Finish Challenge Prayer Resource The MILLION HOUR Prayer Campaign

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1 Finish Challenge Prayer Resource The MILLION HOUR Prayer Campaign
For Unreached Peoples NO 24 Alive Ministries: PROJECT PRAY –

2 Alive Ministries: PROJECT PRAY –
The Mandate: Without faith, it is impossible to please God. He that comes to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him (Hebrews 11:6). Alive Ministries: PROJECT PRAY –

3 Alive Ministries: PROJECT PRAY –
The Meditation: PASTOR: Lord, coming to you in prayer demands faith. It demands that my focus be on “seeking you!” PEOPLE: I confess that much of my approach to prayer has been attempting to get you to please me. PASTOR: It is “impossible to please God!” PEOPLE: I have been trying, in prayer, to get you to please me! Now, I see that when the shift comes, when my whole relationship is about “pleasing you” and “seeking you.” PASTOR: If I genuinely know who and what you are – the pearl of great price, the treasure of all treasures, then nothing you ever put in my hand will be as important to me as you yourself are to me. PEOPLE: Let the cry of my heart be to please you. May I settle it in my heart. You are a good God. A God who rewards. May I trust you so much that I can radically obey you. Alive Ministries: PROJECT PRAY –

4 Alive Ministries: PROJECT PRAY –
The Profile … The Tharu people live in the Tarai, a narrow strip of land which extends across 550 miles of the southern border of Nepal, next to northeast India. The land is forested and fertile. They live in villages in houses plastered inside and out with mud and cow dung, so fine it feels like silky skin. They make almost everything they use themselves, with a touch of art in everything. Unscrupulous moneylenders have been able to get control of their land because of their illiteracy, and now many have to pay rent for land that they once owned. The Unreached People Group Tharu, Nepal Alive Ministries: PROJECT PRAY –

5 Alive Ministries: PROJECT PRAY –
Prayer … Pray that the Holy Spirit will soften the hearts of the Tharu towards Christians so that they will be receptive to the Gospel. Ask God to strengthen, encourage, and protect the small number of Christians there. Pray for their rich culture to be preserved and for good medical care. Pray that God will raise up qualified linguists to translate the Bible into their language. Pray for missionaries who know or are willing to learn their language to come to these people with the gospel. Ask God to restore peace to the Tharu homeland. May this people group realize that only Jesus Christ can meet their material and spiritual needs The Unreached People Group Tharu, Nepal Alive Ministries: PROJECT PRAY –

6 Alive Ministries: PROJECT PRAY –
MISSION QUOTE: In our lifetime, wouldn’t it be sad if we spent more time washing dishes or swatting flies or mowing the yard or watching television than praying for world missions? Dave Davidson The Unreached People Group Tharu, Nepal Alive Ministries: PROJECT PRAY –

7 Finish Challenge Prayer Resource The MILLION HOUR Prayer Campaign
For Unreached Peoples (NO 24) Produced by Alive Ministries: project pray Alive Ministries: PROJECT PRAY –

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