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Laughter is good for you

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1 Laughter is good for you
Module 6 Unit One Welcome to the unit Laughter is good for you

2 Lead-in 1. When you are in low spirits, what will you do to stop unpleasant feeling? listening to music or watching films seeing friends surfing the Internet do some reading watching a comedy

3 Do you like laughing?

4 What can make people laugh?

5 Brainstorming … humorous stories jokes funny pictures comedies
What can make people laugh? humorous stories jokes funny pictures comedies

6 Crosstalk(相声)

7 Shuang Huang(双簧)

8 Sketch(小品)

9 They are performing in a circus.
acrobats clowns performing animals Do you think life in the circus is very interesting?

10 TV Comedy 电视喜剧 Mr. Bean (憨豆先生)

11 laugh Stand-up jokes funny movies Funny books Crosstalk Comedies

12 Today, we are going to learn another type of comedy:

13 Reading strategy B Reading Strategy:
What would you do when you come across a new word?______. B A. look up the dictionary at once B. guess the meanings of the new words from the context (上下文) Tips: We can guess the meaning of new words from: 1._____________________________. 2_____________________________ . the sentences around it the way a word is used Read Paragraph 1 and guess the meaning of “stand-up” .

14 What is stand-up? comedy
Stand-up ___ a kind of _________that is done on a stage by __________ talking straight to _________ members. is a comedian audience

15 Can you guess the meaning of the title “Stand up for your health”?
标题中stand up是双关语,一层含义为短语“stand up for”的本意“支持,维护”。 标题含义一是“维护你的健康” Stand up另一层意思指单口喜剧(stand-up), 标题另一层含义是“单口喜剧有益健康”

16 Fast reading: Read for the structure
What’s the type of the article? The structure of the article expository essay 说明文 Stand up for your health! title Paragraph One Introduction Subtitle Types of stand-up A famous comedian Laughter is good for your health Details Examples Conclusion

17 Careful reading: read part 2 and answer:
1. How many types of stand-up are mentioned in the article? A. Five B. Three C. Two D. Four How can we get the answer? Types of stand-up Some comedians...(For example,...) Other comedians... (For example, one... another) Yet other comedians... The last kind of comedian... Some Other Yet other The last

18 Observational Comedians tell jokes about the way people behave or about daily life Props Comedians rely on visual humour which may be inspired by objects Types of stand-up Physical Comedians may trip over chairs, walk into doors, and fall down on stage Impressionist Comedians act or speak like a well-known person

19 Choose the correct type of stand-up comedy.
A comedian says : “My grandmother started walking 1 km a day when she turned 60. She is 89 years old now, and we don’t know where she is!” A. Observational, B. Props, C. Physical, D. Impressionist

20 A comedian puts on glasses, change his or her voices, and pretended to be someone else.
A. Observational, B. Props, C. Physical, D. Impressionist

21 A comedian walks on stage. As she introduces herself, she falls down.
A. Observational, B. Props, C. Physical, D. Impressionist,

22 A comedian stands on stage and hold a banana to his ear. He says:“hello? Hello? I can’t hear you. Something must be wrong with my phone. ” A. Observational, B. Props, C. Physical, D. Impressionist,

23 Billy Crystal, a famous Stand-up comedian
Do you know who he is? Billy Crystal, a famous Stand-up comedian

24 Part 3: Profile(简历) of Billy Crystal
Nationality American Profession Comedian,1. _____ , film actor, Times of hosting the Academy Awards 2. ______ times 3. _________ for becoming famous Quick thinking, ability to amuse people Special habits in Academy Awards Keeping a 4. _________in his pocket for good luck His idols (偶像) 5._________and George Burns host Eight Reasons toothbrush Bob Hope

25 Careful reading: read Part 3 and answer:
1. What does the word “routine” in Line 29 mean? A. road B. performance C. Lines D. styles How can we get the answer? Each time, he performs his stand-up routine in front of millions of people when the show is broadcast live on TV. Tip:guess the meaning from the way a word is used.

26 Careful reading: read part 3 and answer:
Who were Bob Hope and George Burns ? They were two comedians who lived to be ________________and_________________________________________________________________ 100 years old kept working until nearly the end of their lives. Bob Hope George Burns

27 Bob Hope A famous American comedian, born in London. He is good at compromising and famous for speaking at a fast speed and enjoy a long life of acting.

28 George burns A famous American stand-up comedian. He often acted with his wife. He once was given the Academy Awards in 1975. Question: What may be the reason why they live so long?

29 Careful reading: read part 4 and answer the following questions:
1. What may be the reason why Bob Hope and George Burns can live so long?(no more than 2words) _____________________________________ 2. Which English saying proves to be true in the last paragraph? (no more than 5 words) ______________________________________ Laughing. Laughter is the best medicine.

30 Enjoy laughter, enjoy life!
Conclusion: Why do people like funny things? It is human nature that people like funny things. We need to have something to laugh about to release our emotions. People who are often in a bad mood are likely to develop deadly diseases such as cancer. So, a hearty laugh can cheer people up and help them get rid of negative feelings. Enjoy laughter, enjoy life!

31 Discussion What benefits can laughter bring us?
Laughter can help us be more confident, gain more friends, face all the challenges and endure all kinds of sorrows!

32 Laughter is good for us ● Laughter is the best medicine.
●Take time to laugh -- it is the music of the soul. ●Laughter is the closest distance between two people. ●A man isn't really poor if he can still laugh.

33 In a word, laughter can make a better world.

34 Writing 以“Laughter Is the Best Medicine”为题,写一篇作文。要点如下: 1.现在人们笑得越来越少; 2.笑的好处。 Laughter Is the Best Medicine _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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