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Child Labor Written Assignment

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1 Child Labor Written Assignment
Newspaper Article Letter Home Public service announcement

2 Newspaper Article Newspaper Article
You are a newspaper reporter for Summit Sun-Times back in the year 1900. Your boss has sent you on a secret mission. You are to pretend you have been sent to write a nice article on a local factory, coal mine, or farm. While you are there, you are actually focusing in on the children that work there. Your article is meant to expose the hardships and terrible conditions faced by the children that work there. Describe the environment (What you see, smell, hear, feel, and taste) Describe the jobs of the children and how dangerous they are. Describe the attitude or emotion of the child laborers as they work. Explain your feelings on child labor. What do you think should be done with the place you reported on?

3 Newspaper Article Newspaper Article Requirements
The newspaper article must be typed, and at least 1 page long. You must have a title and place your name at the beginning of the article as the reporter ( Just like in a real newspaper article) Try to make your article look like it really is/was in a newspaper. Look at an article in a current paper to get ideas. Add accompanying advertisements relevant to the time period. (Not required) Draw a picture or Google an image of child labor. Include it in your article. Article must be free of grammar errors and typed in paragraph format.

4 Letter Home Letter Home You are 10 years old
Your place of employment is far from your family home, so you stay for weeks at a time with your Uncle Jasper and Aunt Gertrude who live near by. Decide if you work on a farm, in a factory, or in a coal mine. You miss your family dearly and have decided to write them a letter. Describe to them the conditions of your job What do you see, smell, hear, feel, and taste at work. Describe your daily routine at work. From the start of the work day until the end. Describe your feelings Do you like having to work? Do you wish you could stay home?

5 Letter Home Letter Home Requirements One page handwritten letter
Computer were not invented yet, and if your family could have afforded a typewriter you wouldn’t be working in a factory! Date the top right corner using 1900 as the year. Start the letter with “Dear__________,” Use paragraph format Sign the letter with your name and use an appropriate salutation (Sincerely, Missing You, Love, etc.) If possible, Google “Child Labor” to add researched information to your letter Be creative and have fun!

6 Public Service Announcement
Create a public service announcement, that would have been read on the radio, to inform the public of the horrors surrounding child labor. Your organization is against child labor and wants laws to be passed that would regulate what conditions children could work under. Describe what dangers children face as workers in factories, coal mines, and farms. Describe why child labor is wrong? Why should the public care? What can people do to stop child labor in their state?

7 Public Service Announcement
Public service announcement requirements The announcement can be written, typed, recorded, or read live in front of the class. A hard copy must be turned in for grading purposes. The hard copy must at least be ¾ of a page. Listen to commercials/announcements on the radio to get ideas to add into your announcement. Make a name for your organization and use it in the announcement.

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