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What do we mean when we talk about PD?
Using the NAEYC Early Childhood Education Professional Development Glossary NOTE TO PRESENTERS: Each slide includes the title of the section in the orange box in the upper right, corresponding to the agenda. Each slide includes the topic of the next slide in the lower right corner. This title and the discussion slides do not include the section box. NAEYC Early Childhood Workforce Systems Initiative May 2015
NAEYC ECWSI Overview ECWSI Resources The PD Glossary Ideas for Application Suggestions and Feedback
Agenda These slides will facilitate discussion on these topics Next: ECWSI
The Early Childhood Workforce Systems Initiative (ECWSI)
The NAEYC ECWSI The Early Childhood Workforce Systems Initiative (ECWSI) Purpose: assist states in developing, enhancing, and implementing policies for an integrated early childhood professional development system for all early childhood education professionals working with and on behalf of young children. The PD Glossary is a project of the NAEYC Early Childhood Workforce Systems Initiative (ECWSI) Primary goal of ECWSI is to support ECPD system integration – a next step in defining early childhood education as a unified profession, composed of early educators working in early learning programs for children in the period of EC development, birth through age 8, and that share a core body of professional knowledge and practices. Next: resources
The NAEYC ECWSI Publications ECWSI
ECWSI work is based upon four NAEYC publications that support the early childhood profession and professional development systems Advancing the Profession – NAEYC professional development standards and guidelines Workforce Designs – NAEYC “blueprint” for state policies that support PD systems Early Childhood PD Glossary – NAEYC, NACCRRA, NAECTE, and ACCESS seeking consensus on PD terms Strategic Directions – NAEYC policy report with recommendations for developing technical assistance as part of state PD systems Next: Advancing the Profession
Advancing the Early Childhood Profession
ECWSI Advancing the Early Childhood Profession Goal: A unifying framework for the 0-8 ECE profession NAEYC Standards for Professional Preparation NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct NAEYC Supplement for Adult Educators Workforce Designs Policy Blueprint for State EC PD Systems Using the NAEYC Professional Preparation Standards Advancing the Profession – purpose and contents This 2012 edition of the “red book” compiles all of NAEYC’s standards and guidelines for professional development in one place. It includes a new introduction that reviews historical progress in advancing the profession of early childhood education. Next: Blueprint
PD Policy Blueprint Goal: An integrated system of
ECWSI PD Policy Blueprint Goal: An integrated system of professional development for early education 0-8 Identifies six essential policy areas Identifies four guiding principles to be applied across each area IN DEVELOPMENT: PD SYSTEM INDICATORS to evaluate goals and progress on four principles in each policy area Workforce Designs: A Policy Blueprint for State Early Childhood Professional Development Systems creates a structure for development and strategic planning in state early childhood professional development systems. The Blueprint identifies: Six policy areas: Professional standards, career pathways, articulation, advisory structures, data, financing Four principles that can be applied to each policy area: System integration Quality assurances (for PD) Workforce diversity, inclusion and access to PD Compensation parity NAEYC is currently developing indicators to benchmark progress on each principle in each policy area. Next: Strategic Directions
Goal: Findings and recommendations for state development of TA systems
ECWSI Strategic Directions Goal: Findings and recommendations for state development of TA systems Common terminology Standards, specialized knowledge and competencies, qualifications and credentials Pathways, ongoing support and compensation Data, evaluation and quality assurance Strategic Directions – purpose and contents Next: PD Glossary
PD Glossary PD Glossary Goal: Develop consistent terminology for professional preparation and development Related to PD methods, roles, knowledge and competencies For use by PD providers, policy makers and researchers Early educators, early childhood program administrators and advocates The PD Glossary was developed in in order to build common language and terminology across states, sectors of the field, and stakeholders in state and national PD system work. The glossary covers terms related to PD methods, roles, knowledge and competencies The glossary is intended for use by PD providers, policy makers, researchers, and the profession itself. Next: Partners
Development of the glossary
PD Glossary Partners Part 1: Training and TA NAEYC and NACCRRA Part 2: Adult Education NAEYC, NAECTE and ACCESS Development of the glossary The Glossary was developed in two parts, with primary stakeholders for each part invited as partners and broad outreach to the field for the full document. NAECTE = National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators ACCESS = Associate Degree Early Childhood Teacher Educators Next: Using the Glossary
What do we mean when we talk about professional development?
