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Module6 Unit1 Reading Stand-up for your health. What makes people laugh? funny movies humorous stories jokes comedies …

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Presentation on theme: "Module6 Unit1 Reading Stand-up for your health. What makes people laugh? funny movies humorous stories jokes comedies …"— Presentation transcript:

1 Module6 Unit1 Reading Stand-up for your health

2 What makes people laugh? funny movies humorous stories jokes comedies …

3 crosstalk

4 comic film

5 Stand-up comedy is good for your health! Stand-up for your health!

6 Introduction of stand-up Types of stand-up A famous comedian Laughter is good for your health!

7 Stand-up for your health! Types of stand-up A famous comedian Laughter is good for your health How many? four Billy Crystal Who? Fast-reading

8 The comedian is right there in front of the audience and may talk directly to audience members. careful-reading What is special about stand-up comedy? Para. 1

9 Types of stand-up observational prop physical impressionist Make jokes about humorous things in everyday life Use props to tell jokes Use bodies to make jokes Act or speak like a well-known person (Para. 2)

10 Match each type with a proper example A comedian stands on stage and holds a banana to his ear. He says, Hello? Hello? Im sorry I cant hear you. Something must be wrong with my phone. Observational, Prop, Physical, ? Impressionist Prop,

11 A comedian walks on stage. As she introduces herself, she falls down. Observational, Prop,Physical,Impressionist Match each type with a proper example Physical,

12 A comedian puts on glasses, changes his or her voice and pretends to be someone else. Observational, Prop,Physical,Impressionist Impressionist Match each type with a proper example

13 A comedian says, My Grandmother started walking 1 km a day when she turned 60. Shes 89 now, and we dont know where she is! Observational, Prop,Physical,Impressionist Match each type with a proper example Observational,

14 A famous comedian (Para. 3-5)

15 Name Profession Times of hosting the Academy Awards Reason for becoming famous Special habit in Academy Awards Idols Billy Cystal comedian 8 times __________ ability to _______ outstanding improvise Keeping a __________ in his pocket for ____toothbrush good luck Bob Hope & George Burns



18 E(p5) Complete the passage. 1.American2. observe 3. Appropriate 4. comedy 5. television6. actors 7. improvise8. host 9. healthy 10. comedian

19 What have doctors discovered? Doctors have discovered that people who laugh a lot live longer! This is because when you laugh, your ______ sends _________ around your body that are good for you. _________helps your body stay ________ and even help you fight _____. brain chemicals Laughinghealthy pain

20 Proverbs and old sayings: Laughter is the best medicine. You will be ten years younger with a smile. Laughter is the shortest distance between two people. Laugh and the world laughs with you, weep and you weep alone. Laughter is a bridge that can lead people to health, happiness and peace.

21 Discussion Besides laughter, what are other factors that can help people keep healthy and live longer?

22 having a balanced diet exercising regularly having a good mood being optimistic

23 Life is full of ups and downs, Life is full of ups and downs,Life is full of ups and downs,Life is full of ups and downs, but you can choose to be happy! but you can choose to be happy!

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