Strategic Integrated Projects NSA meeting with PSDF & SETAs

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1 Strategic Integrated Projects NSA meeting with PSDF & SETAs
Presentation by Adrienne Bird Special Projects Unit Department of Higher Education and Training 14 June 2017

2 NIP/SIP & NDP The National Development Plan (NDP) has 14 chapters – the fourth of which relates to the rolling out of a National Infrastructure Plan (NIP) which consists of 18 Strategic Integrated Projects (SIPs) The SIPs seek to reverse the under-development of ‘homeland’ areas in SA (apartheid history) and to ‘crowd in’ private sector investment into targeted areas/sectors – roads, railways, harbours, energy, water systems, broadband etc, across all nine provinces. DHET given the task of ‘Skills for and through SIPs

3 2. Enabling socio-economic
Overview of the Strategic Integrated Projects 1. Catalytic 2. Enabling socio-economic Unlocking Northern mineral belt Durban-Free State-Gauteng Corridor Development South Eastern Node & Corridor Development Saldanha-Northern Cape Corridor Development Greening the South African economy Electricity Generation Electricity Transmission and Distribution Integrated Municipal Infrastructure Integrated Urban Space and Public Transport Agro-logistics and rural Infrastructure Regional Integration Heavy Haul Industrial Haul Electricity Pipeline Heavy Haul …….. 3. Crosscutting Access to communication technology, SKA and MeerKat National school build Higher Education Revitalisation of public hospitals Unlocking the economic opportunities in North West Province

4 SIP Projects A SIP is a portfolio of projects which complement one another in a particular geographical area and/or for a given socio-economic purpose. They comprise: 5 Geographic SIPs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 3 Spatial SIPs 6,7,and 11 3 Social Infrastructure SIPs 12, 13 and 14 3 Energy SIPs 8, 9 and 10 2 Knowledge SIPs 15 and 16 1 Regional SIPs SIP 17 1 Water and Sanitation SIP 18

5 DHET Mandate DHET Mandate Outcome 5: A skilled and capable workforce for inclusive growth Delivery partners: Post-School Education and Training Institutions (Universities, TVET, CETC, Quality Assurance bodies and SETAs) 2012: Special Projects Unit (SPU) established and mandated to formulate and drive the implementation of the SIPs Skills Plan

6 21 STEP Methodology

7 21 STEP Methodology Steps 1 – 9: Identify occupations in demand
(see 21 STEP Methodology Steps 1 – 9: Identify occupations in demand Steps 10: Training on project sites Steps 11 – 16: Develop occupations in demand Steps 17 – 20: Building the skills of govt. Step 21: Governance

8 Steps 1 – 9 Projection of demand
Compiled project lists Typical skills for project types Estimate skills needed & scarcity SCARCE SKILLS LIST (which ones?, how scarce?) Managers Professionals & associate professionals Service and clerical workers Artisans Plant and machine operators Elementary skills

9 ‘Skills for and through SIPs’ Report 2/9/2014
Chapter 1 – National Development Plan and the New Growth Path Chapter 2 – Estimating the skills required for the SIPS Chapter 3 – Where are the gaps? Chapter 4 – Occupational Teams Chapter 5 – Professionals and Associate Professionals Chapter 6 – Clerical and Support Workers Chapter 7 – Trades Chapter 8 – Plant and Machine Operators Chapter 9 – Elementary Occupations Chapter 10 – Managers Chapter 11 – Planning and Resourcing Chapter 12 – Gearing the Supply Side to Respond to Occupational Team Recommendations Chapter 13 – Employment and Career Development Services Chapter 14 – Going Forward

10 Occupations in demand SIPs Report includes: Description Learning pathway Challenges Solutions For each occupation in demand

11 Trades for the SIPs and more…
Priority trades required across ALL SIPs (and more) Phakisa War on Leaks Presentation to HRDC Secretariat 26 May 2017

12 Steps 11 – 16 Developing the skills needed
Professions & associate Professionals: SETAs asked to support University Branch in DHET included in Mid-Year Review Trades Centres of Specialisation Programme (with focus on 13 priority trades – including building the capacity of the TVET colleges to deliver these with industry partners (SEIFSA, RMI, IOPSA and SAIW as contracted partners) Provinces Take the methodology to the provinces to nuance the skills lists

13 A PROTOCOL (Agreement) drafted between DG: DHET and DG: Office of the Premier to collaborate on implementation of method PROTOCOL CLAUSES: Preamble Interpretations and definitions Commencement and duration Obligations of the DG of DHET Provide training in 21 steps Provide portal and support its use Occupational teams etc. Obligations of the DG of the Premier’s Office Appoint manager Establish a Provincial Sip Skills Committee (reps per Steps) Functions of the Provincial Sip Skills Committee Implement 21 steps in the province Other legal matters

14 Provincial SIP Skills Committee
Membership Chairperson (Province) Steps 1-3 Province planning office reps Step 6 STATSA / DOL Step 10 cidb Step 11 DBE and career development Steps on supply side – DHET reps Steps 17 – 20 DPSA/COGTA/MISA/NT Step 21 Project manager Support staff: IT; communications, secretariat Functions Prepare a plan Determine priority occupations Inform DHET for Strategic Planning approval process Engage with providers to address gaps (colleges, universities, SETAs etc.) Set targets Unblock challenges Employer campaigns for workplace learning (with SETAs)

15 21 Step process being taken to provinces
Provinces signed to date: KZN, Eastern Cape, Free State, North West and Mpumalanga. Gauteng and Northern Cape ‘promising’. KZN: has used methodology to analyse skills required for both the SIP and catalytic projects in the province. First scarce skills list now complete. Will now meet with SETAs, Universities and Colleges in province to embed needs into strategic plans. NW: we have received project lists from Sanral and now will run the model to project demands. First scarce skills list will be completed by second quarter. Other provinces – in process

16 KZN First scarce skills list already submitted to DHET, it talks to the SIP projects and provincial catalytic projects Assembled four committees for implementation of the 21 step methodology Provincial SIP Skills Steering Committee (PSSSC) which oversees the work of the sub-committees; Infrastructure Technical Team (ITT); a group of engineers and project managers gathered to produce a comprehensive scarce skills list (Step 1 – 3) State Capacity Technical Team (SCTT); employees from different departments gathered to assess the capacity of the state in terms of implementation of the 21 step and more Skills Supply Technical Team (SSTT); employees from different departments to assess elementary schools up to university in terms of delivery for the SIPs

17 Discussion How best can these executive Protocol structures complement the PSDF work? Is improved alignment possible?

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