PD Glossary What do we mean when we talk about professional development? Using the glossary Prep for first set of discussion questions. Across states, regulatory sectors and individuals – we use the same words, but do we mean the same thing? Next: 1st questions
Initial questions What do we mean when we say early childhood? What do we mean by professional development? This slide can be used to facilitate discussion or to share the initial questions explored by NAEYC and its partners as they developed the glossary. Ask participants to share their understanding of these terms. Could be whole group or table work followed by sharing. Next: Early childhood
Initial definitions: Early childhood
PD Glossary Initial definitions: Early childhood NAEYC defines young children as children in the developmental period of early childhood, from birth through approximately age 8. Early childhood education includes early learning programs serving young children and their families in centers, homes and schools. The early childhood workforce includes early educators, home-family support roles and professional support roles. Review Advancing the Profession, p.12, 79 Next: Professional Development is
Initial definitions: Professional development
PD Glossary Initial definitions: Professional development Is a continuum of learning and support activities that prepares individuals for new roles in the profession or enhances work in current roles and leads to improvement in knowledge, skills, practices and dispositions Review Advancing the Profession, p. 79 Next: Professional Development includes
Professional development includes
PD Glossary Professional development includes Training Technical Assistance Education Each of these can offer preparation for a new role or setting or continuing development in a current role and setting PD includes three types of activity. Each of these can be pre-service preparation for a particular role or setting or can be ongoing / continuing PD for a current role and setting. NOTE: preparation does not necessarily mean preparation to enter the field. It can mean preparation for a specific role or setting in the field. A teacher who wants to become a principal needs to complete a principal preparation program and earn state licensure. A kindergarten teacher who wants to become a Montessori teacher needs to complete a Montessori teacher preparation program and earn a Montessori teaching credential. Advancing the Profession p. 79 Next: 2nd questions
Initial questions How are training, technical assistance and education alike? How are they different? Ask participants to share their understanding of these terms Next: Early childhood
PD Glossary All forms of PD Are learning experiences specific to an area of knowledge or inquiry and related skills and dispositions Delivered by professionals with expertise in relevant subject matter and adult learning principles and Can be delivered face-to-face or through distance, technology-based and hybrid methods Training, TA and education are alike in these ways, share these features. NOTE: Both early childhood education and adult education are most effective in the context of a positive, supportive relationship. Advancing the Profession p. 81 Next: Technical Assistance
PD Glossary Training Can be a one-time event or organized into a training program with a planned sequence of sessions Delivered by professionals who may need to meet the qualifications required by an employer, training agency, conference organizer or a state trainer approval system These are typical of, unique to training. Advancing the Profession p. 81 Next: Technical Assistance
PD Glossary Technical Assistance Provides targeted, customized supports, often job embedded Focuses on processes, knowledge application or implementation of services These are typical of, unique to TA. Delivered by professionals who may need to meet the qualifications required by an employer or a state technical assistance system Advancing the Profession p. 83 Next: Technical Assistance includes
Technical Assistance includes
PD Glossary Technical Assistance includes Mentoring Coaching Consulting PD advising Peer-to-peer professional networks and learning communities All of these are types of TA Advancing the Profession p Next: Mentoring
TA: Mentoring Occurs between colleagues in similar professional roles
PD Glossary TA: Mentoring Occurs between colleagues in similar professional roles Goal: To increase personal or professional capacity, resulting in greater professional effectiveness Advancing the Profession p. 84 Next: Coaching
TA: Coaching Occurs between colleagues in similar professional roles
PD Glossary TA: Coaching Occurs between colleagues in similar professional roles Goal: To build capacity for specific dispositions, skills and behaviors and focused on goal-setting and achievement for an individual or group Advancing the Profession p. 85 Next: Consulting
