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Researching Catholic teaching from authoritative sources

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1 Researching Catholic teaching from authoritative sources
An interactive Guide

2 We need to find Catholic teaching How do we do it?
Lets us look at the example of trying to find if Catholic believe something. Let us look at the Catholic teaching on Heaven Where do we find Catholic teaching We find it through scripture and tradition E.g. the Bible, The Catechism, The Creeds, The Roman Missal, Liturgy of the Hours, Papal Teaching, Compendium of Social Doctrine, Bishop Conferences Letters/Statements

3 Initial Research This is our starting point – We should start this with a topic sentence. For example – Catholics believe in heaven based of Catholic teaching. This work in Paragraph

4 A Choice Click on the link below to go to the right place
I am doing this research without a device I am doing this research online

5 Research with books

6 Step 1 Get a bible It is better to get a Catholic study bible or on with a concordance. This work in Paragraph

7 Step 2 – Look up the Concordance
This is found at the back of the bible. Search for the word “Hell”

8 Step 3 Look up the reference in the Scripture
1 Cor This is the book reference if you are un sure what book or where to find it look in the contents at the front of the Bible 13: This is the chapter reference. This is the large number on the page. This can also be found on the top right and left hand corners of the page. 12 This is the verse reference. These are the small numbers found on the page. This work in Paragraph

9 Step 4 – Read the Bible verse
Read the verse see if you can make sense of it. This work in Paragraph

10 Step 5 – Read around for meaning
If you are having trouble understanding the verse read around the verse. Try at reading 3 or 4 verse and try and get the context of what you are reading. Keep an eye out for titles.

11 Step 6 – Take notes Write the reference down if it is about what you are looking for and a brief sentence in your own words explaining the verse. This work in Paragraph

12 Verify This is the most important step in research. If we find something in only place it may not be true or correct. We need to ensure that we can back up the point.

13 An Analogy If you work for a company and it is your job to report on accounts to the board. Bob from sales tells you that you have had a bad year. If you go and write your report based on this claim. How could this be a problem? How could you fix this situation?

14 Where can we verify understanding of the Bible?
The Catechism of the Catholic Church The Creeds The Roman Missal Liturgy of the Hours Papal Teaching Compendium of Social Doctrine Bishop Conferences Letters/Statements

15 Catechism of the Catholic Church a reference point
Why do we use the Catechism? The Catechism is a giant quotes sheet for the Catholic traditional teaching. All the bible references that are interpreted in a particular by the Catholic teachings are found in the Catechism. It is a starting point for Catholic traditional teaching. We can check if the bible verses we have found the Catholic church understands in the same way as we have read. This is a great tool for verifying Catholic teaching.

16 Step 7 – Get a Catechism

17 Step 8 – Look up the index of Citations
In section you can look up all Catechism based on what it has quoted. All the Bible verses which are quoted in the Catechism are listed at the back. Next the verse in a reference. The Catechism and all church documents are referenced by paragraph number. Not page number!!!

18 Step 9 Look up the Paragraph number
Check if the paragraph talks about what you have said in your reading of the Bible. This work in Paragraph

19 Step 10 – Read around for meaning
If you are having trouble understanding the paragraph read around the paragraph. Try at reading 3 or 4 paragraphs and try and get the context of what you are reading. Keep an eye out for titles.

20 Step 11 – Take notes Write the reference down if it is about what you are looking for and a brief sentence in your own words explaining the paragraph. This work in Paragraph

21 Now your ready to bring it together
Click here to go the final stage

22 Research online

23 Step 1- find an online Bible
I suggest Bible gate way because it has the translation we use in class. The New Revised Standard Catholic Edition You can select it here

24 Step 2 Search the topic Type the word that you are looking for in the search bar. Sometime the exact word may not be in the Bible so you may have to search for words similar to the word you are looking for.

25 Step 3 -Select a reading

26 Step 4 – Read the Bible verse
Read the verse see if you can make sense of it. Paragraph structure

27 Step 5 – Read around for meaning
If you are having trouble understanding the verse read around the verse. Try at reading 3 or 4 verse and try and get the context of what you are reading. Keep an eye out for titles. You can see the verse in context by selecting that at the bottom of the screen or even the whole chapter by pressing this button

28 Step 6 – Take notes Write the reference down if it is about what you are looking for and a brief sentence in your own words explaining the verse. Paragraph structure

29 Verify This is the most important step in research. If we find something in only place it may not be true or correct. We need to ensure that we can back up the point.

30 An Analogy If you work for a company and it is your job to report on accounts to the board. Bob from sales tells you that you have had a bad year. If you go and write your report based on this claim. How could this be a problem? How could you fix this situation?

31 Where can we verify understanding of the Bible?
The Catechism of the Catholic Church The Creeds The Roman Missal Liturgy of the Hours Papal Teaching Compendium of Social Doctrine Bishop Conferences Letters/Statements

32 Catechism of the Catholic Church a reference point
Why do we use the Catechism? The Catechism is a giant quotes sheet for the Catholic traditional teaching. All the bible references that are interpreted in a particular by the Catholic teachings are found in the Catechism. It is a starting point for Catholic traditional teaching. We can check if the bible verses we have found the Catholic church understands in the same way as we have read. This is a great tool for verifying Catholic teaching.

33 Step 7 - Go to the Catechism of the Catholic Church
The full official English version can be found on the Vatican website.

34 Step 8 – Look up the index of footnotes
In this section you can look up all Catechism based on what it has quoted. All the Bible verses which are quoted in the Catechism are listed at the back. Next the verse in a reference. The Catechism and all church documents are referenced by paragraph number. Not page number!!!

35 Step 9 – Search the foot notes
Hold down Control F in your brower to use the find key. Type in the reference This will give you the foot note reference number. We will then click this to link to the foot note

36 Step 10 Look up the Paragraph number
Check if the paragraph talks about what you have said in your reading of the Bible. Paragraph structure

37 Step 11 – Read around for meaning
If you are having trouble understanding the paragraph read around the paragraph. Try at reading 3 or 4 paragraphs and try and get the context of what you are reading. Keep an eye out for titles.

38 Step 12 – Take notes Write the reference down if it is about what you are looking for and a brief sentence in your own words explaining the paragraph. Paragraph structure

39 Synthesis Bring together our findings into a paragraph

40 Step 12 bring it all together
Write a sentence on what the Catholic teaching is based off the Catechism and the Bible understanding…. Eg “so the teaching of the Bible and the Catechism tell us that Catholics believe”

41 The final product example.
Click on the sentences to find out how the came to be written. The Catholics believe in heaven as part of life after death based off Catholic teaching. In the Bible St Paul teaches “For now we see in a mirror, dimly,[a] but then we will see face to face. Now I know only in part; then I will know fully, even as I have been fully known. ” (1 Cor 13:12). This reading from the Bible tells that St Paul teaches that heaven is for those who are close to God. The Catechism says “Those who die in God's grace and friendship and are perfectly purified live for ever with Christ. They are like God for ever, for they "see him as he is," face to face:596”. The Catechism teaches us that Church teaches that life with God with is about being able to see him and spend time with him. These two sources of Catholic teaching show that Catholics believe Heaven is life with God. Catholic believe that Heaven is God being made clear to them as it is taught in scripture and tradition.

42 Write your own paragraph on Commuion of Saints

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