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Presentation on theme: "SOCIAL MEDIA OPTIMIZATION – GOOGLE ADSENSE, ANALYTICS, ADWORDS & MUCH MORE Ritesh Ambastha,"— Presentation transcript:


2 Agenda  Social Media Statistics  Traditional Media v/s Social Media  Properties of Social Media  Blogs and other popular platforms  Case Study – Websites with Ads  Google AdSense – Basics & Advanced Concepts  Google Adwords Network  Social Media Web Promotions  Search Engine Optimization/Marketing  Google Analytics

3 Some Interesting Statistics 60% of the social networking traffic come from Non Metro- Cities but the highest traffic generating city still remains to be a Metro i.e. Mumbai

4 Some Interesting Statistics The highest number of active users are from the 15-24 age group but LinkedIn has a different age group of active users i.e. 25-34 age-group

5 Some Interesting Statistics The male-female ratio shows consistency with the overall population break-up by gender i.e. 80:20 in favour of males

6 Some Interesting Statistics Social media in India reaches out to 60 per cent of the online Indian audience

7 Some Interesting Statistics Facebook and Orkut, together cater to about 90 per cent of the users in the social media space.

8 Some Interesting Statistics Facebook is the only social network in India that has witnessed a tremendous growth, almost doubling its users in the last 6 months.

9 Some Interesting Statistics Highest number of active social media audience in India are in the age group of 15-24 and are graduates who are looking for a Job or planning further studies

10 Some Interesting Statistics The maximum users come from the ‘less than 2 lakhs p.a.’ income category. This is because social networks are primarily driven by the youth

11 Some Interesting Statistics More than 45% of the users on Social Networks return during the day. Facebook tops the list with users re-visiting more than 3 times during a day

12 Some Interesting Statistics Majority of the time spent by the Indian audience on Facebook is on Interactive Games/Applications and then on viewing Photos

13 Traditional Media v/s Social Media



16 Properties of Social Media Global Audience Highly Scalable Reach Free Available to Anyone Accessibility Lesser Skills & Training Anyone can Operate Usability Instantaneous responses No time lag in Communications Recency Can be altered Community effort Permaneance

17 Popular Platforms  Blogs  Facebook  Delicious  Flickr  LinkedIn  MySpace  Twitter  YouTube..

18 Case Study : Websites with Ads



21 Google AdSense

22 What is Google AdSense  The flexible, hassle-free way to earn revenue online  Get paid for displaying targeted Google ads on your site.  Customize ads to match your site's look and feel.  Track your success with online reports.  It's free! With AdSense, you'll pay nothing, spend little time on set-up, and have no maintenance worries.

23 How AdSense Works?  Choose where to show ads  Specify where you want ads to appear  Choose what types of ads can compete for those slots  Highest-paying ads display  Advertisers bid on your inventory in a real-time auction  Always show the highest-paying ad  Get paid  Google bills advertisers and ad networks  Get paid through Google’s reliable payment options

24 Access Advertisers  Access Google's vast advertiser pool without having to maintain individual relationships.  The most advertisers means:  More competition for your inventory  More relevant ads  Ads for all your online content

25 Targeting Options  AdSense's targeting options allow advertisers to more precisely reach their desired audiences -- meaning more revenue for you and a better experience for your users.  Contextual targeting  AdSense displays ads related to the content of your page.  Placement targeting  An advertiser can target your site based on demographics, vertical, geographic location, or URL.  Interest-based advertising  An advertiser can show ads based on your users' interests and previous interactions with that advertiser.

26 Ad Formats  AdSense isn't just for websites. Earn additional revenue by displaying ads on your:  Site search results  Mobile webpages  Feeds  Parked domains  Mobile applications  Videos  Online games  TV inventory

27 Ad Controls Protect the value of your brand and ensure a positive user experience by choosing how ads are displayed on your site.  Control how Google represents your inventory  Choose how advertisers can target your site  Block advertisers by URL or category  Block third-party ads or certified ad networks  Manage how your ads are displayed  Choose which ad formats you accept  Customize your ads to match your site's look and feel

28 Ad Reports  Detailed reports help you identify opportunities to make more money.  Performance reports  Earnings by specific day or date range  Earnings by page, domain, or ad unit  Clicks, CTR, and eCPM  Google Analytics reports  Earnings by user visits  Earnings by user location, browser type, and referring source  Traffic by AdSense impressions, clicks, and revenue

29 Ecosystem – AdSense & AdWords

30 How it works Advertiser advertises their sites on Google’s Adwords program. As part of this, their ads will appear on Google’s search results and on other content sites A publisher signs up with Google Adsense program, pastes small piece of JavaScript code from Adsense onto their page. Google reads the content of the page where the code is pasted, maps the keyword relevance of this page with the existing advertisers. Relevant contextual ads are displayed on the publisher page where the code is pasted.

31 CPM vs. CPC vs. CPA  CPM – Cost Per Million  CPC – Cost Per Click  CPA – Cost Per Action CPM CPACPC

32 First Session Over


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