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Wednesday 5th Thursday 6th Friday 7th Saturday 8th Sunday 9th

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Presentation on theme: "Wednesday 5th Thursday 6th Friday 7th Saturday 8th Sunday 9th"— Presentation transcript:

1 Wednesday 5th Thursday 6th Friday 7th Saturday 8th Sunday 9th
5 x Social Responsibility in An Inspector Calls How does Priestley explore social responsibility in AIC? share his personal beliefs to the audience, throughout the play? What influenced Dickens to write A Christmas Carol? How are Jacobean beliefs about witchcraft present in ‘Macbeth’? 5 x Lady Macbeth To what extent is Lady Macbeth presented as a tragic heroine? To what extent is Lady Macbeth presented as a tragic heroine? ’London’ by Blake and ‘The Emigree’ by Rumens 5 x ‘London’ and ‘The Emigree’ by Rumens How do writers present their conflict with place? 5 x Mr and Mrs Birling use Mr Birling to explore ideas about class? How are Mr and Mrs Birling presented as typical capitalists? Monday 10th Tuesday 11th Wednesday 12th Thursday 13th Friday 14th 5 x Scrooge nnnn How is Scrooge presented as a round character? How does Scrooge change in the novella? How do poets present conflict with identity in two poems from the anthology? 5x ‘Checking Out Me History’ and ‘Tissue’ ‘Checking Out Me History’ by Agard and ‘Tissue’ by Dharker Explore the role of the supernatural in Macbeth. Social and historical context of ‘Macbeth’ 5 x Lady Macbeth and Macbeth 5x the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Christmas Yet to come What do the ghosts teach Scrooge? How is Victorian poverty presented in the novella? How do the attitudes of of the older and younger generations differ in AIC? Explore the differences between the. Birling family and the Inspector 5 x Sheila and Eric Birling Memorise quotes using the Read, Cover, Write, Check method. Spend 15 minutes on this. To aid your memory, design a small doodle or icon that represents the group of quotes. It may help your recall when you are in the exam if you jot the doodle down on paper. Challenge tasks: Summarise each poem in the anthology Identify the key themes from each of the literature texts Create an author information page for each text Watch the Mr Bruff revision videos on Youtube Write a x2 paragraphs consolidating your revision. Use PEEL, precise quotations, subject terminology and context (for literature). You should spend no more than 30 minutes on this. Time yourself. Identify 5 points you would make in response to a question. Give yourself no more than 10 minutes to do this. Go back, check your text, add additional points if needed. Re-read and clean annotate (annotate on a clean copy of the text). Give yourself 10 minutes to do this. Go back and check your class book or texts, add additional points if needed.

2 Write a step-by-step guide on how you are going to complete each exam.
Wednesday 5th Thursday 6th Friday 7th Saturday 8th Sunday 9th Write a definition for each aspect of AFORREST ‘Social media is all about image and gossip and provides nothing of value. It has a profoundly negative effect on young people.’ Write a letter where you persuade young people to stop using social media. Write a list of punctuation. Find an image of a Christmas market and describe what is being suggested. Define: anecdote, flattery, superlative, hyperbole and direct address Fireworks: time for a total ban? Write a speech to your local MP explaining your views. What are MASSIVE techniques? Find an image of the fireworks display in London at New Year’s Eve and describe the image. How are letters structured? ‘Wayne Rooney earns over £300,000 a week. Soldiers get less than £18,000 a year.’ Write an article in which you argue that footballers wages need to be reduced. Monday 10th Tuesday 11th Wednesday 12th Thursday 13th Friday 14th What sentence structures should we use in our writing? Find an image of Glastonbury festival and describe this. How are newspaper articles structured? ‘Animal Testing is barbaric and should be made illegal no matter what the benefits.’ Write an article for your local newspaper in which you argue your case, for or against the use of animal testing. How can we structure our narratives? Write a story involving a car crash and a woodland area. Define: imperative verbs, Imagine you are a sports personality. Write an advice leaflet for young people about what it takes to be successful. How do we use dialogue in our narrative writing? Write the opening to a story with the opening line: Panic overwhelmed every inch of my body… Challenge tasks: Write a step-by-step guide on how you are going to complete each exam. Reading tasks: Visit the English department section of the Academy website, where you will find a range of exam papers in the revision resources folder. Complete the exam papers on the website. Make sure you read the questions properly and also use a highlighter.

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