participation, on-task behavior, and self-motivation. Homework 4- Seeks additional opportunities to expand his/her learning beyond what was explicitly assigned. 3- Consistently turns homework in on time and completes it to the best of his/her ability. 2- Inconsistently turns homework in on time and completes it to the best of his/her ability 1- Rarely turns homework in on time and completes it to the best of his/her ability

29 Home Learning Reading – 20 or more minutes nightly and at least once per weekend Weekly TFK assignment- sent on Friday due the following Friday Spelling practice Math fact practice

30 Want to Volunteer? Background Check MUST be completed There will be a fee associated with this check; the price is dependent upon the number of states you've live in during the past 10 years.  Ms. Pantuso will contact you with additional information/pricing once we receive your form. We would love help in the classroom, field trips, celebrations, donations Sign Up Genius will be used for any at home assistance/ wish list items

31 Behavior Clip Chart Technology forms Library form Flex time Tardy
Miscellaneous Behavior Clip Chart Technology forms Library form Flex time Tardy

32 Links Scholastic Book Club Ziggedy Seesaw Birthday Bundles
PTO Membership Lunch Orders Extended Care

33 Thank you for coming to Teacher Talk
Thank you for coming to Teacher Talk! We are looking forward to an exciting year together!

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