LCLS-II ES&H Requirements: Subcontractors

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1 LCLS-II ES&H Requirements: Subcontractors
Jim Healy LCLS-II Project ES&H Representative

2 ES&H Information for Prospective Subcontractors
$ → Comes primarily from DOE (DOE want to be assured money is well spent) Stanford owns contract with DOE (Stanford assure DOE we know what we are doing) SLAC manages contract for Stanford (SLAC assure Stanford we are doing it correctly) Subcontractor works efficiently and safely Flow down requirement to Subcontractors. Maintain vigilance with respect to ESH. + Subcontractor = Partnership LCLS-II Subcontractor expectations

3 ES&H Information for Prospective Subcontractors
What you need to know! All work must be assessed for: ESH impacts (Safety) Regulations (OSHA, CAL-OSHA, 851) DOE Orders, Cal-OSHA, SLAC ES&H manual are fully applied. ES&H Manual web site: ES&H Manual, Ch 42 Subcontractor Construction Safety web sit LCLS-II Subcontractor expectations

4 ES&H Information for Prospective Subcontractors
Applies to Prime (GC) and Subtiers Project Staff Superintendent and/or foreman – demonstrated leader, trained & experienced, committed to quality & safety Safety rep – well versed in construction safety, demonstrated leader Code of Safe Practices; construction All work you perform is addressed; elevated work, demolition, etc. OSHA Recordable Rates (TRC / DART) Should be at or below corresponding BLS rates Moderately above = explain causes/trends, and specific steps taken to correct Workers’ Comp Experience Mod Rate (EMR) Goal is to be below 1.0 Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) Addresses authorities, responsibilities, compliance with safe and healthy work practices for your company. LCLS-II Subcontractor expectations

5 ES&H Information for Prospective Subcontractors
Site Specific Safety Plan (SSSP) Detail of project scope – Identifies: Required training for workers Competent persons Specific plans and permits that will be needed, e.g., emergency plan, demolition plan, traffic plan, electrical work plan, hot work permit, etc. Collaborative process with SLAC Project Manager, Field Construction Manager (FCM), and safety staff (FSR) Must be completed before Notice to Proceed granted by Procurement. LCLS-II Subcontractor expectations

6 ES&H Information for Prospective Subcontractors
All work must be planned, authorized, and released before it may be performed. Work is planned through careful consideration of scope and worker qualification, and hazards ID’d with controls an opportunity for critical thinking applied to what, when and where associated with the work to be done Work is authorized by the superintendent/foreman Ensures workers are properly trained and qualified, and that they understand the specific hazards and controls of their assigned work Ensures plans and permits are approved and available Job Safety Analysis (JSAs) documents authorized work WPC - This process is detailed, thorough, AND when done correctly adds value opportunity for critical thinking LCLS-II Subcontractor expectations

7 ES&H Information for Prospective Subcontractors
Work is released each day at a coordination (tailgate) meeting with review and signature JSA: Job Safety Analysis Construction Tailgate Meeting: Tasks, hazards, controls, new equipment, hold points, what to do if conditions change, etc. discussed & documented with final FCM sign-off Construction Tailgate / Release Form: Sub-tier subcontractor designated representative General/Prime subcontractor designated representative Signed by every worker, superintendent/foreman LCLS-II Subcontractor expectations

8 Field Safety Overview Coordination: SLAC is a operational laboratory. Several subcontractors will be working in close proximity. No impact to SLAC operations. Impacts to other projects shall be minimized; communication & coordination Coordination with SLAC FCM for SLAC Facilities and other organization support and conflict issue resolution is required. Training: SLAC Construction safety orientation training required Badging: All employees must be badged through SLAC Security to work Certifications: Equipment Operators must be certified/licensed Equipment: Equipment must be in good operating condition; inspected daily, documented LCLS-II Subcontractor expectations

9 Field Safety Overview Safety:  A Priority
The Goal is Zero Accidents every day; subcontractors are held responsible and accountable. Work Planning:  Flow down to GC. Written work plans and permits are required for high hazard work, i.e., Demolition, Excavation, Hoisting and rigging, Elevated work, Energy Isolation. SLAC is the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). Quality:  Organization, Management Plan. Quality Assurance plans are required and shall be enforced. Subcontractors are held responsible and accountable. LCLS-II Subcontractor expectations

10 NEXT… What shall be developed next:
BID PACKAGE Include all ESH requirements in the Bid Package. Include all Security requirement: access, badge... SSSP (Site Specific Safety Plan ) To cover specific risks such as: Fluids handling, Pressure Tests, X-Ray. ORGANIZATION Ensure that ESH is fully developed in Org. Chart. ESH rep. to be identified wherever required. LCLS-II Subcontractor expectations

11 Sample logistics and traffic plan
LCLS-II Subcontractor expectations

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