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Run On Sentences By Alfred Taylor

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1 Run On Sentences By Alfred Taylor

2 Run On Sentences A run on sentence is created when two complete sentences are stuck together without the correct punctuation. The two types of run on sentences are comma splices and fused sentences. www.booksbyalfredtaylor.com2

3 Run On Sentences A comma splice is created by joining two complete sentences with a comma. A fused sentence is created by joining two complete sentences together without any punctuation. www.booksbyalfredtaylor.com3

4 Run On Sentences Which sentence is a run on? A)He lied, she cried. B)Juan sitting under an old oak tree in the park by the lake on a sunny day drinking a cola and watching duckies and bunnies dancing and frolicking in the summer sun. C)Wanting to pass English, Juan asked Kirsten, a cute girl, for help with his essay. www.booksbyalfredtaylor.com4

5 Run On Sentences The correct answer is “A”. “He lied” is a complete sentence. “She cried” is a complete sentence. Since the two sentences were joined by a comma, that would make it a comma splice. www.booksbyalfredtaylor.com5

6 Run On Sentences There are four ways to correct a run on sentence. 1)Divide the run on into two sentences with a period. 2)Create a complex sentence. 3)Create a compound sentence with a coordinating conjunction. 4) Create a compound sentence with a semicolon. www.booksbyalfredtaylor.com6

7 Run On Sentences The easiest way to correct a run on is to insert a period between the sentences. Juan kissed Kirsten Tao got jealous. Juan kissed Kirsten. Tao got jealous. www.booksbyalfredtaylor.com7

8 Run On Sentences Another way to correct a run on is to create a complex sentence. A complex sentence is a sentence that has a dependent clause and an independent clause. First identify where the sentence is fused. Juan kissed Kirsten / Tao got jealous. www.booksbyalfredtaylor.com8

9 Run On Sentences Next, change one of the sentences into a dependent clause by adding a subordinating word. Then attach it to the other sentence. When Juan kissed Kirsten, Tao got jealous. Juan kissed Kirsten when Tao got jealous. (See power point on Sentence Variety.) www.booksbyalfredtaylor.com9

10 Run On Sentences Common subordinating conjunctions include: www.booksbyalfredtaylor.com10 afterifthoughwhether althoughonceunlesswhile asprovideduntilwhich as ifsincewhen becauseso thatwhenever before thanwhere

11 Run On Sentences Another way to correct a run on sentence is to convert it to a compound sentence. A compound sentence uses one of the seven coordinating conjunctions (and, but, or, for, nor, so, yet) and connects two complete simple sentences. Each half of the sentence is equally important to the meaning of the sentence. The coordinating conjunction must be proceeded by a comma. www.booksbyalfredtaylor.com11

12 Run On Sentences The seven coordinating conjunctions are also known as FONYBAS words. If These words are written out, the first letter of each one spells FONYBAS. For Or Nor Yet But And So www.booksbyalfredtaylor.com12

13 Run On Sentences To correct a run on sentence by converting it to a compound sentence, add a comma and the correct coordinating conjunction between the sentences. Juan kissed Kirsten Tao got jealous. Juan kissed Kirsten, so Tao got jealous. www.booksbyalfredtaylor.com13

14 Run On Sentences Each time the coordinating conjunction is changed, the meaning of the compound sentence changes. Juan kissed Kirsten, for Tao got jealous. Juan kissed Kirsten, yet Tao got jealous. Juan kissed Kirsten, but Tao got jealous. Juan kissed Kirsten, and Tao got jealous. Juan kissed Kirsten, so Tao got jealous. www.booksbyalfredtaylor.com14

15 Run On Sentences Not all coordinating conjunctions work with all sentences. Juan kissed Kirsten, or Tao got jealous. Juan kissed Kirsten, nor Tao got jealous. www.booksbyalfredtaylor.com15

16 Run On Sentences The last way to correct a comma splice is with a semi-colon; however, the writer must be cautious when employing this method. The semicolon is often misused by beginning writers. www.booksbyalfredtaylor.com16

17 Run On Sentences It is not grammatically correct to join two sentences together with a lone semicolon. The rules for joining two sentences together with a lone semicolon vary from textbook to textbook, but they all agree that it should not be done. Some say that the sentences must convey parallel or contrasting information while others say the sentences must be co-ordinate. www.booksbyalfredtaylor.com17

18 Run On Sentences For example, “The chicken got well; we had salad.” is an example of incorrect usage of the semicolon. There is no relationship between the two sentences, and the semicolon does nothing to create a relationship between the two sentences. Grammatically speaking, this sentence is no better than a comma splice. www.booksbyalfredtaylor.com18

19 Run On Sentences The best way to correct a comma splice is to utilize a conjunctive adverb. This is done by inserting a semicolon, a conjunctive adverb, and a comma between the two sentences. Juan kissed Kirsten Tao got jealous. Juan kissed Kirsten; hence, Tao got jealous. www.booksbyalfredtaylor.com19

20 Run On Sentences A list of common conjunctive adverbs include: www.booksbyalfredtaylor.com20 accordingly furthermore meanwhilesimilarly alsohencemoreoverstill besideshoweverneverthelesssubsequently consequentlyindeednextthen converselyinsteadnonethelesstherefore finally likewise otherwisethus

21 Run On Sentences The conjunctive adverb sentence works much the same way a compound sentence does; however, if it is overused it can become annoying to the reader. www.booksbyalfredtaylor.com21

22 Run On Sentences The End www.booksbyalfredtaylor.com22

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