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The art of typography Kaitlyn's guide to why typography is an element of design and not merely words on a page.

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Presentation on theme: "The art of typography Kaitlyn's guide to why typography is an element of design and not merely words on a page."— Presentation transcript:

1 The art of typography Kaitlyn's guide to why typography is an element of design and not merely words on a page

2 Quick Vocab Serif- little feet sans serif- "without" little feet
decorative- decorative. script- fancy and handwritten and stuff symbols- Typeface- font family (ex. Georgia) Font- specific type in font family (ex. Georgia bold)

3 Consider all the possibilities . . .
The words- especially the title- are not simply letters but part of the spread. Truly successful designers incorporate the typography into the design.

4 Picking your font Your font should be chosen because it fits the mood, not because it's "pretty". Ex: Notice how ultra modern and sleek this poster looks? If this were in Georgia or Times New Roman, the entire mood of the poster would be different.

5 picking fonts, con't.

6 What can you do with fonts?
Don't be normal. Normal is bad. Why not put the title on the bottom or up the side or overburned onto the text or running off the edge? Think outside of the box! It won't always work, but it's better to change a spread because it's too weird than change a spread because it's too boring.

7 be a rebel

8 2 biggies of design Don't be afraid to break the rules! Except for these two. 1. The most important element of design is readability.

9 Rule number 2 2.Don't use more than two typefaces per title (but you can use many fonts).

10 3 questions to ask yourself
1. Why did I pick my typeface? 2. What is unique about my spread? 3. What is the overall mood of my spread?

11 Questions?

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