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Anorexia Specifically Bulimia A Presentation by: Jordan Fairley.

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Presentation on theme: "Anorexia Specifically Bulimia A Presentation by: Jordan Fairley."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anorexia Specifically Bulimia A Presentation by: Jordan Fairley

2 INTRODUCTION Anorexia Nervosa is an eating disorder where people starve themselves. Weight loss is 15% below normal body weight. Believe that they are overweight though they are extremely thin. A couple other eating disorders include: bulimia and binge-eating.

3 WHO HAS THE DISORDER? Most common: Adolescent girls
People of higher socioeconomic class Dancers, theater, modeling and distance runners Usually students who get very good grades, and are very involved in community Often perfectionists May be depressed

Fear of gaining weight Refusal to eat Denial of hunger Constantly exercising Sensitivity to cold Absent or irregular period in women Loss of scalp hair

5 SIDE EFFECTS Girls stop having menstrual period. Dry skin Thin hair
Loss of muscle mass Kidney damage Irregular heart beat/ cardiac death Permanent loss of bone mass

6 BULIMIA Eating disorder which includes binge eating followed by frequent trips to the bathroom to vomit. In between purges people with bulimia rarely eat, or eat very little. About 3% of women in the U.S. are Bulimic; and about 5% of all people with eating disorders are men.

7 SIDE EFFECTS OF BULIMIA Dizziness and fainting
The side-effects of people with prolonged bulimia is very serious. Dizziness and fainting Inability to keep down food Addicted to laxatives Heart failure, cardiac arrest Bleeding throat and nose Edema, which is fluid retention caused by laxative abuse Stomach ulceration Tearing of the esophagus Bowel Damage Constipation Swelling in the fingers and joints

8 Getting Help It is hard to stop, just like anything else people may be use to. Have to overcome the denial stage. Friends and Family Hospitalization in extreme cases REFERENCES: MAYOCLINIC.COM, MAMASHEALTH.COM, FAMILYDOCTOR.ORG, ANOREXIA NERVOSA AND BULIMIA ASSOCIATION

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