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DMR Tuner Training Document.

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Presentation on theme: "DMR Tuner Training Document."— Presentation transcript:

1 DMR Tuner Training Document

2 Contents Overview Equipment and Setup Tuning

3 Overview This tuner software is designed for tuning and testing DMR digital radios. It can help adjust radio parameters during after-sales maintenance, adapting the radio to actual requirements. Warning: Due to the specification requirements according to the standard of R&TTE, the user of the DMR tuning software should always ensure that he complies with the national rules and the rules of the R&TTE. Hytera assumes no responsibility for misuse or failure to use the DMR tuning software.

4 Overview Equipment and Setup Tuning

5 Equipment Tuner Software

6 Communication Test Set
Equipment Communication Test Set ( HP8921A or Equivalent ) Power Supply

7 Install The Tuner Software
Setup PC System Requirement Operating System: Windows XP / Vista / Window 7 (32 bit/64 bit operating system depending on the driver installed ). Hardware requirements: Pentium® 1GHz 256 MB Disk Space Install The Tuner Software

8 Install Hytera USB Driver
Setup Install Hytera USB Driver Connect Hytera DMR radio and the computer, using the programming cable. When you link the usb device, the OS will hint you install USB driver if your PC never install it.

9 Portable Connect Diagram
Setup Connect Diagram Portable Connect Diagram

10 Mobile Connect Diagram
Setup Connect Diagram Mobile Connect Diagram

11 Repeater Connect Diagram
Setup Connect Diagram Repeater Connect Diagram

12 Overview Equipment and Setup Tuning

13 Step1: Select Radio Model “ System→Select Model ” or
Tuning Step1: Select Radio Model “ System→Select Model ” or Step2: Enter Test Mode “ Connect→Open USB ” or Make sure the terminal and the PC connected. “ Connect → Enter Test Mode” or If all is right, the terminal will display “ Have Entered Test Mode “ . Before tuning, you must select an appropriate radio model to get the applicable tuning items. To select an appropriate radio model: 1.Select "Select Model" from the System menu, or click the iconon the toolbar, and then the Radio Model dialog box will pop up. 2.Select an appropriate radio model from the drop down menu, and click OK to ensure. Then the tuning interface for the selected model will appear. Note: If the prompt "Open USB Device Failed!" appears after you select means the default USB port is already in use by another program.

14 “Tuning Data” ——Here are two Parts: Tx Rx
If selected model don’t match the connected machine, here is notice as follow: If connected success Step3: Tuning “Tuning Data” ——Here are two Parts: Tx Rx To enter tuning mode 1.Select "Open USB" from the Connect menu, or click the icon on the toolbar and choose port. After terminal is connected, the Enter Test Mode option will be available for selection. 2.Select "Enter Test Mode" from the Connect menu, or click the icon on the toolbar, and a prompt "Radio is connected!" will pop up after terminal is connected. Then the terminal will display "Have Entered Test Mode". Note: If the prompt "Open USB Device Failed!" appears after you select means the default USB port is already in use by another program.

15 Tx Tuning-TX Reference Oscillator Warp Transmit Power Calibration
Transmit-to-Deviation Modulation Balance Transmit Oscillator Voltage Tx The type range of the machine that each test item suitable will show in the help document of the tuner software by icon. First, TX The icon in the bottom of the PPT is example.

16 Tuning-TX This item is used to make slight adjustment of reference oscillator frequency for frequency synthesizer. The tuning procedures are as follows: 1. Connect the TX antenna connector of the terminal with the communication analyzer, which is set to TX test mode. 2. Select “ TX → Reference Oscillator Warp ”. Then the corresponding tuning interface will appear on the right. 3. Click “ Transmit on ”. 4. Observe the frequency displayed on the communication analyzer, and adjust the vernier until the frequency error is less than 40Hz. 5. Click “ Transmit off ”. 6. Click “ save ”. The icon in the head means the tpye range of the machine that the test item suitable. The same as the next. Equipment setup 1. TX Test-- Connect radio RF output to RF In/Out port 2. Input Port-- Select ‘RF In’ 3. Tune Mode--Select ‘Manual’ 4. Tune Freq-- Match Frequency Point in Tuner

17 Tuning-TX This item is used to adjust static bias of final-stage RF power amplifier. The tuning procedures are as follows: 1.Connect 50Ω load to the TX antenna port of the terminal, and power it by DC regulated power supply capable of voltage/current display. Adjust output voltage of DC power supply to 13.6V. 2.Get the standby current from DC regulated power supply, and record it as “ I0 ". 3.Select "TX" from the tree view on the left, and double click on Final RF PA Bias (Coarse Adjustment). Then the corresponding tuning interface will appear on the right. 4.Click “ Transmit On ” to activate transmission.(this step is unnecessary for repeater) 5.Observe the current displayed on the power supply, and adjust the vernier until the current is I0 +300mA. 6.Click “ Transmit Off ” to terminate transmission.(this step is unnecessary for repeater) 7.Click “ Save” to save the value. Note: For repeater, it needn't the operation “ Transmit On ” and “ Transmit Off ” . The icon in the head means the tpye range of the machine that the test item suitable. The same as the next. Equipment setup 1. TX Test-- Connect radio RF output to RF In/Out port 2. Input Port-- Select ‘RF In’ 3. Tune Mode--Select ‘Manual’ 4. Tune Freq-- Match Frequency Point in Tuner

