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Beth Menninga, CEED Developing a Minnesota Credential for Relationship-Based Professional Development Practitioners Beth Menninga, CEED.

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Presentation on theme: "Beth Menninga, CEED Developing a Minnesota Credential for Relationship-Based Professional Development Practitioners Beth Menninga, CEED."— Presentation transcript:

1 Beth Menninga, CEED
Developing a Minnesota Credential for Relationship-Based Professional Development Practitioners Beth Menninga, CEED

2 What’s different? Learning by yourself Learning with others

3 The goal of any of these relationships is to:
“Relationship Based Professional Development is a broad term used to refer to four types of professional assistance that use relationships as a foundation: coaching, mentoring, consultation and advising.  The goal of any of these relationships is to: Improve the quality of early learning programs Increase knowledge, skills and abilities of teachers/caregivers And improve outcomes for children. We do this by: Providing competency-based expertise Supporting professional growth And promoting change based on best practices in early learning” (MnCPD) “a broad term used to refer to four types of professional assistance that use relationships as a foundation: coaching, mentoring, consultation and advising.  The goal of any of these relationships is to: Improve the quality of early learning programs Increase knowledge, skills and abilities of teachers/caregivers And improve outcomes for children. We do this by: Providing competency-based expertise Supporting professional growth And promoting change based on best practices in early learning”

4 Relationship based professional development
Relationship-based professional development (RBPD) is a mode of professional development where the relationship itself is the vehicle through which practitioners grow in knowledge and practice The RBPD approach is based on literature that suggests relationships help people grow in different ways than classroom-based training (Neuman & Wright, 2010). Feedback, joint planning, applying on the job, someone who embodies the reminder to focus/practice, thinking aloud with another person

5 RBPD in Minnesota might look like…
Parent Aware Quality Coaches CLASS Coaches Inclusion Coaches Early Childhood Accreditation Coaches/Consultants School-Age Accreditation Coaches/Consultants Quality Mentors Business Consultants Child Development Associate (CDA) Professional Development Specialists Assessment Coaches Curriculum Coaches Literacy Coaches Math Coaches Health Care Consultants Head Start coaches Instructional coaches

6 Remember a mentor in your life….
List 3-5 ways they mentored you (one idea per sheet) Share your lists: star repeated ideas Sort items on your lists into dispositions or competencies

7 Dispositions: an individual's tendencies to believe and act in a particular manner. Educator dispositions are more than just beliefs but rather the tendency for those beliefs to be put into practice in the classroom. Competencies: describe specific skills the practitioner is expected to demonstrate. (Minnesota’s Knowledge and Competency Framework for Early Childhood Professionals ) Example Disposition: “She is responsive” Competency: “She follows up on our meetings by bringing articles about topics I am interested in”


9 Developing an RBPD Credential for DHS
1) Research and modify Minnesota’s coaching competencies needed by professionals who work with early childhood and school-age care providers to support the optimal development of all children. 2) Develop a non-credit based credential for Relationship- Based Professional Development Specialists (informed by the competencies) to prepare professionals to provide coaching, consulting or mentoring services to early childhood and school-age care providers.

10 Existing models and research
Past work in MN Other states with related (T/TA and/or coaching) competencies include: CO, FL, GA, HI, KY, MA, NC, NY, OH, PA, SC, UT, VT and WI Projects, initiatives and organizations promoting RBPD in MN Related research Past work on competencies in MN (Sue Dion, MnCPD, CEED & others) Other states, research, related fields (K-12 coaching, adult ed, workplace learning, etc.) RBPD work in MN (some locally grown, other with national impetus such as HS Practice Based Coaching)

11 Using Knowledge and Competency Frameworks
Choose 2 content areas and rate yourself Identify one area of growth over the past year: what helped you grow? What did you learn? Identify one goal to work on: what resources (people, books, training, etc) or experiences might help?

12 Goal 2: Develop a non-credit credential for RBPD Specialists
Develop a series of learning opportunities totaling 45 hours divided between theory, practice, and reflection Incorporate UMID Potential for credit based offering/s Credential: 45 hours Based in UMID Content able to be converted to credit based offerings (higher ed entities would need to negotiate with DHS for use of content)

13 Related CEED Resources
Past work promoting RBPD including MELT, BEAM & QUINCE Reflective practice & supervision Motivational Interviewing CLASS coach training & support RBPD Professional Development protocol

14 Potential topics include
Understanding the RBPD role Effective Communication Adult Learning Principles Ethics (NAEYC Code of Ethics & Adult Educator Supplement) & Boundaries Cultural responsiveness Standards & Policies (including Knowledge & Competency Frameworks) Reflective Practice These topics give broad stroke ideas for content (suggested topics from MDE)

15 Establishing reciprocal relationships
Motivating change Joint planning & Goal Setting Communication Strategies Boundaries / Professional Relationships Stages of teacher development Cycle of observation / assessment / action Observation & feedback skills Linking assessment & instructional strategies

16 Goal 2: Develop a non-credit credential for RBPD Specialists
Develop face to face content for credential Convert credential to online format Begin building a coaching video library In addition to identifying content and writing up Facilitator’s Guide outlining delivery, CEED will also work with coaches in center & family based settings to record pertinent video clips for use in the Credential (both online and f2f) Once content has been developed, task will be to convert to appropriate online format for use in online platforms such as ETL and Moodle

17 Disposition poems

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