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Yasmin Yassin 7F.  PAGE 1: Index  PAGE 2:7 Design Idea’s  PAGE 3:4 Design Idea’s  PAGE 4:Final Design  PAGE 5 :Design Brief  PAGE 6:Finished Pencil.

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Presentation on theme: "Yasmin Yassin 7F.  PAGE 1: Index  PAGE 2:7 Design Idea’s  PAGE 3:4 Design Idea’s  PAGE 4:Final Design  PAGE 5 :Design Brief  PAGE 6:Finished Pencil."— Presentation transcript:

1 Yasmin Yassin 7F

2  PAGE 1: Index  PAGE 2:7 Design Idea’s  PAGE 3:4 Design Idea’s  PAGE 4:Final Design  PAGE 5 :Design Brief  PAGE 6:Finished Pencil Holder  PAGE 7:Finished pencil holder with Pencils  PAGE 8-10:Safety Risk Assessment  PAGE 11-12:Equiptment  PAGE 13:Hazards  PAGE 14-15:Production Steps  PAGE 16:The Goods  PAGE 17:The Bads  PAGE 18: The End PAGE 1

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9  During this project we had to go onto on guard ACEPro safety test to make sure we knew about the hazards and tool use in the workshop. There were was an introduction into the PPE workshop. It was very important to do so that we could go on using the tools make our pencil holders. PAGE 8

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12  The equipment's I used to make my lady bug pencil holder were pencil, pen, rubber,coping saw, hot glue gun, wood filer,circle wood file, a disk sander,pedestal drill, paint, sander,a piece of wood, eye protection, coat,miniature knife. PAGE 11

13 The coping saw is to cut out shapes on wood even if it’s a round edge. The hot glue gun is glue but hot so it can dry instantly without a long wait you have to be very cautious so you don’t burn yourself. The file is to smoothen the edges of wood To smoothen out round edges A disk sander is to smoothen places to difficult to do alone. To drill holes in places to difficult like on top. Sand paper is to make a wood smoother and to fix up rough edges. This is a knife I used it to re fix the holes that got blocked by the material I stuck on using the hot clue gun. PAGE 12

14 .Wood shavings flying everywhere .Glue gun burns .Metal Splinters .No protective gear .Baggy clothes .Large Jewry .Untied hair .Pointy Edges .Un sanded Wood .Hazardous tools Wood shavings Untied hair Metal splinter PAGE 13

15 1.Get to know the individual learning plan (ILP) 2.To begin On guard safety Tests 3.Get at least 7 pencil holder ideas. 4.Choose one of the 7 idea’s 5.Draw different ways to build the chosen pencil holder idea’s. 6.Mark out timber 190mm by 190mm and on paper. 7.Begin cutting our timber with a coping saw 8. Continue cutting timber out with a coping saw. 9. File the timber to remove rough edges. 10. Use sand paper to sand paper to smoothen the timber. 11. Draw a diagram of what I’m going to use on the pencil holder. 12. Drill holes with a pedestal drill for the pencil’s to be. 13. Cut out legs for the pencil holder so it can stand. 14. glue the leg back on because of a mistake hole under hole. 15. Paint were needs to be painted. 16. Use hot glue gun to stick on the googly eyes. 17. Take a few seconds for it to dry. 18. hot gun the material on. PAGE 14

16 19. Place the gold ribbon to Cover around my pencil holder. 20. Paint the holes in black to Make it look like lady bug dots. 21.Drill in holes for the antenna using pipe cleaners that are red. 22.To glue the antenna in the holes. PAGE 15

17  I managed to use a coping saw,a file and a round file without injuring my self. I also got googly eyes for my lady bug pencil holder and successfully covered my Lady Bug Pencil holder in red material.I also Thankfully re punched my holes twice. Once because of the paint covering the holes number two was the material covering it the holes. PAGE 16

18  When Mr Fearnett and I were drilling a hole in my lady bug to make legs we accidently drilled a whole on top of the whole under it so we had to glue the leg in so it wouldn’t fall out. It was hard to re create the holes because the layered material covering it and because of painting the whole. PAGE 17


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