Contemporary Social Problems Introduction to Sociology

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1 Contemporary Social Problems Introduction to Sociology
Mr. Schramek Ms. Helberg

2 Contemporary Social Problems
Overview : This is a discussion class where participation is encouraged. Students will learn about social issues, current events and evaluating different views within an argument. There are both large and small group discussions and reflection essays. Grading Policy: 20%-Final Exam %-Participation / Current Events (6) Classwork 20%-Question Cards/Journals %-Writing assignments/ Essays / Projects Class Procedures : Question Card-Each day there will be a question on the board for the class to answer. Each card is worth 5 points. A tardy or U absence will result in a 0. To make up the points students can come after school. 2. Journal-Members are expected to keep a journal in a notebook. The journals will be graded every two-weeks. 3. Current Events-A few students will be assigned Current Events each day(see calendar). A summary sheet is provided for credit. CE are worth 10 points. 4. Assessments: Essays, projects and other methods of assessments will be assigned.

3 Units and Topics of Study
American Political and Social Issues The Affordable Care Act Poverty and Public Assistance Same-Sex Marriage Affirmative Action and Racism Bullying and School Violence Mental Health Issues 2. Sports as American Culture The over-organization of youth sports Student-athlete privilege Performance Enhancing Drugs/Cheating The integration of Sports Title IX Drugs/Alcohol and Gambling in Sport Domestic Violence in the NFL and sport. Concussion and Sport Safety 1980 Winter Olympics

4 3. Medication, Drugs and Decision Making
Drinking and the College life Marijuana and its legalization Date Rape and dating violence Tobacco: Money vs. Health Prescription Drugs and abuse Cancer 4. Dating, Marriage, Divorce and Family Dating in an online age Teen sex and pregnancy Abortion Divorce and commitment Dysfunctional Families Parenting Philosophy

5 Course Overview for Introduction to sociology :
Sociology is the Study of Human Relationships Concepts, Theory & Case Studies Cross - Cultural & Historical sources 1. Homework and Class work = 35% 2. Quizzes and Unit Tests = 45% 3. Final Exam = 20%

6 Units of Study : Moral Dilemmas – Discover your moral compass !
Terrorism in Modern Times : An Analysis of our Global Society Chapter 1 - The Sociological Point of View Historical Foundations of Sociology Sociological Perspectives on Education Chapter 2 - Cultural Diversity Cultural Diversity, Cultural Relativism, Universal Human Rights Race – A biological fact or a social construct ? Chapter 5 - Socializing the Individual The Effects of Abuse on Social Development / Personality Development / Identity Dissociative Identity Disorder ( DID )

7 Chapter 8 - Deviance and Social Control
Sociological Theories of Deviance and Social Controls Chapter 10 - Racial and Ethnic Relations Historical View on Prejudice Majority Group Treatment of Minority Groups Totalitarian ( Fascist ) Governments impact on Social Conformity Stages of Genocide – Realist vs Anti-Realist Perspective & Behavioral Theories Chapter 16 - Collective Behavior and Social Movements Theories of Collective Behavior and Social Movements Dynamics of the Vietnam War Protest Movement Civil Rights Movement – The Freedom Riders Social Change – Cooperation vs Competition Improving Society thru Social Awareness

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