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Highest Price Possible.

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Presentation on theme: "Highest Price Possible."— Presentation transcript:

1 Highest Price Possible.
The Proven Path To Assure Your Home Sells For The Highest Price Possible.

2 FOR MOST PEOPLE THE SALE OF THEIR HOME IS ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS OF THEIR LIFE Who you select to represent you in the sale of your home can have a tremendous effect on the amount of equity you walk away with when your sale is complete. The Realtor you select can make a difference of tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars to your net wealth. At Realty World ALL STARS, our main objective is to provide you as a Seller: the most amount of money, in the shortest time and with the least amount of hassle. Our unmatched expertise, phenomenal service, and aggressive marketing allow us to achieve that goal time and time again for our clients. There are many factors involved in selling a home, but getting the most money for your home really boils down to five things: Proper Preparation, Professional Staging, Pricing Strategy, Target Marketing, and Skillful Negotiations. This guide will cover these five factors and outline our Guaranteed Home Sale Plan that has been proven to sell homes for 5 – 7% more than the neighborhood average.

3 Skillful Negotiations

The majority of homebuyers prefer a home that is in pristine condition and is in move-in condition. That means having your home professionally “staged” is a critical part of the preparation process. We want to appeal to the broadest segment of the buying pool as possible. ► PROPER PREPARATION • PROFESSIONAL STAGING • PRICING STRATEGY • TARGET MARKETING • NEGOTIATIONS

5 PRE-INSPECTION The number one deal killer in any real estate transaction is the home inspection. Why? Once you receive an offer for your property, 80% of the negotiating power shifts to the buyer. Pre-Inspecting your home enables us to know about and handle any potential issues with the property BEFORE you receive a purchase offer. This reduces the possibility of any “surprises” during negotiations. Additionally, addressing repairs up front has been proven to minimize the cost of repairs by up to 400%. ► PROPER PREPARATION • PROFESSIONAL STAGING • PRICING STRATEGY • TARGET MARKETING • NEGOTIATIONS

Once the property is prepared for market, it is time to stage the home and capture it in photos and video. Our goal in the Presentation phase is to assure that your home shows at it’s very best and attracts the “Right Buyers” because they will pay the most money for your home. ► PROPER PREPARATION • PROFESSIONAL STAGING • PRICING STRATEGY • TARGET MARKETING • NEGOTIATIONS

7 STAGING Professional staging defines the space
and makes it show in its best light. A staging professional will visit your home prior to photographing the property and discuss with you subtle changes that will make the property stand out in photos, video and in person—and inspire potential buyers to picture themselves owning your home as a result. Why stage your home? Staging a home helps it sell faster and for more money. 95% of staged homes receive an offer within the first 14 days, and can sell for up to 3% more money. Note: Using a Staging Service is not a requirement We successfully sell properties in all conditions. ► PROPER PREPARATION • PROFESSIONAL STAGING • PRICING STRATEGY • TARGET MARKETING • NEGOTIATIONS

With every property we list, we provide FREE Staging Advice. We can also recommend Staging Professionals. We will preview your home and suggest what needs to be done to present your home in its best light. This may include bringing in special furnishings and decorative items in order to accomplish this objective. ► PROPER PREPARATION • PROFESSIONAL STAGING • PRICING STRATEGY • TARGET MARKETING • NEGOTIATIONS

If a picture is worth a thousand words, what are the pictures saying about your property? We exclusively use HDR photography on every property we list. With 95% of buyers starting their search online, that first impression has to be one that inspires buyers, compelling them to see it in person. ► PROPER PREPARATION • PROFESSIONAL STAGING • PRICING STRATEGY • TARGET MARKETING • NEGOTIATIONS

10 STATEGIC PRICING To determine a pricing strategy objectively, we use a Total Market Overview. There are lots of opinions but only one set of facts. Together we will examine the facts of record and together we will determine the highest realistic price the market will bear. 80% of the marketing of your home is accomplished by making sure we have chosen the proper pricing strategy. Our Total Market Overview is the only objective and accurate method to determine our initial pricing strategy. ► PROPER PREPARATION • PROFESSIONAL STAGING • PRICING STRATEGY • TARGET MARKETING • NEGOTIATIONS

11 STATEGIC PRICING All buyers are naturally attracted to a good value. The list price for your property in relation to the market value will have a direct impact on the number of interested buyers that come to see your property. Over-pricing can discourage potential Buyers from viewing your home, while Underpricing can potentially cause you to leave money on the table. Our Strategic Pricing model will guide you to position your home in the market to attract the highest possible offer based on current conditions. It has helped our sellers net up to 5-7% more money when selling their home. ► PROPER PREPARATION • PROFESSIONAL STAGING • PRICING STRATEGY • TARGET MARKETING • NEGOTIATIONS

