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Presentation on theme: "LINGUISTIC DIVERSITY OR ENGLISH ONLY?"— Presentation transcript:


2 Discuss: What comes to your mind when we say “linguistic diversity”?
Do you think it is something ( + ) or ( - ) ? Do you think it is a problem to have more than one language in a country? Can you name some countries in which people speak more than one language?

3 diversity (n) being composed of different elements, variety
Ex: linguistic biological cultural ethnic diversity An appreciation of cultural diversity goes hand-in-hand with a just and equitable society.

4 diverse (adj) unlike, different His message appealed to a diverse audience.

5 immigrant (n) a person who comes to a country to take up permanent residence Millions of immigrants came to America from Europe in the 19th century. immigrate (v) immigration (n)

6 interpreter (n) one who translates orally for parties speaking in different languages He has now learned English well enough that he can conduct interviews without an interpreter. interpret (v)

7 multilingual (adj) able to use several languages especially with equal fluency  Many countries, such as Belarus, Belgium, Canada, India, Ireland, South Africa and Switzerland, which are officially multilingual, may have many monolinguals in their population. multilingualism (n) bilingualism (n)

8 contend (v) maintain, assert, argue He contended that he was right.

9 identity (n) the qualities/beliefs, that make a particular person or group different from others His art reflects his cultural identity.

10 division (n) the condition of being divided in opinion or interest , disagreement  They are attempting to resolve the divisions between two countries.

11 adjustment (n) a change that makes it possible for a person to do better in a new situation, adaptation, regulation Moving from the city to the country requires an adjustment. We went through a period of adjustment at the new school. adjust (v)

12 minority (n) a part of a population differing from others in some characteristics and often subjected to differential treatment  The country's ethnic minorities

13 vote (v) to make an official choice for or against s/o or sth by casting a ballot, raising your hand, speaking your choice aloud Citizens will vote today for their new governor. Did you vote in the last election?

14 After Reading Questions Paragraph 1:
What percentage of people in the US speak English? What other languages are widely spoken in specific areas of the country?

15 Paragraph 2: In what areas of daily life there is linguistic diversity in the US? Can you list the example given in this paragraph?

16 Paragraph 3: Why are some Americans on the “English-only” side?
Can you list their reasons?

17 Paragraph 4: What are the claims of the supporters of linguistic diversity? Why is the US a “language graveyard” according to a scholar in The New York Times?


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