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Thank you for investing in your health

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1 Thank you for investing in your health
Suzen Acupuncture Thank you for investing in your health

2 Do you want to… Reduce Stress Decrease Pain Increase Energy
Sleep Better Feel Better SuZen Acupuncture

3 Acupuncture and East Asian Therapies can help
SuZen Acupuncture

4 What is acupuncture? Acupuncture is the insertion of tiny, sterile, single use needles through the skin. SuZen Acupuncture

5 ABOUT ME Susan J Grumbine, LAc BA Sociology - UIC MAT Science education – NLU LAc Licensed acupuncturist, Diplomat of acupuncture Graduate of Midwest college of oriental medicine Master Acupuncture therapist SuZen Acupuncture

6 How does it work? Acupuncture needles placed in specific locations activate the body to produce endorphins which reduces pain and reduces levels of stress hormones. Endorphins = endogenous (made by your body) Morphine. It brings healing fluids to the area of inflammation and improves circulation of blood. SuZen Acupuncture

7 SuZen Acupuncture

8 What can acupuncture treat?
Most people in the united states are familiar with acupuncture as a way to treat pain. Muscle pain. Back pain. Knee pain. Frozen shoulder. Pain of rheumatoid arthritis. Headache. Migraine. But did you know acupuncture is also used to successfully treat… SuZen Acupuncture

9 Acupuncture also treats….
Stress related illness Anxiety, panic attacks Ptsd insomnia Depression forgetfullness Chronic inflammatory disorders such as Symptoms of Multiple sclerosis Parkinsonian tremors symptoms of lupus SuZen Acupuncture

10 And it treats… Infertility – acupuncture increases likelihood of pregnancy by %46 Digestive disorders Heartburn, gerd Irritable bowel syndrome constipation and diarrhea Sequelae to stroke (Stroke rehabilitation) Partial paralysis, trigeminal neuralgia, bell’s palsy Peripheral neuropathy (Feeling of “pins and needles”, burning sensation or numbness of the limbs related to chemotherapy or diabetes.) SuZen Acupuncture

11 Also…. Improves action of the immune system
Assists in athletic conditioning Helps with “facial Rejuvenation” and scar softening By creating an area of micro trauma that new collagen and elastin fill SuZen Acupuncture

12 East Asian Therapies include
Acupuncture – insertion of needles at prescribed points Tui na – therapeutic massage. May include trigger point release. Cupping therapy – suction applied to small areas of the skin with a cup Gua sha – gentle scraping of the skin and underlying tissue Moxibustion – heat therapy with dried, smoldering herbs (ai ye) SuZen Acupuncture

13 What is an acupuncture appointment like?
The first appointment is usually an hour and a half long for intake, evaluation and treatment. First you fill out paperwork describing what is going on and how you would like to be helped. You sign permission for me to treat you and I guarantee that your personal information remains private. SuZen Acupuncture

14 I ask you “the ten questions” of diagnosis which may seem
Several more questions and observations help me to get to know what you need I ask you “the ten questions” of diagnosis which may seem Unrelated to your reason for coming in but help me decide What kind of treatment to give. I feel your pulse and check the rate but also the quality of your Pulse on both wrists. Stick your tongue out at me which tells me a little about your Health as well. A plan for treatment is written based on your needs and preference SuZen Acupuncture

15 Ways to get the best outcome from your treatments:
Dress comfortably in loose fitting clothing that makes it easy to gain access to your arms and legs. Have a cup of water if you feel a little dry Use the washroom right before treatment Eat a little something within three hours before treatment but not an enormous meal of carby-fatty-goodness Communicate your needs (i.e. more heat, lower knee support, softer music) Drink plenty of fluids after treatment SuZen Acupuncture

16 Get Acupuncture. Be Well
Thank You! SuZen Acupuncture 575 W. Exchange Street Crete, IL SuZen Acupuncture

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