PD Glossary TA: Consulting Occurs between an external consultant and individual(s) from a single program Goal: To facilitate assessment and resolution of an issue-specific concern or to address a specific topic Advancing the Profession p. 86 Next: PD Advising
TA: PD Advising Occurs between an advisor and an individual
PD Glossary TA: PD Advising Occurs between an advisor and an individual Goal: To assist individuals to make informed decisions and gain access to increased professional growth and career options Advancing the Profession p. 87 Next: PD Advising
Peer-to-Peer TA Occurs in communities of colleagues in similar roles
PD Glossary Peer-to-Peer TA Occurs in communities of colleagues in similar roles Goal: To provide access to expert knowledge base in the field, learn from an exchange of professional challenges, rewards, problem solving experiences and practitioner repertoire of tools and strategies Remember all PD is delivered by professionals with expertise in relevant subject matter and adult learning principles. Advancing the Profession p. 88 Next: Education
Education Occurs between faculty, students and student peers
PD Glossary Education Occurs between faculty, students and student peers Requires satisfactory performance on standards or outcomes-based assessments Offered through a state-approved, professionally accredited school, college or university Delivered by professionals who meet qualifications required by the state, accreditor and institution Typical of or unique to education… Remember all PD delivered by professionals with expertise in relevant subject matter and adult learning principles, but states and accreditors have additional and specific requirements for higher education faculty. Advancing the Profession p. 89 Next: Teacher Ed Programs
PD Glossary Education Program A coherent and sequential program of study focused on a specialized content area or role, such as EC teacher education With individual study, peer learning experiences, field experiences and performance assessments Delivered by faculty with professional expertise in subject matter and adult learning principles and Offered through a state approved and nationally accredited school, college or university Education is delivered in a coherent sequence of courses that make up programs. Each course and the program as a whole have learning outcomes or student performance standards aligned with national professional knowledge and competencies for the major; state requirements for higher education degrees and professional licensure; and individual institution requirements for grading, course and program approval. Advancing the Profession p Next: Credits & CEUs
Initial questions What is the difference between preservice and inservice training? Between credits and CEUs? Ask participants to share their understanding of these terms Next: Preservice/Inservice
Preservice / Inservice
PD Glossary Preservice / Inservice Preservice is initial PD offered or required prior to beginning work in a new position, role or setting Inservice is ongoing PD offered or required to enhance skills and maintain current knowledge and practice while continuing to work in a current position, role or setting Repeat from slide 14: NOTE: Preservice preparation does not necessarily mean preparation to enter the field. It can mean preparation for a specific role or setting in the field. A teacher who wants to become a principal needs to complete a principal preparation program and earn state licensure. A kindergarten teacher who wants to become a Montessori teacher needs to complete a Montessori teacher preparation program and earn a Montessori teaching credential. Preservice PD has to be completed before beginning work in a new role or setting. Preservice can be a higher education degree program, noncredit training program, onsite TA induction program, shadowing or mentoring program, etc. Advancing the Profession p. 82 Next: Credits & CEUs
PD Glossary Credits & CEUs Credits are earned after completing the requirements of an academic course Continuing Education Units (CEUs) may be earned after completing a course that does not meet credit requirements or is not part of a degree program Direct Assessments award credit or CEUs based on passing an assessment that demonstrates mastery of course requirements Education and training programs may offer either academic college credits or continuing education units (CEUs). CEUs are not credits and do not earn college credits or count toward the completion of college degree requirements. However, some training programs are designed to offer an option to earn college credits through satisfactory performance on course assignments or through direct assessment. Advancing the Profession p Next: Credentials
