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First Grade Policies and Procedures

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1 First Grade Policies and Procedures 2016-2017
The s of First Grade First Grade Policies and Procedures

2 Attendance Good attendance is extremely important to obtain an excellent education. Illness and emergencies do occur and must be reported to the office. If your child will be absent from school, please call the office at If you are aware ahead of time that your child will be absent you may send a note. Tardiness can also impact your child’s education. We start as soon as the bell rings! Announcements begin at 7:38am and instruction begins promptly at 7:45am.

3 Behavior Inside the front cover of your child’s green take-home folder is a behavior log. The student’s are responsible for coloring in their log each night. Please initial EVERY night so you are aware of your child’s behavior for that day. Each day your child will begin on green (ready to learn). The first time a rule is broken, the child will move their color to yellow (5 minute time-out from recess). The second time a rule is broken your child will move their color to red (no recess). Your child also has the opportunity to move their color UP to blue if they are doing a great job or purple if they have an outstanding day!

4 Curriculum Reading and Language Arts - Storytown
Mathematics – Everyday Math Science & Social Studies will be incorporated through Reading and Math. Spanish, Art, Music, Physical Education, Technology & Library

5 Differentiated Instruction
In order to provide the best possible instruction to each child… Not all children will be on the same page, in the same book, at the same time.

6 Entering the Classroom/Leaving the Classroom
The following is the procedure for entering the classroom each day: Hang up your coat and book bag. Bring in your take – home folder and reading book. Put your folder in the white bin on top of the mailboxes and put any notes or lunch money in the bin on the white board. Go to your seat and quietly complete your morning work. The following is the procedure for leaving the classroom each day: When your table is called get your mail and your folder. Go back to your seat and put your mail INTO the folder. Fill in your behavior chart and show it to the teacher. Get your book bag and put your reading book and folder in it. Sit at your table QUIETLY until your bus is called.

7 Field Trips Kindergarten and 1st grade attend fields trip together.
Please check your child’s folder for any notes/permission slips regarding upcoming trips. When sending money for a field trip, please send it in a sealed envelope or zip lock bag with your child’s name on it.

8 Grades In 1st grade students earn letter grades for all subjects.
F = Below 70%

9 Homework Policy Every Friday, students will receive a weekly homework packet. The packet is due the following Friday. Please return the packet in their homework folder. If your child does not turn in their homework they will have to complete it during Fun Friday. It is important that 1st graders read for a minimum of 20 minutes EACH night. This may include practicing their baggy books, shared reading with an adult or older sibling, or reading and decoding good fit books on their own. There will be a reading log in every homework packet. If your child does not turn in their reading log completed, they will have to go to the Reading Room on Fun Friday. Occasionally, a monthly family project will be assigned.

10 Incentives Pizza Hut offers a reading incentive program for students. The program runs from October through March. Look for more information regarding the Book It program in your child’s take-home folder. We also participate in the “Read to Succeed” program through Six Flags. The students can earn Wolf Bucks from any staff member at Illinois School. Once the students have earned 12 Wolf Bucks, they can go shopping at the school store. Other various incentive programs will occur throughout the year and I will keep you up to date regarding them.

11 Just Right Books Studies have shown that those children whose parents are actively involved in the reading process will become the best readers. Reading to your child and listening to them read to you, taking them to the library and providing quality just right books at home is of the highest importance.

12 Keeping Informed Visit our classroom Edline website frequently. The itinerary will let you know what we are learning about each week, and our calendar will keep you up-to-date, reminding you about upcoming projects, due dates, and events. Make sure to read any class newsletters or flyers sent home. We will also correspond through phone calls or s. To view your child’s grades and other important information please log in to Power School.

13 Learning Environment I feel that the best way to help children learn is to make learning fun. Our classroom will be an active environment where all students are expected to engage in the learning process.

14 Menu The district lunch menu is available through the district website: I will also send home monthly a paper copy of the breakfast/lunch menu.

15 NO Cupcake/Junk Food Policy
In 1st grade we highly discourage sending cupcakes for birthday treats or class parties. All treats must be store bought. HEALTHY ALTERNATIVES: Food Items – pretzels, popcorn, rice crispie treats, rice cakes, granola bars, 100 calorie snack bags, animal crackers, graham crackers, baked tortilla chips & salsa, jell-o cups, lowfat string cheese, cheese and crackers Fresh Fruit & Veggies – fresh seasonal fruit and/or veggies, orange or apple wedges, mini carrots with dip Beverages – 100% juice boxes, small bottles of water Other Ideas – stickers, pencils, erasers, bookmarks, rulers, deck of cards.

16 Other Items Parent Teacher Conferences
Conferences are held after 1st and 2nd quarter report cards go home. Look for more information as the dates approach. 1st quarter conferences – November 21st and 22nd 2nd quarter conferences – February 17th Snacks - Please send a healthy snack with your child EVERY DAY. Book Orders Throughout the year, I will be sending home flyers from various book clubs. If you would like to purchase any books, you may order online or send cash/check to school.


18 Questions Please feel free to contact me anytime you have questions. You can do this in a variety of ways: Write a note Send an Mrs. Malone– Mrs. Gloude – Call the school – (708) Make an appointment for a conference.

19 Report Cards Report Cards will be sent home on the following days:
1st quarter – November 4th 2nd quarter – January 27th 3rd quarter – March 31st 4th quarter – June 2nd

20 Supplies A supply list was distributed at registration. You can also get a copy of the supply list from the main office or print one from the Illinois School website. If we begin to run low on Kleenex, paper towels, glue sticks, etc., we will send a note home requesting additional supplies 

21 Tests Mondays Spelling Pretest Fridays
Spelling, High Frequency Words (word wall words), Focus Skill (reading), Comprehension, Grammar Other Assessments Reading Fluency Everyday Math Assessments (upon completion of each unit) Everyday Math Quizzes Rubric-Scored Writing

22 Us Together we can be a powerful team in your child’s education. I look forward to working with you!

23 Visitors and Volunteers
If you have time or talents to share with us, please consider volunteering in our classroom. Our school policy requires all visitors/volunteers to check in at the school office. Visitor Badges are required if you will be in the school hallways or entering a classroom.

24 Websites Everyday Math
Storytown Check our class edline page for information regarding access to the reading series website Matteson School District 162 Additional Websites

25 EXtra Reading with Baggy Books
Students will be bringing home multiple leveled baggy books each week. When the baggy book program begins, children will choose two books to take home and practice for one week. Please have your child keep the books in their book bags so when it is their turn to change books they are able to do so. If any of the baggy books are lost or damaged there will be a small fee to replace the book. Good strategies for your child learning to read these books are: Read the book to your child (point to the words as you read) Have your child retell the story Have your child use the pictures in the book to decode words Have your child practice reading the book, pointing to the words as they read Read the books every night

26 You You are your child’s first and most important teacher.
I hope that we can work together this year to make your child’s 1st grade school year a huge success!

27 Zzzzz… Please make sure your child gets plenty of sleep each night, so that he/she is well rested and ready for the challenges of first grade. It is recommended that 5 and 6 year olds get 10 to 11 hours of sleep a night. This year will ZOOM by, so let’s make the most of it.

28 Thank you for taking the time to read through the ABC’s of 1st Grade
Thank you for taking the time to read through the ABC’s of 1st Grade. Please return this page only signed indicating you have read through the handbook. Child’s Name: ____________________ Parent Signature: _________________

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