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Some Tips for Speedy Recovery After Pregnancy Termination

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1 Some Tips for Speedy Recovery After Pregnancy Termination

2 Intercourse After Abortion  You should not attempt any kind of sexual activity at least for 2 weeks after the termination to reduce the risk of infection.  Avoiding intercourse until two weeks, it gives your body the best chance to recover after treatment.  If you act irresponsible by not using contraception then you are at risk of a new pregnancy.  Consult your healthcare professionals for any queries or advice.

3 Ultrasound After Termination  After termination procedure especially in case of medical method, check whether the fetus got removed completely out of womb through ultrasound.  Ultrasound ensures you whether the process has been successful and your body has returned to normal.  If the test comes positive, your medical experts will advice you for further medication.

4 Pregnancy Prevention After Termination  Once you’re done with abortion, contraception is required immediately.  If given with contraceptive pills, began consuming the pills the day after abortion.  There can be the possibility of becoming pregnant again. So, don’t wait for your bleeding to stop or start your first period.  Contraceptive implant, contraceptive injection, or coil given to you at clinical centre are very effective and starts to work immediately.

5 Take Shower After Procedure  When finish with the treatment have shower after 24hours. It is not at all harmful to wash yourself after abortion.  After medication you might face some side effects like weakness, dizziness, or even faint. Preferably, have someone at home with you while taking your shower.  Avoid the usage of dettol or any heavily scented products around your vagina and genital area.  As unscented products reduces the risk of irritation and infection.  If you’re in a habit of douching then avoid it for two weeks.

6 Things To Be Carried After Process  Carry painkillers to beat the side effects caused due to pregnancy ending method to reduce the pain.  And also thermometer, heating pads, comfortable clothes and glucose.  Carry tampons or sanitary pads to minimize the risk of infection.

7 Things To Be Avoided  You should not do exercise for at least two weeks.  Do not indulge into physical activities like swimming, team sports, horse riding, gyming or anything that causes exertion as these can lead to heavy bleeding.  Avoid carrying your young children for the first few days unnecessarily, especially up and downstairs.  You must not drink alcohol for at least 48 hours following abortion or while taking antibiotics because alcohol increases the risk of heavy bleeding.

8 Leaking Breasts  Leaking breasts is common following pregnancy cancellation. The body enlarges your breasts to produce milk for breastfeeding as your body was preparing for pregnancy few weeks ago.  It takes some time to get breasts back to normal and during this it may leak.  Do not squeeze or stimulate your nipples or breasts for next few weeks as it might increase the leakage.  Start wearing supportive bra to help with discomfort.

9 Contact Us +1 800 309 2462

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