18 Tuning-TX This item is used to adjust TX low and high power, and also TX medium power (for mobile terminal and repeater only). The tuning procedures are as follows: 1. Connect the TX antenna port of the terminal with the communication analyzer, which is set to TX test mode. 2. Select "TX" from the tree view on the left, and double click on Transmit Power Calibration. 3. Select the channel to be tuned from the tuning screen. 4. To adjust low power, click Up/Down arrow of corresponding channel in the LOW column. 5.Click“Transmit on” to activate transmission. Observe the power displayed on the communication analyzer, and click Up/Down arrow to adjust the value in the dialog box until the power is:     Portable:1.2W         Mobile:1W         Repeater:1W Then press Enter key to save the value. 6. Click “ Transmit off ” to terminate transmission.

19 Tuning-TX 7. To adjust medium power for repeater and high-power mobile radio, click Up/Down arrow of corresponding channel in the MIDDLE column. 8. Click“Transmit on”. Observe the power displayed on the communication analyzer, and click Up/Down arrow to adjust the value in the dialog box until the power is:    High-power Mobile:25W     Repeater:10W Then press Enter key to save the value. 9. Click “ Transmit off ”. 10. To adjust high power, click Up/Down arrow of corresponding channel in the HIGH column. 11. Click “Transmit on”. Observe the power displayed on the communication analyzer, and click Up/Down arrow to adjust the value in the dialog box until the power is:      Portable:4.2W      Low-power Mobile:25W        High-power Mobile:45W      Repeater:50W

20 Tuning-TX 12. Click “Transmit off”. 13. Click “Save”.
14. Select another channel to adjust power and repeat the above step 4 to step 13. Note: 1. Before moving to configure another channel, remember to click “Save”to save your settings; otherwise, they will not be saved to the terminal. 2. This MIDDLE power item is applicable to Repeater and High-power mobile radio only.

21 Tuning-TX This item is used to adjust TX reference frequency deviation. The tuning procedures are as follows: 1. Connect the TX antenna port of the terminal with the communication analyzer, which is set to TX test mode. 2. Select "TX" from the tree view on the left, and double click on. Transmit-to-Deviation. 3. Click “ Transmit On ” to activate transmission with modulation signal of 100Hz. 4. Observe the frequency deviation displayed on the communication analyzer, and adjust the vernier until the frequency deviation is 5kHz. 5. Click “ Transmit Off ”. 6. Click “ Save “. Equipment setup 1. TX Test---Connect radio RF output to RF In/Out port 2. Input Port---Select ‘RF In’ 3. Tune Mode---Select ‘Auto’ 4. AF Anl In---Select ‘FM Demod’ 5. Filter Setting---Select ‘<20Hz HPF’ and ’15kHz LPF’ 6. AF Gen1 Lvl---Select ‘Off’

22 Tuning-TX This item is used to tune the balance for transmission modulation. The tuning procedures are as follows: 1. Connect the antenna port of terminal with the communication analyzer, and configure the analyzer to work in TX mode. 2. From the tree view on the left, select "Tuner Data -> TX -> Modulation Balance", and you will see the tuning screen on the right. 3. Select your desired channel to be tuned from the tuning screen. 4. For LOW_PORT, click the Up/Down arrow to get the appropriate value. 5. Click “Transmit on”, and the modulation signal is 100Hz. 6. Observe the communication analyzer, and click Up/Down arrow to get the right software value until the frequency deviation is 5kHz. Then press Enter to confirm your settings. 7. Click “Transmit off”. 8. For HI_PORT, click the Up/Down arrow to adjust the value of appropriate channel.

