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1.We can identify the purpose of political parties.

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1 1.We can identify the purpose of political parties.
Success Criteria /6/2016 1.We can identify the purpose of political parties.  2.We can compare and contrast the ideas of the Republicans and Democrats.  3.We can analyze scenarios to understand which purpose of political parties is present.  4.We can evaluate our own political ideology by writing arguments about key issues. Answer in a complete sentence You have heard the phrases “Republican” and “Democrat” before. What do you know about them? Who are some people who call themselves Republicans or Democrats? Do you know their differences?

2 Do Now: Write the answers on your half-sheet
Do Now: Write the answers on your half-sheet. Start every question on a new line. 1. Write about your favorite day of the week (and why). 2. You have heard the phrases “Republican” and “Democrat” before. What do you know about them? Who are some people who call themselves Republicans or Democrats? Do you know their differences? 3. The population of Massachusetts has increased since 1970, but its representation in Congress has declined. Which of these best explains why this has happened? A. A large number of people in Massachusetts are not citizens. B. A large number of people in Massachusetts have not registered to vote. C. Massachusetts has chosen not to send representatives to the national government. D. Population growth in Massachusetts has not kept pace with the growth of other states.

3 Early Announcements No Coach Class Today – Sorry!
Unit 3: Civic Participation Today: Political Parties Check my website to download make-up work you may need

4 Political Ideology Quiz
Under your drill, write down the letter of the statement that you agree the MOST with You must only pick 1!!

5 Political Ideology Quiz
Abortion is a woman’s right and should be legal Abortion should be illegal and restricted by government

6 Political Ideology Quiz
Flag burning is free speech and is protected by the Constitution Flag burning should be illegal

7 Political Ideology Quiz
Gun control is needed Gun control is unconstitutional and violated the 2nd Amendment

8 Political Ideology Quiz
Strong regulations are needed to protect the environment Strong environmental laws harm the economy

9 Political Ideology Quiz
Strong anti-discrimination laws are needed People and businesses can be trusted not to discriminate

10 Political Ideology Quiz
We should increase the minimum wage to help workers Do not raise the minimum wage because it hurts businesses

11 Political Ideology Quiz
Government should require universal access to healthcare Private health insurers are better than complicated government requirements

12 Political Ideology Quiz
The death penalty should never be used as punishment for a crime The death penalty is effective at deterring criminals

13 Political Ideology Quiz
Homosexuals deserve the right to marry Marriage is a sacred trust only between a man and woman

14 Political Party Self-Test
A’s Independents B’s 9 7 5 3 1 Democrats Republicans

15 Political Parties Introduction

16 What side do you “lean” towards?
1. Circle one statement from each pair that best describes how you feel about the issue at hand. 2. Tally up the number of odds and evens and put them at the bottom of the page. We will go over the answers afterward. Were you surprised to see which political party you lean towards? Why? How many of you think that neither of these parties match your beliefs to the point that you would want to join them? Why?

17 What are Political Parties?
A group of people who think alike on major issues. They create an organization to support people who think like them to get elected to office so they can make decisions in government.

18 Where did political parties come from?
Politics is rooted in the debate over what constitutes the common good and how to achieve it. This debate is essential to democracy and is ongoing among individuals, groups, and members of government.

19 Membership in Political Parties
By joining a political party or saying you belong to one, you are signaling your own values or beliefs. Political parties are the primary means by which the will of the people is made known to the government.

20 America has two MAJOR political parties

21 What do Political Parties do:
Support politicians who are part of their political party. Raise money for these politicians. Plan party-sponsored events. Run commercials and ads for their party and its candidates. ELECT CANDIDATES PERSUADE VOTERS CRITICIZE OTHER PARTY

22 Base of a Political Party
A demographic group that reliably votes for a particular party. These can change over time.

23 Democrat Symbolism (system of symbols)

24 Famous Democratic Presidents
John F. Kennedy Bill Clinton Franklin D. Roosevelt Lyndon B. Johnson

25 Big Gov’t (Lots of government regulation)
Democratic Basic Ideas (remember these are generalizations… not all Democrats always believe in this) Big Gov’t (Lots of government regulation) More Gov’t support for social services Lower taxes for middle & low class

26 Democrat’s Base: Minority populations
For example: African-Americans Hispanic Americans Muslim Americans

27 Democrat’s Base; Urban Dwellers

28 Democrat’s Base; College Students

29 Democrat’s Base; Union Workers

30 Democrats on the Issues

31 Republican Symbolism (system of symbols)

32 Famous Republican Presidents
Dwight D. Eisenhower Abraham Lincoln Theodore Roosevelt Ronald Reagan

33 Little gov’t control of the economy Lower taxes for all people
Republicans Smaller government Little gov’t control of the economy Lower taxes for all people

34 Republican Base; Wealthy Business Owners

35 Republican Base; Gun Owners

36 Republican Base; Evangelical Christians

37 Republicans; Military

38 Republicans; want harsher policies for illegal immigrants

39 General Stances of Republican Party
Oppose Gay Marriage Support right to life (anti-abortion) Less spending on social programs like Welfare and Affirmative Action More freedom for business and less jobs provided by government

40 Practice: Functions of Political Parties
On the following slides, read each of the scenarios to determine which of the three main functions of political parties is being described: (look at the “What do political parties do?” section of your notes) ELECT CANDIDATES- Get people in their party into public offices like mayor or Congress. PERSUADE VOTERS- Get citizens to vote for their candidates. CRITICIZE OTHER PARTY- Put other parties on “blast” about the negative things they do.

41 Political Party Issue Analysis

42 Scenario 1 The Democratic Party is spending $5 million on an advertising campaign to inform the public about the party’s position on health care and the War in Iraq. These ads will be run on television, radio, and in newspapers across the country during the week before the election. Persuade voters

43 Scenario 2 The Republican Party interviews five people they think will do a good job as governor of the state of Maryland. These five people are asked questions about their lifestyle, past experience, belief in government, and vision for state government. The party will endorse only one of these people. Elect Candidates

44 Scenario 3 The Democratic Party held several big fundraisers during the Obama campaign. One of them was a fancy dinner attended by Hollywood actors and actresses. In order to get a table at the event, each guest had to donate at least $10,000 to the Democratic National Committee. Elect candidates

45 Criticize other parties
Scenario 4 Former Vice President Dick Cheney has been speaking at events hosted by the Republican Party, as well as showing up in television interviews on CNN. He says Obama is weak on national security and put the nation at risk when he talked about closing our prison at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba. Criticize other parties

46 Purposes of Political Parties
With your groups, read the scenarios and determine which purpose of political parties is present This will be checked for Participation Points!!

47 Parties Issue Analysis
You must read the political issues sheet Explain WHAT each party thinks about each issue Explain WHY they feel that way Then, provide your own opinion on the issue, including which group you agree with the most

48 Create Your Own Political Party
Norms for Group Participation Directions Determine group roles. Answer Questions (whole group). Create Mini-Poster. Don’t forget names on back. DEADLINE: TODAY. Equal Participation Be supportive & willing to compromise Respect for All Appropriate language & indoor voices Model correct body posture Get creative! 100% Effort

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