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Use of Remarketing and Retargeting

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1 Use of Remarketing and Retargeting

2 A bit about Anicca and Ann!
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3 Traditional ways that customers find websites and services
NEW & POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS P Paid O Owned Search Social Display - other websites & media sites E Earned M Media Your brand website CONVERSION

4 Use of shopping ads and buy buttons for ecommerce
NEW & POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS Shopping / Marketplaces Search Shopping Ads Social Social Commerce Display - other websites & media sites CSE Product/ buttons in ads Feed Management Software Product feed Your brand website or store SALE

5 Additional sophistication of adding Remarketing
NEW & POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS Shopping / Marketplaces Search Shopping Ads Social Social Commerce Display - other websites & media sites CSE Product/ buttons in ads Remarketing or Retargeting layer Feed Management Software Product feed Your brand website or store SALE

6 Remarketing and Retargeting aka Stalking

7 What is Remarketing and Retargeting?
Remarketing and Retargeting are online advertising techniques where you show adverts to users that have previously visited your website Google and Bing refers to this as Remarketing, whereas a number of other platforms call it Retargeting: Paid Social – Facebook/Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest Paid Display – Criteo, AdRoll, other ad serving networks These technique are often referred to as “stalking” particularly if the advertiser does not cap the number of impressions that the visitor sees Remarketing in search and Retargeting in social is normally charged on a cost per click (CPC), whereas Retargeting in display is charged on a cost per impression basis (CPM)

8 Examples of display ads on Gumtree
Dynamic Remarketing ad Normal display ad

9 Reasons for using Remarketing/Retargeting
Typically 1-5% of visitors will purchase/convert – what about the other 95% - you can use Remarketing to increase conversion rates Previous visitors to your site are much more likely to convert so use Remarketing to remind them of your brand It may take 4 or more visits to your site before people buy – so use Remarketing to bring them back to your site or give them an incentive to revisit and buy People spend a lot less time searching and 95% of our time is spent consuming content – so why not have your ads displayed to your previous visitors where ever they are on the internet You may want to be more visible in the search results to people that have been to your site before, so you can use a higher bid, a different ad or even bid on different keyphrases You may not want to cannibalise your organic traffic for brand phrases – so don’t bid on your brand for visitors that already know you – they will probably click on the organic result You may want to incentivise the ~70% of cart abandoners to come back to your site – but are you educating them to expect discounts for leaving you!

10 Reasons for abandoning shopping carts

11 Overview of setting up Remarketing/Retargeting
Visitors to your site are tagged: Tagging for Google Remarketing can be by adding the AdWords Remarketing tag or using your Universal Analytics tag (this means if you are using Google Analytics you can get started immediately) Facebook and other Retargeting platforms have their own tags or Pixels The tag results in a cookie being added to users’ device - the duration of this cookie can be set to 30 days or more We use Google Tag Manager to add all the different tags to your site We create your dynamic list for your target audience by combining audiences based on their behaviour e.g. list of users that go to a specific product category on your site but exclude the list that purchased (arrived at the thank you page) We can then use various Remarketing techniques to display a new ad to the user

12 Overview of Remarketing for ecommerce

13 Why use Analytics to create your Remarketing lists
Analytics Remarketing audiences can now be used with all types of Google Remarketing - without the need to add extra AdWords Remarketing tags This allows us to create a huge range of audience lists based on >200 different metrics and dimensions in Analytics We can also create audiences based on advertising from other media, (where we already understand more about the audience) This is achieved by using utm codes added to the links on these ads – so you segment audience by the source of the traffic and the specific segment/demographic, e.g. Traffic from a Facebook ad where you know the interest, income, age, gender and location Traffic from a LinkedIn ad where you know the job title, size of company and sector

14 Anicca’s “Analytics URL Builder” to create your links

15 Remarketing/Retargeting Strategies

16 Remarketing/Retargeting Strategies
Reach all visitors to your website The most basic way to remarket is to reach all visitors to your website. Anyone who visits your websites will be able to see your ads. However if they have already bought or engaged with you - this may be annoying! Showcase different product categories We can showcase different ads for different product categories By creating audience lists based on product categories, we are able to show different ads to users who interacted with these categories; e.g. for an online clothing store, this allows us to show different, customized ads to users who reached the “Women's Clothing” page and the “Men's Clothing” page. This can be more granular by targeting users that visited specific product page i.e. dynamic remarketing

17 Remarketing/Retargeting Strategies (cont.)
Appeal to users who didn’t convert Another strategy would be to exclude our ads to the audiences that converted The main focus of this strategy would be to focus our advertising efforts on the users who got away! Re-engage users with abandoned shopping baskets Users will reach the basket page without purchasing. There are many reasons for this. They may have found the checkout process too detailed when they were short of time, or may have realised they left their bank card at home! Whatever the reason, it’s important that we target these specific users with an advert to give them that nudge to come back and complete their purchase at a later date. Cross-sell to converters Targeting previous customers will be dependent on the type of product/service. For some advertisers, Remarketing/Retargeting to users who had purchased may not make sense, as it could be assumed they will return anyway

18 Cross platform/media or device targeting
You can use some of the strategies above but this time you are trying to display your ad to your target audience when they are on a different platform An example is a user originally found your site in Google search but you then show your ad when they are in Facebook Cross device This requires a login or other “probabilistic” method of identifying users when they move from one device to another (or when they log into the platforms App) – This has been available in Facebook and Twitter for some time (2014) Cross device Remarketing in Google has only been available since September 2016