23 Tuning-TX 9. Click “Transmit on”, and the modulation signal is 5kHz(Mobile)/6kHz(Portable and Repeater). 10. Observe the communication analyzer, and click Up/Down arrow to get the right software value until the frequency deviation is 5kHz. Then press Enter to confirm your settings. 11. Click “ Transmit off”. 12. Click “ Save ”. 13. Select another channel and repeat the above steps 4-12. Note: Before moving to configure another channel, remember to click “Save”to save your settings; otherwise, they will not be saved to the terminal. Equipment setup 1. TX Test---Connect radio RF output to RF In/Out port 2. Input Port---Select ‘RF In’ 3. Tune Mode---Select ‘Auto’ 4. AF Anl In---Select ‘FM Demod’ 5. Filter Setting---Select ‘<20Hz HPF’ and ’15kHz LPF’ 6. AF Gen1 Lvl---Select ‘Off’

24 Tuning-TX This employs a standard temperature calibration jig to calibrate the temperature baseline for repeater, so that the temperature measure system of repeater can precisely detect temperature. Inaccurate temperature calibration would result in failure or even damage of the repeater. The calibration procedures are as follows: 1.Disconnect the 13.6V power cord plug from the 13.6V power socket J401 on the PA module, and disconnect the 10-pin control cable plug from the socket J105 on the baseband board, and connect the plug of a temperature calibration jig to the socket J105. 2.Connect the repeater to power supply, and connect it to PC with programming cable. Then launch the tuner software to enter tuning mode. 3.Double click on the "Temperature Calibration" item from the left tree view 4.Click the “ Save ” to save the value and complete calibration. Note: Before you power up the repeater and perform temperature calibration, be sure to connect the temperature calibration jig to the socket J105 on the baseband board. The temperature calibration jig is composed of resistor and a cable with standard 10-pin plug (2.54mm spacing). The resistance is derived from 2.2K resistor and 33K resistor in parallel. This resistance is used to simulate the temperature baseline of repeater at 30ºC. So accuracy of the resistors in parallel and also the resistance after parallel connection is critical. When connecting the temperature calibration jig to the socket J105 on the baseband board, be sure to connect the two terminals of the resistor to the pins 9 and 10 of the socket J105, or else failure of temperature calibration will result.

25 Tuning-TX This item is used to tune the PLL lock value.
The tuning procedures are as follows: 1.Connect the antenna port of terminal with the communication analyzer, and configure the analyzer to work in TX mode. 2.From the tree view on the left, select "Tuner Data -> TX -> Transmit Oscillator Voltage", and you will see the tuning screen on the right. 3.Click “ Save” to save your settings.

26 Tuning-RX This item is used to tune the front-end filter. The tuning procedures are as follows: 1. Connect the antenna port of terminal with the RF Out port of communication analyzer, connect the Audio Out port of terminal with the Audio In port of communication analyzer, and configure the analyzer to work in RX mode. 2. Select "Tuner Data -> RX -> Front-end Filter". 3. Select the channel to be tuned . 4. Configure the communication analyzer to output -118dBm /Frequency (current channel frequency) signal, Set the modulation frequency to 1kHz and the modulation deviation to 3kHz.

27 Tuning-RX 5.Observe the SINAD value on communication analyzer display, and move the vernier to make SINAD>14dB. Then press Enter to confirm your settings. 6.Click “ Save ” to save your settings. 7.Select another channel and repeat the above steps 4-6. Equipment setup 1. RF Gen Freq---Match eight Frequency Points in Tuner 2. Amplitude dBm 3. Filter Setting---Select ‘300Hz HPF’ and ‘3kHz LPF’

28 Tuning-RX This item is used to tune the front-end gain of receiver.
The tuning procedures are as follows: 1.Connect the antenna port of terminal with the communication analyzer, and configure the analyzer to work in RX mode. 2.From the tree view on the left, select "Tuner Data -> RX -> Rx Front-end Gain” . 3.Select the channel to be tuned from the tuning screen. 4.Configure the communication analyzer to output -70dBm / Frequency (current channel frequency) unmodulated signal. Then press Enter to confirm your settings. 5.Click “ Save ” to save your settings. 6.Select another channel and repeat the above steps 4-5.

29 Tuning-RX This item is used to tune the PLL lock value.
The tuning procedures are as follows: 1.Connect the antenna port of terminal with the communication analyzer, and configure the analyzer to work in RX mode. 2.From the tree view on the left, select “Tuner Data -> RX -> Receive Oscillator Voltage ”. 3.Configure the communication analyzer to output -47dBm / Frequency (current channel frequency) unmodulated signal. Then press Enter to confirm your settings. 4.Click “ Save ” to save your settings.

30 Tuning This option features two functions: data backup in case of terminal breakdown and data transfer between terminals. The procedures are as follows: 1.First of all, select “Read/Write Tuner Data” from the menu "Parameter" or click Then a new window will pop up. 2.In this window, you can:   a. Read and save tuner data - click “Read” button to read the tuner data; after clicking “ Save File” button, a new window will pop up, where you are required to select an appropriate storage path and input your desired file name. Then click "ok"to save.    b. Export and write tuner data – Click “ Open File” button, select the target file stored on your local disk and click Open. Then click “ Write” to import the data file. Note: Before importing a data file, make sure that the file matches your terminal model. Improper tuner data may result in performance degradation or other terminal abnormalities. After updating the tuner data, remember to check whether each item meets your requirements according to the procedures of Terminal Tuning, ensuring optimized performance.


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