WHS Dual-Enrollment and AP Parent Night

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1 WHS Dual-Enrollment and AP Parent Night
February 28, 2017

2 Advanced Placement Courses
From the College Board: “Deciding to take an AP course lets colleges and universities know that you have what it takes to succeed in an undergraduate environment. When admissions officers see ‘A’ on your transcript, they know that what you experienced in a particular class has prepared you well for the challenges of college. Taking AP is a sign that you’re up for the most rigorous classes your high school has to offer.” The Benefits: Nationally-standardized, universally-recognized quality instruction Guaranteed, transferable college credit with passing score

3 Advanced Placement Courses: AP Scores and College Credit
English Language and Composition 3 ENC 1101 4 6 ENC 1101, 1102 English Literature and Composition LIT 2000 ENC 1102 (3) LIT 2000 (3) Environmental Science GEO1330 Example of How AP College Credit Works

4 Advanced Placement: Courses Offered at WHS
AP English Language AP Calculus AP English Literature AP Statistics AP Spanish Language AP Biology AP Human Geography AP Art History AP U.S. History AP Psychology AP World History AP Environmental Science AP Music Theory

5 Advanced Placement Courses: Sample Exam Questions
AP English Language AP Environmental Science

6 Dual-Enrollment at TCC
What is dual-enrollment? Dual-enrollment represents a partnership between Wakulla High School and Tallahassee Community College in which students can receive simultaneous high school credit toward graduation AND college-level credit towards a future degree, such as an A.A. degree. The curriculum (what the class actually covers) is set by the college but is open to eligible high school students who either take classes at their high school, on the college’s campus, or online. Dual-Enrollment vs. Early Admit

7 Process for Dual-Enrolling at TCC
Take a qualification test, such as the PERT or ACT. Note: Sign-up tonight for the PERT on March 30th. Apply to be a TCC student at Meet with a guidance counselor to discuss your course options. Get a Permission to Register form filled out and sign by counselor. Register online through TCC Passport for courses at TCC or online courses. Print your schedule and give it to Ms. Britt. Pick up a book voucher from Ms. Britt. required to print schedules in the library on either August 22nd or 23rd. For fall 2017 dual-enrollment, students will be TCC representative on our campus on May 2nd.

8 TCC Courses Offered at WHS
ENC Online math course support ENC ANT 2000 LIT ANT 2140 ENL SLS 1510 AMH 2010 AMH 2020

9 Important Dates for Dual-Enrolling at TCC
Spring PERT: March 30th. Deadline to sign-up: March 10th TCC is open for registration on April 17th for all students. Summer session is from June 27-August 9. Last day to add summer classes: June 28. Fall session is August 22nd-December 9th. Words of Warning: Students are put on probation for a semester if their TCC GPA is a 2.5 or below. They are not permitted to dual-enroll if they do not raise their GPA. Withdrawing and failing DE courses can impact financial aid in the future.

10 Dual-Enrollment at FSU: Requirements
3.9 weighted high school GPA on a minimum of 12 graded credits to include at least: 2 English credits 2 math credits 1 science credit with lab 1 social science credit ACT: 21 on Reading, English, and Math Or SAT: 500 on Critical Reading and Math Students must maintain a 3.0 FSU GPA to continue to dual-enroll. See page 14 in FSU dual-enrollment packet for checklist on application and approval process.

11 Dual-Enrollment at Lively
2.5 GPA Take the TABE (Test of Adult Basic Education) at Lively. See. Ms. Vause for permission letter to test. Students take classes at Lively from 12:15-4:00 p.m. (5th-7th periods). If students have completed all graduation requirements by the end of 11th grade, they may be eligible to dual-enroll full time their senior year at Lively. Lively programs include Aviation, Welding Technology, etc.

12 Contact Your Counselor with Any Questions
Sherry Lohmeyer, Assistant Principal of Instruction, x8031 Priscilla Tucker, Assistant Principal of Student Services, x8604 Krista Sharin, Associate Dean—Counselor for Last Names A-D, x8624 Sonia Clark-Rosier, Associate Dean—Counselor for Last Names E-K, x8622 Daniel Lilly, Associate Dean—Counselor for Last Names, L-Roh, x8623 Timothy Wheeler, Associate Dean—Counselor for Last Names, Rod-Z, x8621 High School Phone Number: Address:

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