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Marketing Your Message

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1 Marketing Your Message

2 What is Marketing? Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large.  Source:

3 Marketing Mix Marketers use the Marketing Mix as the tactical part of the marketing plan. The marketing mix is the set of controllable tactical marketing tools—product, price, place, and promotion—that the firm blends to produce the response it wants in the target market. Source:

4 Marketing Mix Source:

5 Product Product means the goods-and-services combination the company offers to the target market. Source: National WMU Missions Resource Center: curriculum and age-level branded products New Hope Publishers: trade books WorldCrafts: fair-trade products State WMU organizations Events Camps National WMU products

6 Price Price is the amount the consumer must exchange to receive the offering. Source: Perceived Value is the worth that a product or service has in the mind of the consumer. For the most part, consumers are unaware of the true cost of production for the products they buy; instead, they simply have an internal feeling for how much certain products are worth to them. To obtain a higher price for products, producers may pursue marketing strategies to create a higher perceived value for their products. Source:

7 Place Place is also known as channel, distribution, or intermediary. It is the mechanism through which goods and/or services are moved from the manufacturer/service provider to the user or consumer. Source: Examples: Webstore/site Catalog Event location

8 Promotion Promotion includes all of the activities marketers undertake to inform consumers about their products and to encourage potential customers to buy these products. Sales Advertising Sales promotion Public relations Direct marketing Online communication Personal selling Source:

9 Resources Online graphics:
Website hosting: Video production: Social Media Scheduling:

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