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Presentation on theme: "OUTDOOR & INDOOR AIR POLLUTION"— Presentation transcript:


2 What is air made up of? 78% nitrogen 21% oxygen
1% argon, carbon dioxide, neon, helium, methane, etc.

3 What is air pollution? Any harmful substance released into the atmosphere

4 Is air pollution only caused by humans?
Some natural sources... Pollen Volcanic eruptions Forest fires Sand/dust storms Gases from decaying organisms

5 Has air pollution always been a problem?
Most air pollution problems came about during Industrial Revolution in 1800’s. Large amounts of coal & wood burned to keep up with industrial growth. No air pollution controls- many death’s resulted from air pollution/smog.

6 Why is air pollution considered a global problem, not just a local problem?
Air is constantly moving. Air pollution does not just stay in one place, it travels with air currents. Many countries do not have strict air pollution standards like U.S.

7 What are sources of outdoor air pollution?
Particulates Tiny solids in air Easily inhaled & trapped in lungs From burning fossil fuels Ash, soot From natural sources dust, pollen From other sources Mining of lead, iron, etc Asbestos from brakes Fertilizer, pesticide dust

8 What are sources of outdoor air pollution?
Gases From burning fossil fuels Carbon dioxide (CO2) Sulfur dioxide (SO2) Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) Smog- brown haze around cities From natural sources Methane- bacteria, decay, flatulence of cows From other sources Chlorofluorocarbons- freon, making of styrofoam


10 What are some sources of indoor air pollution?
Cigarette smoke Deadliest indoor air pollutant Contain formaldehyde, carbon monoxide Causes lung cancer, emphysema Second hand smoke may be worse due to particulates that come from tip.

11 What are some sources of indoor air pollution?
Mold Moisture in vents, carpets Allergy symptoms, breathing problems, headache, fatigue

12 What are some sources of indoor air pollution?
Carbon monoxide Malfunctioning furnace, gas appliances, cars Blood cannot carry oxygen Feel sleepy, nausea, dizzy, cause death.

13 What are some sources of indoor air pollution?
Radon Colorless, odorless, radioactive gas Comes from soil under basements Long term exposure can cause lung cancer Zone 1 (purple) high levels of radon Zone 3 (yellow) low levels of radon

14 What are some sources of indoor air pollution?
Asbestos Roofing, flooring, insulation, brakes OK… unless disturbed or deteriorates Can cause asbestosis (scarring of lungs) and mesothelioma (type of lung cancer) Plaque build up (scarring) in lung w/asbestosis

15 What are some sources of indoor air pollution?
Lead Old homes, toys, lead crystal dishes Causes behavior & learning problems, slow growth, hearing problems, headaches

16 What are some sources of indoor air pollution?
Formaldehyde Pressed wood, paneling, particle board, glue, deodorizers Respiratory irritation, fatigue, skin rash, known to cause cancer

17 What are some sources of indoor air pollution?
8. VOC’s Paradichlorobenzene- mothballs, insecticides PERC- dry cleaned clothes Benzene- paints, cigarettes Causes respiratory problems, headaches, loss of coordination, nausea, organ damage, cancer

18 How does air pollution affect people?
Chronic bronchitis- coughing, trouble breathing Asthma- not caused by air pollution, but aggravated by it. Emphysema- lungs lose elasticity, hard to breathe Lung Cancer- caused by cigarettes, car exhaust, particulates, asbestos, arsenic, radon

19 How does air pollution affect people?
Sick building syndrome- Buildings closed up to save energy- no circulation Effects of fumes intensified Symptoms: headache, eye or throat irritation, cough, itchy skin, dizziness, nausea, fatigue Feel better when you get fresh air outside.

20 Pollution Primary Pollution = pollution put into the air as a result of human actions. Exp: car exhaust Secondary Pollution = primary pollution that reacts with anything already in the atmosphere and creates pollution. Exp: Acid Rain – (formed from car exhaust combining with rainwater)

21 What is acid rain? Rain or snow that is more acidic than normal precipitation. Normal rain = pH of 5.6 Acid rain = pH below 5.6 Comes from a primary pollutant- carbon, nitrogen, sulfur Creates secondary pollutant when combined with water- carbonic acid, sulfuric acid.

22 How does acid rain affect plants?
Kills leaves, kills plant Prevents sprouting of seeds Destroys entire forest

23 How does acid rain affect animals/ecosystems?
Mutate eggs/larvae Fewer eggs produced Acid rain “leaches” aluminum out of soil, if gets on fish gills, causes suffocation Kills immediately

24 How does acid rain affect humans?
Destroys monuments/ statues Calcium carbonate & marble statues dissolve Metal statues tarnish Personal property affected Corrodes steel Discolors paint Corrodes tires

25 What can be added to acidic soil or water to neutralize acidity?
Powdered lime

26 What is the greenhouse effect?
Trapping of heat by greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Without the greenhouse effect, our planet would be too cold.

27 What are greenhouse gases?
Carbon dioxide Methane Sulfur and nitrogen oxides Ozone CFC’s

28 How is the greenhouse effect altered?
Greenhouse gas (especially CO2) levels increase because of Increase in use of fossil fuels Decrease in plant life

29 What happens when greenhouse gas amounts increase?
Global warming Increase in Earth’s temperature due to increased greenhouse gas levels

30 What are possible effects of global warming?
Earth’s temp. may rise by 2-4o by the year 2050 Polar ice caps may melt, oceans expand, become less salty Sea levels rise- flooding of cities & farmland Weather patterns may change Most areas will become drier Decrease in crop yield

31 What are some ways to prevent air pollution problems?
Clean Air Act (1970) established: Strict emission controls Catalytic converters Unleaded fuel Scrubbers- water, lime, & filters neutralize smoke before it leaves a smokestack

32 How can YOU help stop air pollution?
Carpool Take mass transit- bus, MARTA, etc. Don’t waste electricity Maintain your cars


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