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Etc Objective: The pupils I teach will achieve their agreed individual targets this year and 50% will exceed their targets Timelines and QA Identification.

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Presentation on theme: "Etc Objective: The pupils I teach will achieve their agreed individual targets this year and 50% will exceed their targets Timelines and QA Identification."— Presentation transcript:

1 etc Objective: The pupils I teach will achieve their agreed individual targets this year and 50% will exceed their targets Timelines and QA Identification by … Assessment by … Report to LM by… Observation by.. Reflections on feedback from LP recorded by … Strategies identified by. Implemented by.. Feedback from LP Discussion with LM by. Report completed by.. In practice by… Evidence of impact Markbook Classroom organisation Report log Observation notes Lesson plans Classroom Observation Pupils work Assessment data Work scrutiny Monitoring & Feedback AMBER identification complete by 30/9/ Data used to monitor progress 15/10 AMBER pupils given regular feedback10/1 GREEN demonstrates clear understanding of relevant teaching strategies15/4 AMBER insufficient evidence of all pupils learning needs being addressed.further classroom observation and pupil feedback agreed 1/11 AMBER Able pupils not suffiiciently challenged. 3/3/ GREEN 15 pupils on track to exceed targets 30/4 Standards Make accurate and productive use of assessment ( 6) OR Sets high expectations which inspire, motivate and challenge pupils (1) Student Learning: Action steps (a) Identify underachieving pupils and determine the reasons for their underachievement. (b) Observe a Leading Practitioner and engage in a professional discussion about appropriate and effective intervention strategies. Develop and implement at least 3 intervention strategies drawn from research undertaken. (c) Monitor, evaluate and report on the strategies. Incorporate and embed the most effective strategies in classroom practice. Level 4 at Year 6: English greater than 85%, Maths 85% & Science 85%

2 etc Objective: My teaching meets the needs of the full range of learners and course requirements Action steps 1(a) Audit and report on the quality of science teaching at KS… Complete a work scrutiny and design and deliver relevant and effective training for teachers. 1(b) Following training observe and monitor teaching and provide timely and pertinent feedback. 2(a) Undertake, demonstrate and lead the impact of CPD on classroom effectiveness. 2(b) Develop and sustain a more active and stimulating classroom that engages pupils and leaves them with a thirst for your subject and continuously wanting to extend their learning. Timelines and QA Audit completed by.. Work scrutiny by.. Training planned by.. Delivered by.. Observation pro forma prepared by… Observations scheduled Feedback recorded in log by.. Visits completed by.. Effective methods incorporated into planning by.. New teaching approaches introduced by.. Evidence of impact Reports Work Scrutiny pro-forma Training plan Participant Feedback Observation records Departmental notes Log Feedback from teachers Lesson plans Headteacher learning walks Classroom Observation show more pupils fully engaged and inspired by the teaching Pupils work Standards Fulfills wider professional responsibilities (8) Plans and teaches well structured lessons (4) Teaching: 80% of teaching is good and 40% outstanding. Monitoring & Evaluation RED No evidence as at 1/10/ AMBER Undertaking agreed CPD 5/11 AMBER Insufficient evidence of effective deployment of staff 31/1 GREEN Effective science training developed delivered and support maintained 4/2 RED Subject knowledge dated 2/10 RED Classroom not sufficiently stimulating 30/11 AMBER Teaching still not inspiring1/1 AMBER Some evidence of impact of CPD on teaching practice 2/2

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