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Eating Disorders and Anorexia Nervosa Krystina Wilford.

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1 Eating Disorders and Anorexia Nervosa Krystina Wilford

2 This section is about Anorexia Nervosa, an eating disorder. The main symptom of this disease is loss of body weight from only eating the minimum of food needed to maintain a normal body weight. someone suffering from this may literally starve them self to death.

3 The main idea of this section is the affects of Anorexia Nervosa and the symptoms that go along with this disease.

4 Some of these symptoms include: loss of body weight, slow heart and breathing rate, lowered body temperature, dry skin, growth of fine body hair, loss of essential minerals, and loss of menstrual period in woman. Anorexics normally are teenage girls with low self esteem, they tend to try to please others and are normally perfectionist about themselves. They think they will gain the respect and admiration of others by being thin. As an ex ample, only eating salad and refusing to have a full meal may lead to anorexia.

5 This is an important topic to concern your self with so that you maybe able to help someone when you notice the signs and symptoms. If you know what this disease looks like and you can recognize it you might be able to save a friend with this issue.

6 Kelly had a crush on the high school prom king, but he only liked the “skinny” girls. So Kelly went on a diet and started to work you but didn’t lose much. When she heard the other girls talking about how the kept thin she decided to try this herself. She stopped eating meat, then carbs and calories. When she started losing weight she didn’t stop there, she continued to not eat and Kelly got sick. They told her she was suffering from Anorexia and if she did not start to eat that she would die. She didn’t take the advice… Kelly died and her own parents had to bury their daughter all because she didn’t feel good in her skin.

7 I think that Anorexia is a very serious disease and it is affecting many men and women today. I feel like if you don’t feel good in your skin you should do something about it, just not to this extreme. People should keep in mind that this can be helped and being thin is not worth the torture of this extreme “diet”. It can be fatal.

8 This section was about Eating Disorders and Anorexia Nervosa and the causes and symptoms of this disease. The story in this power point is true sadly. Anorexia is caused by low self esteem and causes people to stop eating to be thin.

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