PD Glossary Credentials Credentials include certificates, diplomas, degrees and licenses awarded to individuals who complete a PD program Degrees are awarded by educational institutions in accordance with state regulation Professional certification is awarded by a national, non-governmental professional association State certification or licensure is awarded by a state agency and may recognize or require degrees and/or professional certifications Credential is an “umbrella” term for the multiple ways to document individual PD accomplishments and qualifications. Digital badges are ways of documenting credentials online in apps such as Linked In, usually in stackable chunks. To be meaningful, credentials should be required or valued by professional peers, employers, government, and the public. Advancing the Profession p. 92 Next: Meaningful PD systems
Meaningful PD Systems Question 1: To be meaningful, credentials should be required or valued by professional peers, employers, government and the public. What do you think makes state or national credentials meaningful? Repeat from previous slide: To be meaningful, credentials should be required or valued by professional peers, employers, government, and the public. Discussion
Meaningful credentials
Application Meaningful credentials Are stackable, building upon each other, increasing mastery of knowledge and skill and increasing opportunities to advance to positions of higher responsibility and compensation Are portable, recognized across settings, sectors and states Are valued by professional peers, employers, government and the public Lutton (2013) Next: meaningful QA
Meaningful PD Systems Question 2: What do you think are examples of meaningful PD quality assurance mechanisms valued by professional peers, employers, government and the public? Repeat from previous slide: To be meaningful, credentials should be required or valued by professional peers, employers, government, and the public. Encourage whole group or table discussion of these questions. Could break up by stakeholder – what quality assurances are valued by professional peers? By employers? By government? By the public?
Meaningful quality assurance
Application Meaningful quality assurance PD is delivered by professionals with relevant knowledge of the subject and of adult learning PD content and assessments are aligned with the national standards of the profession and with any additional state knowledge and competencies PD is regularly reviewed and updated using a reflective, self study process that includes data on performance of program completers and an external, unbiased review by members of the profession. Programmatic accreditation is the best known and most frequently used professional QA process. State policy and state training approval systems generally include these quality assurances. Review bullets. In most professions, national accreditation by the profession is expected for programs leading to professional licensure as part of state approval. Regional accreditation is the nationally recognized process for reviewing and approving colleges and universities as a whole. CAEP is the national accreditor for schools of teacher education as a whole. CAEP recognizes NAEYC as the national Specialized Professional Association for Early Childhood Teacher Education 0-8. NAEYC Commission on Early Childhood Associate Degree Accreditation (ECADA) is the national accreditor for associate degree programs in early childhood education. NAEYC is currently exploring the feasibility of direct accreditation for BA and graduate programs, similar to ECADA. Next: Meaningful ECPDS
Meaningful ECPD Systems
Application Meaningful ECPD Systems Use the national standards of the profession (NAEYC preparation standards) as a unifying 0-8 framework Support national programmatic accreditation in higher ed Offer meaningful professional credentials Provide worksite induction, mentoring and coaching Develop leadership in ECE programs Support adequate working conditions including resources and compensation Expect ongoing, career-long PD from all professionals Encourage engagement in professional peer networks and associations Early Childhood Professional Development systems are made up of interacting parts and should include each of these… Review bullets Ask for reaction, additional ideas? Lutton (2013) Next: close
We want to hear from you Do you find the Glossary helpful?
Do you have questions or suggestions for improvement? Contact: Alison Lutton, NAEYC Early Childhood Workforce Systems Initiative May 2015
References Early Childhood Education Professional Development Glossary (2012) Lutton, A. (2013) Supporting Successful Degree Completion by Early Childhood Professionals. Young Children 68(4): 51-53 Lutton, A. (2012) Advancing the Early Childhood Profession: NAEYC Standards and Guidelines for Professional Development, Washington D.C.: National Association for the Education of Young Children. © NAEYC national Association for the Education of Young Children.
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