GCSE French Vocabulary Foundation Tier Listening 2004 PPT3.

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Presentation on theme: "GCSE French Vocabulary Foundation Tier Listening 2004 PPT3."— Presentation transcript:

1 GCSE French Vocabulary Foundation Tier Listening 2004 PPT3

2 There are 30 vocabulary slides in this presentation. Run through them a couple of times saying them out loud to yourself– then use the PowerPoint again to test yourself.

3 la gare [la gar] station

4 le dessin [luh dess-san] drawing

5 les promenades à vélo [lay prom-nad ah vay-lo] bike rides

6 le fromage [luh from-aj] cheese

7 la bière [lah bee-air] beer

8 manger [mon-jay] to eat

9 le chocolat [luh shock-kol-lah] chocolate

10 boire [bwar] to drink

11 le café [luh caf-fay] coffee / café

12 le poisson [luh pwass-son] fish

13 la limonade [lah lim-mon-aad] lemonade

14 la boisson [lah bwass-son] drink

15 le poulet [luh pool-lay] chicken

16 le vin [luh van] wine

17 le pain [luh pan] bread

18 leau minérale [low min-nay-ral] mineral water

19 les oeufs [layz euh] eggs

20 le lait [luh lay] milk

21 aujourdhui [oh-jord-wee] today

22 couvert [koov-vair] covered / overcast

23 chaud [show] hot

24 il pleut [ill pluh] its raining

25 le soleil [luh sol-lay] sun

26 il neige [ill nej] its snowing

27 le brouillard [luh brwee-yar] fog

28 le vent [luh von] wind

29 jeudi prochain [sjurd-dee prosh-an] next Thursday

30 le car [luh car] coach

31 la voiture [lah vwat-yoor] car

32 blanc [blon] white

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