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So Far, So Good, So What’s Next!

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Presentation on theme: "So Far, So Good, So What’s Next!"— Presentation transcript:

1 So Far, So Good, So What’s Next!
Leading Learning & School Effectiveness

2 Focus “How can we use pupils’ ideas and opinions during the planning and implementation process of Curriculum 2008?”

3 Analysis

4 ACTION PLAN Action Time Scale
Implement pilot programme – Year 5 English. Children to select, plan and produce English skills project. Summer 1 term (4 Weeks) Children to complete questionnaire Summer 2 term Questionnaire analysis Pupil/teacher dialogue (Informal) Curriculum planning Summer 2 & Autumn 1 term Year group planning On-going/ Weekly Year group planning with childrens’ input Autumn 1 Lesson evaluation and teacher dialogue Evaluation Teacher/Pupil Autumn ½ term

5 Listening to Learners

6 IMPACT Evidence that pupils are more motivated when involved in the co-construction of the curriculum. Pupil/Teacher dialogue has confirmed that pupils ‘feel’ more involved in their own learning. Pupils’ ideas are being integrated into termly planning cycles. Lessons are being adapted to enable a greater focus in learning preferences/styles.

7 NEXT STEPS Half termly workshops: forum to discuss and evaluate lessons between pupils and teachers. Evaluation and monitoring of the effectiveness of lessons/skills (essential to ensure continuity and progression of skills). Framework skills mapping to ensure coverage. Evaluate effectiveness of pilot project. Dissemination of achievements to whole school.

8 NEXT STEPS Establish training requirements for Subject Leaders/Link Governors to undertake ‘Learning Walks’ when monitoring curriculum standards.

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