12 STATEGIC PRICING The #1 mistake sellers make is thinking, "I will list at a high price and if it doesn't sell, I can simply lower the price later". As you can see from this chart, buyer activity peaks in week 3, yet most overpriced sellers don’t reduce their prices until week 5 or 6, effectively missing the peak of buyer activity. Pricing properly the first time enables you to maximize exposure and increase your chances of attracting the highest possible offer during the peak activity period. Overpricing is a critical mistake that costs homeowners valuable time and money. ► PROPER PREPARATION • PROFESSIONAL STAGING • PRICING STRATEGY • TARGET MARKETING • NEGOTIATIONS

Once your home is prepared and properly priced for the market, it's time to promote your home to buyers and their agents everywhere. A well-executed marketing plan includes local, national, international and social media campaigns. This helps to maximize exposure to buyers and can drive the final sales price up by as much as 5-7%. ► PROPER PREPARATION • PROFESSIONAL STAGING • PRICING STRATEGY • TARGET MARKETING • NEGOTIATIONS

14 LOCAL MARKETING Our local marketing strategy starts where buyers begin searching: Google and the most popular local listing services. Our website, along with other highly targeted domains and online marketing channels, provide homebuyers with up-to-the-hour MLS updates and ranks on the 1st page of Google for many local search terms. Our network of websites attract hundreds of thousands of homebuyer views annually through the use of local search engine marketing and social media. ► PROPER PREPARATION • PROFESSIONAL STAGING • PRICING STRATEGY • TARGET MARKETING • NEGOTIATIONS

We create a unique website just for your home. It includes professional photographs of your home in an automated slide show format, Virtual Home Tours, Google Maps, video, and Detailed information. This will assure that when someone searches the physical address of your home, it comes up at the top of the Google search results. ► PROPER PREPARATION • PROFESSIONAL STAGING • PRICING STRATEGY • TARGET MARKETING • NEGOTIATIONS

When listing your home, we take a step beyond sharing your property with our sphere of influence on social media. In addition to free social media promotion, we pay a premium to boost your property to a targeted audience of buyers on Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites. This vastly extends the number of qualified eyes that see your home. These social media campaigns get your home in front of thousands of buyers who would not see it otherwise. ► PROPER PREPARATION • PROFESSIONAL STAGING • PRICING STRATEGY • TARGET MARKETING • NEGOTIATIONS

17 OPEN HOUSES Our take on the open house is completely unique.
Often, neighbors have a friend or family member who would love to move into the neighborhood. And these buyers will usually pay a premium to live nearby. So to get the word out, we personally identify and invite your neighborhood homeowners to an exclusive home tour so they will promote the property and spread the word among their friends and family. Many of our Homeowners often feel that holding an Open House to the general public (who usually are not be qualified to purchase the property) is an invasion of privacy and does not increase their home’s salability. We respect our owner’s feeling and will never insist on hosting an Open House to the general public. We will, however, target likely home buyers in your area on Facebook using the latest cutting-edge targeting technology. So whether we stage an Open House to the public or market targeted invitations, you rest assured your home will receive local as well as International exposure. ► PROPER PREPARATION • PROFESSIONAL STAGING • PRICING STRATEGY • TARGET MARKETING • NEGOTIATIONS

Targeting buyers agents can increase showings and boost sales prices by up to 3%. We mobilize the entire real estate community so you get an estimated 10,000 real estate agents all working to get your home SOLD! We do this through automated text messaging, campaigns and a flyer delivery service as well as the Multiple Listing Service. We provide every agent that shows your home with detailed information that arms them with unique information about your home so they can share it with their home buyers. We follow-up with every agent that shows your home to determine their level of interest and so we can provide you with useful feedback. ► PROPER PREPARATION • PROFESSIONAL STAGING • PRICING STRATEGY • TARGET MARKETING • NEGOTIATIONS

19 IMMEDIATE RESPONSE The #1 factor that determines if an inquiry on your property leads to a sale is how quickly we respond. When buyers are sitting in front of a property for sale, they want information now, without having to wait. For this reason, we utilize a routing technology that delivers property information 24/7. With this approach, we have increased sign call success by 300%, and we are able to track the many inquiries coming in for your home. ► PROPER PREPARATION • PROFESSIONAL STAGING • PRICING STRATEGY • TARGET MARKETING • NEGOTIATIONS

20 NEGOTIATIONS Negotiation skills are the single most important variable that can help you maximize the equity in your property sale once offers come in. While most realtors have little to no formal training in negotiations, every listing expert on the Realty World ALL STARS Team has deep expertise in both the art and the science of winning negotiations—trained by Joe Thomas, who is one of the most skilled negotiators in the Real Estate Industry. PROPER PREPARATION • PROFESSIONAL STAGING • PRICING STRATEGY • TARGET MARKETING • ► NEGOTIATIONS

With over 256 action steps possible, selling your home for top dollar requires a team effort to make sure everything gets done and done right. What makes this possible is a division of labor among our team of qualified professionals who are focused on making sure that no detail is overlooked. It is this ability to do a lot of little things right—on a tight deadline—that enables us to sell your home for the highest price in the least amount of time with the fewest hassles.

22 MY INFO: Joseph Thomas, broker owner OFFICE: MOBILE: Website: CREDENTIALS:

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