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Presentation on theme: "EMT 351/4 DIGITAL IC DESIGN Week # 1 EDA & HDL."— Presentation transcript:


2 In Previous Semester.. © SITI ZARINA MD NAZIRI | PPKME

3 In This Semester.. © SITI ZARINA MD NAZIRI | PPKME

4 Systematic Digital IC Design Flow
System Specification System Verification (System-Level Synthesis) Algorithm-Level Behavioral Description Behavioral Verification (High-Level Synthesis) Register-Transfer Level (RTL) Structural Description Logic Verification Logic Synthesis Logic/Transistor Circuit Description Layout Verification Layout Synthesis VLSI Mask Layout © SITI ZARINA MD NAZIRI | PPKME

5 System Specification System Specification
Human language (English, Japanese, Thai, etc.) System Specification System functionality (application) Operating environment (IO interface) Cost (development, manufacture, test) Size/weight (# of chips, board area, box size) Power consumption Flexibility (specification changes, added functionality) © SITI ZARINA MD NAZIRI | PPKME

6 System Synthesis/Verification
System Specification Human language Functional Simulation (SW/HW co-simulation) manual translation Software languages (C/C++, Java) Hardware languages (Verilog, VHDL) Algorithm Description Data : types/widths, structures, arrays Process : expressions, control-flow, procedures, functions Communication : protocols Simulation : input stimulus, output verification © SITI ZARINA MD NAZIRI | PPKME

7 High-Level Synthesis / Verification
Software languages (C/C++, Java) Hardware languages (Verilog, VHDL) Algorithm Description manual translation (High-Level Synthesis) Functional Simulation RTL Structural Description Verilog, VHDL Architecture description Module (CPU, memory, register, functional unit, IO interface) Bus architecture Module description (functional/structural) Combinational/sequential circuit description © SITI ZARINA MD NAZIRI | PPKME

8 Logic Synthesis/Verification
RTL Structural Description Verilog, VHDL Logic Verification Timing Verification Power analysis Logic Minimization Technology Mapping Verilog, VHDL Schematic Netlist Logic/Transistor Circuit Description Cell components (gates, registers, transistors) Nets IO pins © SITI ZARINA MD NAZIRI | PPKME

9 Layout Synthesis/Verification
Verilog, VHDL Schematic Netlist Logic / Transistor Circuit Netlist Circuit topology verification Design rule check Timing Verification Cell / module layout (manual or auto) Place and Route VLSI Mask Layout Mask Pattern Layers (well, diffusion, polysilicon, metals, vias) Rectangle, polygons © SITI ZARINA MD NAZIRI | PPKME

10 CAD/EDA Tools Electronic design automation (EDA) is the category of tools for designing and producing electronic systems ranging from printed circuit boards (PCBs) to integrated circuits. This is sometimes referred to as ECAD (electronic computer-aided design) or just CAD. © SITI ZARINA MD NAZIRI | PPKME


12 What is HDL ? HDL – Hardware Description Language
Used to describe the logic functionality of a circuit Can also describe the behavioral aspects of a circuit function Sometimes used to show the netlist of a circuit © SITI ZARINA MD NAZIRI | PPKME

13 Cont.. Types of HDL Verilog
VHDL (VHSIC HDL – Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description Language) Latest type of HDL C/C++ code – not widely accepted Superlog – very new. Mostly still under research © SITI ZARINA MD NAZIRI | PPKME

14 Importance of HDL Designs can be described at very abstract level using HDL can write without sticking to any technology Functional verification can be done early in the design cycle can optimize & modify RTL description until meet desired functionality HDL design is analogous to computer programming provide concise representation of design compared to schematic © SITI ZARINA MD NAZIRI | PPKME

15 VHDL vs Verilog Always an argument on which is a better form of HDL
Both has its advantages and disadvantages Whichever is more suitable to be used as the standard HDL depends largely on individual designer Most EDA/CAD design tools in the market can handle both Verilog & VHDL © SITI ZARINA MD NAZIRI | PPKME

16 Cont.. Verilog Easy to write.
Easy to read & understand as it is similar to C. Easier to learn compared to VHDL All design centres in Malaysia uses Verilog. © SITI ZARINA MD NAZIRI | PPKME

17 Cont.. VHDL It is more complicated & more difficult to learn compared to Verilog More coding rules to follow More flexible compared to Verilog Can reflect real design more efficiently © SITI ZARINA MD NAZIRI | PPKME

18 Introduction to Verilog
Many companies uses Verilog Can be divided into 3 types of Verilog Structural – netlist format Behavioural – mostly used for analog circuit RTL – describes the functionality of circuit and synthesizable codes © SITI ZARINA MD NAZIRI | PPKME

19 What is RTL? RTL (Register Transfer Level) – synthesizable codes
Some design tools in market capable to auto-generate RTL based on graphical modes Graphical entry can be in the form of flowcharts, truth tables, state diagrams With good RTL coding styles, timing and area can be greatly optimized © SITI ZARINA MD NAZIRI | PPKME

20 Designing Dilemma.. END © SITI ZARINA MD NAZIRI | PPKME

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