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Infrastructure Delivery Management Toolkit:

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1 Infrastructure Delivery Management Toolkit:
2010 Edition Practice Guide 3: Performance Management development through partnership

2 Contents of this presentation
The value of Performance Management The benefits of Performance Management The principles of Performance Management The practice of Performance Management development through partnership

3 The value of performance management
The value to the executive manager in using these performance management processes will: Allow the department to function more effectively and efficiently Free up executive time to focus on strategic issues to improve service delivery Protect the executive from surprises when internal or external reports are published on perceived performance

4 The benefits of performance management
Benefits to Senior Management Structured focus of limited resources on strategic objectives Effective efficient deployment of resources Performance information for improved decision making Decrease in wasted effort dealing with unintended consequences Better performance of individuals and organisation Accurate decision information to take management action

5 The benefits of performance management
Benefits to Junior Management: Structured, planned day to day work, with reduced ad-hoc detractions will allow the focus required to get the job at hand done well Comfort that planned work is adequately resourced to be delivered on schedule Ability to demonstrate a clear link between inputs, activities and outputs and the desired strategic objectives being served by such Protection to junior and middle management by their ability to substantiate exactly how the lack of input resources (financial and human) will affect the achievement of high level objectives. An objective and impartial structured performance management system that can measure the performance of infrastructure related work performance so that those well-performing managers can be rewarded for their good efforts.

6 Performance Management for Infrastructure Delivery Management
The Principles

7 Compare actual against Planned
Outcomes Performance Management Approach Agree desired Impacts Agree necessary Outcomes Specify Outputs Plan Activities Plan and Provide Inputs Critical Reflection to understand under-performance Confirm achieve-ment of Impacts Monitor and Evaluate Outcomes Monitor and Evaluate Outputs Perform Activities Deploy Inputs Compare actual against Planned Managerial action to correct unacceptable outcomes

8 Performance Management for Infrastructure Delivery Management
The Practice

9 A0 - Performance Management
Controls Policy Strategy Performance Management What do we want to achieve? How will we know when we have achieved it? What are we going to do to achieve it? Who of us are responsible for what? How do we improve performance? Inputs Plans Budgets Resource input; activities; outputs Performance Data Outputs Accountability Improved Performance Mechanisms Performance management system

10 A1 - Performance Management
What do we want to achieve? How will we know when we have achieved it? What are we going to do to achieve it? Who of us are responsible for what? How do we improve performance? Controls Policy Strategy Inputs Plans Budgets 1 - Develop Performance Indicators 3 - Publish Performance Information Outputs Accountability Inputs Resource input; activities; outputs Performance Data 2 - Monitor & Evaluate Progr, Proj and Ops Performance 4 - Review & Appraise Performance of Individuals 5 - Take Management Action Outputs Improved Performance

11 Link Indicators and RACI to Individual Performance Agreements
1 Publish Performance Information 3 Take Management Action 5 Develop Indicators from Strategic Plan Objectives Develop Indicators from Programme Plans and Budgets Develop Indicators from Project / Operational Plans and budgets 1 Monitor & Evaluate Impacts against plan Monitor & Evaluate Inputs, Activities and Outputs against plan 2 Monitor & Evaluate Outcomes against plan Measure against plan 2 Deploy inputs Perform Activities Produce Outputs Review / Appraise Individual Performance 4 Numbers refer to Roadmap steps

12 1 2 3 4 5 Measure Act Plan Measure Plan Do
Numbers refer to Roadmap steps Publish Performance Information Review / Appraise Individual Performance Link Indicators and RACI to Individual Performance Agreements Take Management Action Monitor & Evaluate Impacts against plan Develop Indicators from Strategic Plan Objectives Develop Indicators from Programme Plans and Budgets Develop Indicators from Project / Operational Plans and budgets Monitor & Evaluate Inputs, Activities and Outputs against plan 1 2 3 4 5 Measure against plan Deploy inputs Perform Activities Produce Outputs Monitor & Evaluate Outcomes against plan Measure Act Plan Measure Plan Do

13 The Roadmaps and Steps

14 Roadmap 1

15 Roadmap 2

16 Roadmap 3

17 Roadmap 4

18 Roadmap 5

19 A1.5 - Take Management Action
1. Obtain and study performance related information and Critically reflect on root causes of good and bad performance 2. Extract and disseminate learning to improve performance 3. Take appropriate action to address causes of poor performance

20 Performance management for infrastructure delivery

21 The role of the RAM Programme Structure Corporate Structure


23 Earned Value Management
EVM Indicators

24 Guidelines 1) Policy Framework for the Government-wide Monitoring and Evaluation System; November 2007; The Presidency 2) Framework for Managing Programme Performance Information; May 2007, National Treasury 3) Improving Government Performance: our Approach; 2009, The Presidency 4) The Standard for Program Management, Second Edition, published by the Project Management Institute. 5)The Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK), Fourth Edition, published by the Project Management Institute 6) Guide for the implementation of Provincial Quarterly Performance Reports - published by National Treasury 1 Apr 2009 7) Generic Monitoring & Reporting Guidelines for Infrastructure Projects (2006 toolkit 3S01)

25 Conclusion and questions
Thank you

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