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Bellwork: 2/4/16 Highlight key words from your notes yesterday. Write your summary.

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Presentation on theme: "Bellwork: 2/4/16 Highlight key words from your notes yesterday. Write your summary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellwork: 2/4/16 Highlight key words from your notes yesterday. Write your summary.

2 Project assignments Smallpox 1,2,5 Vibrio cholera Table 1
yellow fever 1,2,5 Polio 1,2,5 spade Ebola 1,2,5 club Rabies 3, 4, 6, 7 Measles 3, 4, 6, 7 SARS-CoV 3, 4,6,7 spade Zika 3, 4,6, 7 club Vibrio cholera Table 1 Clostridium botulinum Table2 Bordella pertussis Table 3 Yersinia pestis Table 4 Salmonella typhi Table 5 Rickettsia rickettsia Table 6 Mycobacterium tuberculosis Table 7

3 Essential Question: How does a virus reproduce
Essential Question: How does a virus reproduce? Standard: describe viral reproduction (B4C)

4 When a virus invades…

5 Number the ovals on your paper
1 2 6 3 7 4 8 5

6 Lysogenic Cycle

7 Lysogenic Cycle Attach to cell Inject DNA/RNA
Integrate/Join virus DNA into cell’s DNA Wait while cell grows and divides (latency) Remove virus DNA/RNA Become active (write on arrow connecting 5 and 6)

8 Lysogenic Cycle - Viruses

9 Write this on the right of your paper (by oval 3)
Example HIV Write this on the right of your paper (by oval 3) Enveloped RNA virus Waits for months to years Over time the destruction of white blood cells allows people to get sick from other diseases

10 HIV (arrows) Infecting a T-lymphocyte

11 Transmission

12 Create an analogy……… The Lysogenic Cycle is like a ___________ because __________.

13 Lytic Cycle

14 Lytic Cycle Attach to cell Inject DNA/RNA
Produce (replicate) virus parts Assemble new virons Release viruses to infect other cells (lyse/lysis)

15 - Viruses Lytic Cycle

16 Which part of the lytic cycle is shown below?

17 Write this on the right of your paper (by oval 6)
Example Influenza A Enveloped virus with a segmented RNA Symptoms appear within days Infects a wide range of animals other than humans Undergoes extensive mutations Causes the flu Influenza A virus is the second acute infection to be discussed. Myxovirus Enveloped virus with a segmented RNA genome Infects a wide range of animals other than humans Undergoes extensive antigenic variation Major cause of respiratory infections

18 Spread of influenza virus
Respiratory aerosoles can be generated from the respiratory tract by various means – from speaking to sneezing. During a sneeze, millions of tiny droplets of water and mucus are expelled at about 200 miles per hour (100 metres per second). The droplets initially are about micrometres diameter, but they dry rapidly to droplet nuclei of 1-4 micrometres, containing virus particles or bacteria. This is a major means of transmission of several diseases of humans.

19 Weekly consultation rates for influenza and influenza-like illness: Weekly
Returns Service of the Royal College of General Practitioners, 1988 to 1999 100 200 300 400 500 600 Epidemic activity Higher than expected seasonal activity Baseline activity Rate per population Normal seasonal activity Virus epidemiology Infleunza A virus shows regular outbreaks during the winger months. These are either Eopidenics: widespread outbreaks within the coutry Pandemics: Worldwide outbreaks of the virus affecting large numbers of people. 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 Year CDR Weekly Report: 5th November 1999

20 Create an analogy……… The Lytic Cycle is like a ___________ because ___________.


22 Sage and Scribe: Cycle Steps
Get into partners—decide who is partner A and who is partner B. Partner A: Describe the steps for the Lytic cycle. Partner B: Draw each step. After a few minutes, we will switch to the Lysogenic Cycle and you will switch roles.

23 Comic Strip Create a comic strip to describe a viral reproduction cycle. If you are at a “Red”, you are doing the lysogenic cycle. If you are at a “Black”, you are doing the lytic cycle. Your comic should be 6 “slides” and be the cycle in STORY format

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