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Ms. Kelly 8th Grade Health

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1 Ms. Kelly 8th Grade Health
CANCER Ms. Kelly 8th Grade Health

2 Journal #6: Have you personally been affected by cancer? (I.e.: You, yourself, had a scare, maybe a family member, friend, coach, etc.) If so, explain your connection as you feel comfortable… If you don’t have a personal connection, discuss how you might feel if someone you knew was diagnosed with a life-threatening illness…

3 THON 2016 Promo Video THON 2013 Promo Video ELI’S STORY Hatters Play 4 A Cure

4 Journal: Record your reactions to the short videos you just watched… How do they make you feel? Bring about any emotions? Etc…

5 Oncology Study and treatment of cancer Over 100 types


7 New Cases vs. Death Rates

8 Definition Groups of abnormal cells that multiply out of control
Due to something wrong with size, shape, or DNA/function


10 Tumors Group of cells that grow together to form a mass
No apparent function BENIGN: grows harmlessly without spreading MALIGNANT: Abnormal cells that spread to other parts of the body (CANCEROUS!)


12 Journal: React the following statistics. How do they make you feel? Are you surprised, do they shock you, etc.? In 2014, about 585,720 Americans are expected to die of cancer (almost 1600 people per day). It is the second most common cause of death in the US. The 5-year survival rate for all cancers between 2003 and 2009 is 68% (up from 49% in the 70s). Source: American Cancer Society

13 Metastasis Spreading of cancer from localized area to other parts of the body via lymph and blood

14 Biopsy Removal of a small amount of tissue for examination under a microscope

15 JOURNAL: You completed the “Faces of Cancer” activity last class… explain what you learned from the activity. Consider: Trends, if any, you noticed (re: family history, age, etc.) Risk factors (certain ones more common than others) Etc…

CARCINOGENS: cancer-causing agents Alcohol Smoke/chewing tobacco Radiation (X-Rays) Nitrites (smoked meats) Sun (UV Rays) BIOLOGICAL Family tendencies Risk increases with age Others biological causes Asbestos Radon Pesticides Additives

17 Journal: If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go and why??

18 Latency Period Period of time it takes for the cancer to develop
Time of exposure to time symptoms appear Can be years before the cancer is detected

19 Prevention Avoid tobacco products Avoid excess alcohol consumption
High fiber/low fat diet Avoid stress Avoid prolonged exposure in the sun (SPF 15 or higher) Avoid too much radiation Physical check-ups/ self-exams

20 Cancer Fighting Foods All dark, leafy, green veggies, cruciferous veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage) Whole grains (whole wheat, brown rice) Vitamins C and E Soy, beans, peas All fruits Olive oil Salmon Green tea

21 Warning Signs Change in bathroom habits A sore that doesn’t heal
Unusual bleeding, bruising, or discharge Thickening or lump Indigestion or difficulty swallowing Obvious change in wart or mole Nagging cough or hoarseness Unusual weight loss/unusual headaches

22 Journal: Use your notes and class discussions to write a paragraph about what you have learned so far. Consider: What is cancer? What causes it and/or is it preventable? What are some signs and symptoms? How might you know if you have it? What might happen to your body physically, mentally, and socially if you were diagnosed with cancer?

23 Treatments Surgery—removal of tumor Cryosurgery is used
for mouth and skin cancers (liquid nitrogen)

24 Treatments (con.) Chemotherapy—50 different drugs (IV, pills, injection) Chemicals destroy cancer cells by interfering with DNA without harming too many normal cells Side effects: nausea, hair loss, rashes

25 Treatments (con) Radiation—Cancer cells more sensitive than normal cells Most sensitive areas: bone marrow where blood cells are made (sternum) and pelvic area where reproductive organs located


27 Remission Period of time when person is symptom- free
Permanent remission: 5 years with no reoccurrence

28 Melanoma Most serious form of skin cancer
ABCDE’s of Melanoma Detection A: Asymmetry B: Border C: Color D: Diameter E: Elevation


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