19 Types of Remarketing/Retargeting

20 Overview of all the Remarketing/Retargeting types
Display Search Social Simple ads Google Display Network (GDN) Remarketing for search – RLSA (Google) Facebook/Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest Products /shopping ads Dynamic display ads (via Google, Criteo, ad Serving etc.) Remarketing for shopping (Google) Dynamic product ads (Facebook/Instagram, Twitter) Upload of s (customers) Customer match (Google) Custom audiences (Facebook/Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest) Look-a-like audiences Based on Customer match (Google) Based on Custom audiences (Facebook/Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest)

21 Sophistication of your approach

22 Remarketing/retargeting in search

23 Remarketing lists for Search Ads (RLSA)
Remarketing lists for search ads provides yet another opportunity to optimise your search campaigns by letting you tailor your keyword bids and ad text for your highest value prospects i.e. targeting people who have previously visited your website at the time when they’re searching for what you sell. Once you know which searchers represented higher value prospects (e.g. previous visitors that added a product to the cart), you might want to: bid higher for converting keyphrases show on broader keywords (generic or competitor phrases) or present different ads to these customers to improve your results (e.g. with an offer)

24 Remarketing for Shopping Ads
Set-up is the same as for RLSA Best with larger lists – so ensure lists are not too small Consider deeper engagement lists i.e. Category page viewers, product page viewers, Cart abandoners – use Analytics to create lists Google recommend starting with the “bid only” modifications (e.g. bid 25% higher if been to the site before): allows for powerful improvements in impression share for your audience maintains your current traffic from first ­time site visitors.

25 Remarketing/retargeting in display and social

26 Display Remarketing/Retargeting
Networks Google - Where we create a display campaign and users from your list are shown ads while they browse website within the GDN. This is the original type of Remarketing Bing/Yahoo - Where we create a display campaign and users from your list are shown ads while they browse website within the Bing and Yahoo network Ad Networks and other platforms such as Criteo, AdRoll etc. Ad Types Text ads Image ads Dynamic ad units HTML ads Video and interactive ads

27 Products and price buttons in display ads
New Google Contextual Dynamic Creative for display ads Ad Serving – paid display using technology such as Exchange Labs, Perfect Audience, AdRoll, Double Click, Dynamic and HTML ads/creative from Flash Talking, Sponge Cell etc. Example from Flash Talking

28 Dynamic Remarketing/Retargeting (display and social)
Dynamic Remarketing/Retargeting lets you create and deliver customised ads that connect visitors with their past shopping experiences on your site, so they see the products in the ad that they previously viewed on your site If you’re a retailer with a Google Merchant Centre account, you can use dynamic Remarketing to construct dynamic Remarketing ads containing the products and messages based on their previous interaction on your site A number of social media platforms also offers dynamic product ads (Facebook/ Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest) This technique requires a remarketing pixel and a product feed (or catalogs); plus a templated ad unit (which is populated with the images of the product visited)

29 Examples of Dynamic Remarketing

30 Facebook (and Instagram) dynamic retargeting
Need to use Facebook’s own retargeting pixel Test different ad formats and use the ad templates Overlay additional audience targeting over your remarketing audience You can use your Google feed or feed management software to create the catalog

31 Twitter – have “discontinued” their buy buttons in favour of dynamic remarketing product ads!
What are Twitter Dynamic Product Ads? Dynamic Product Ads allow advertisers to serve Promoted Tweets based on products users have recently viewed on the advertisers website. Product feeds will be used by Twitter, and Promoted Tweets will be dynamically created. Requirements Ads API production access Dynamic Product Ads permissions Tailored Audience Web permissions Advertiser accounts enabled for ads on Twitter Audience Platform

32 Remarketing/retargeting – customer match

33 Customer match in Google (Custom audiences)
Similar to custom audiences in Facebook and Twitter – where you upload your existing contact lists Upload a CSV file with your lists into AdWords addresses are anonymised in the platform Create target audiences, campaigns and ads Re-engage customers through targeted ads on the Google Search and Display Network (just Gmail ads & YouTube) Reach out to new customers with similar audiences, through Gmail and YouTube ads (not available for search ads) **Need lists of past or current customers in order to target.**

34 Integrated approach to using paid social and paid search
“Honeypots” Integrated approach to using paid social and paid search

35 Use “honeypots” to get visitors to your site – so you can create a Remarketing audience in Analytics
Create Remarketing lists in Analytics

36 Remarketing for search with traffic originating from search, social or display
Use “honeypot” content to attract potential customers to your site Use utm codes on all links, so you can create Remarketing audiences in Analytics Use Remarketing audiences in conjunction with text or Shopping Ads to target these users with increased bids when they are proactively buying Particularly powerful when Shopping ads CPC is high or ROAS is low This strategy allows you to focus budget on previous visitors to your site, as they are more likely to convert

37 Key takeaways Remarketing and Retargeting techniques can be used to increase conversions by re-engaging with previous visitors to your site There are a choice of Remarketing/Retargeting methods that can be used within or cross platforms (and even cross-device) For each platform that you want your ads to be displayed in you will need to set up an account and add some form of tagging or pixel to your website However with google AdWords you can significant benefits by using Analytics tracking to create your Remarketing audiences The most effective forms of remarketing strategies are: Dynamic product ads – where you have ads that contain the products that the user actually visited but didn’t buy (available in Google, Facebook/Instagram and Bing) Use of Honeypots ads with known audience profiles to get low cost traffic to your site, so you can then remarket to them when they are actively searching RLSA – Remarketing Lists for Search Ads – where you change the ad or bid for text and shopping ads in Google and Bing


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