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Announcements! Get out your current event spiral & history packet!

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1 Announcements! Get out your current event spiral & history packet!
Test: moved to THURSDAY! Online now: Test Review Helpful crosswords!

2 Aztec

3 The first to build ceremonial platforms & pyramids for religious purposes
Olmec art: squished noses, slanted eyes, big lips Olmec

4 Aztec

5 Original road Machu Picchu Inca

6 Aztec

7 Tikal (Guatemala) Chichen Itza Mayan

8 Ancient Empires Olmec __?____: 1400 BCE-500 BCE Mexican Gulf Coast
Ruled by priest & aristocrats Huge pyramid temples Known for giant stone heads (40 tons) with slanted eyes, big lips & squished noses Maybe the first to invent system of counting???? (may have been precursor to Mayans’) Lunar & solar calendars—had a concept of time

9 Ancient Empires __?___: 250-900 CE Mayan
Southern MX/ Northern Central America (Yucatan Pen.) Ruled by priests & nobles Priests performed sacrifices for good harvests, war success Tikal & Chichen Itza major cities

10 Ancient Empires Mayan cont’d Extensive farming techniques
Lots of maize grew quickly Dev. _________ for recording hist., honoring gods (Spanish burned most books) 365 day solar calendar glyphs


12 Ancient Empires Aztecs: 1300s-1520s
Founded ____?______ in C. MX (searched b/c of legend) Island in Lake Texcoco _________- floating islands Foods shared with world maize (corn) Chocolate (xocoatl)- only for elite though- “Food of the gods” tomatoes 5 suns that last for multiples of 52 years Tenochtitlan Chinampas

13 Ancient Empires Aztecs cont’d emperor
Ruled by ______ next military, then majority (farmers), last were criminals & slaves Priests had own class Human sacrifices to sun god to rise ea. day Tens of thousands: mostly P.O.W.s and some noble family members --Seen as barbarism to the Spanish; seen as one of the “noble” ways to die emperor

14 Chinampas: artificial “islands” of fertile soil used to grow crops—faster & more efficient

15 Ancient Empires _____: 1430s-1530s Inca Andes Mtns, Ecuador  Chile
Ruled by emperor (Sapa Inca) Extensive road network thru mtns (beats Romans) Runners to warn of rebellion, invaders All roads went thru Cuzco Overall peaceful; communication encouraged between people living along the coast & people living in the higher elevations Inca

16 Ancient Empires Inca cont’d
Used _______ for record keeping (for traders) Spoke ______ (dev. into ethnic grp.) Masters of terracing & irrigation from Pacific Ocean—brought in people from other civilizations to help as well Domesticated alpacas & llamas  quipu quechua

17 Inca Terracing Quipu

18 Decline of Empires Olmecs: ??
Mayan: ?? (frequent war??, overpop. over farm??) Aztecs: Span. conquistador ______________ (1521) Inca: Span. conquistador ______________ (1535) Hernan Cortes Francisco Pizarro

19 Columbian Exchange

20 Peninsulares/ Viceroys
Sources of Discontent Peninsulares/ Viceroys _______&_________ wanted self-rule Creoles read works of Enlightenment thinkers; All looked to Amn & Fr. Rev wanted more rights Nat. & Afns wanted freedom from slavery Finally acted when _________ defeated Spain (made weaker) Napoleon

21 Toussaint L’Ouverture Leader of the ________ Revolution in 1804

22 _________’s Fight Mexico Father Hidalgo: El Grito de Dolores
1810: cry for independence encouraged lower class (mestizos) to fight for indep. and more rights Hidalgo was executed Fr. Jose Morelos led fight (later executed) Creoles (pure Span. descent) against rebels at 1st, then allied Won in 1821: 1st monarchy, later republic

23 ________________ 1810: led revolt in Venezuela  form republic
Simon Bolivar 1810: led revolt in Venezuela  form republic Went on to Ecuador, Peru, & Bolivia republics Joined Jose de San Martin Leader in Argentina & Chile

24 Crash Course: Latin American Revolutions

25 Panama Canal

26 Panama Canal Isthmus __?____ perfect place to connect oceans
Ferdinand de Lesseps (developed Suez Canal) tried but failed Disease, geography, $ Phillippe-Jean Bunau-Varilla, who was sent to the isthmus to aid de Lesseps in development, asked US president Teddy Roosevelt (1901) to aid building

27 Panama Canal Panama was part of ________ at time
Colombia Panama was part of ________ at time refused to give up land Panamanians revolted, US helped them Panama gained independence (____) Canal began in 1904, until 1914 US owned until _____ 1903 December 31,1999

28 Dictatorships OVERALL PATTERN As the countries fought for indep., power went to new people European & indigenous hist. stressed rank & privilege So ppl of power and strength were natural fit Enter the era of ___________ (dictators) Caudillos

29 Dictatorships People are unhappy REVOLT
Option A: the military puts out revolt and resumes power to keep order Option B: rebels win & put in someone military/wealthy don’t like  military coup

30 Augusto Pinochet Chile’s dictator from 1973-1990
Huge human rights abuses: 100,000 killed, imprisoned, tortured Died 2006 awaiting trial

31 Raul & Fidel Castro One on right helped lead Communist Revolution of Cuba in 1959 set up military dictatorship Allied with Soviet Union during Cold War Left power to one on left around 2008 b/c of illness

32 Hugo Chavez Venezuela saw coups until the 90s
Chavez was elected for strength, personal story, and new economic/social reform in time of crisis Possible government corruption with Chavez’s rule Ran his own type of socialist programs; died in 2013 Current president: Nicolas Maduro

33 1st PAN president in 7 decades; elected in 2000
Vicente Fox 1st PAN president in 7 decades; elected in 2000 Former MX pres Felipe Calderon Current MX Pres Enrique Pena Nieto

34 Juan Manuel Santos Dilma Rousseff Current pres of Colombia
1st female & current pres of Brazil, just re-relected Dilma Rousseff

35 Marxist revolutionary guerilla warfare group in Colombia—funded through illegal drug sales, kidnaps-for-ransom, illegal gold mining Been fighting since 1964 Methods seen as terrorism by Colombian govt Say they represent “poor people” FARC Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia—or the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia

36 Current issues in Latin America
Drug Trafficking: -Drug Cartels rely on weak/corrupt central gov’t or police. -Cartels travel up from S.A into C.A and Mexico, creating violence and crime on the way. Human Trafficking: - Around 700,00 ppl in L.A are currently being trafficked; 90% women and children, mainly for sexual exploitation. -L.A has lack of strategies for prevention and often times faces local police and gov’t corruption.

37 Current Issues in Latin America
Income Inequality: -124 M ppl in Latin America cities live in poverty. ½ of those live in Brazil and Mexico. In Brazil of the 200 M ppl, 60 M are children under 18 with 40% living in poverty. Wealthiest 20% of ppl in L.A earn 20X’s more than the 20% in poverty

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