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What is a Digital Library? LIS 5472 Digital Libraries Week 4 Instructor: Dr. Sanghee Oh College of Communication & Information, Florida State University.

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Presentation on theme: "What is a Digital Library? LIS 5472 Digital Libraries Week 4 Instructor: Dr. Sanghee Oh College of Communication & Information, Florida State University."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is a Digital Library? LIS 5472 Digital Libraries Week 4 Instructor: Dr. Sanghee Oh College of Communication & Information, Florida State University

2 Announcements Class Participation – Weekly Reading Posts – Class Feedback – Class Activities Students are allowed to miss up to 2 postings on each of the participation activities above. DL Group Formation

3 Week 1 Class Feedback Clearest – How to access course information – How to use course Canvas – Assignments – Expectation Muddiest – Group project/Group formation/Copyright violation/Limitations – Web design experiences/knowledge requirements – What is a digital library? – Assignment details

4 Assignments Canvas > Syllabus > Course Evaluation Type Assignments PointsDue Dates Individual Featured DL of the Week 100 Individual DL Annotated Bibliography 20003/04 Group DL Group Project 1. DL Proposal 100 02/05 2. Digitization 10003/04 3. Metadata 10003/25 4. Usability Test Proposal 5004/08 Usability Test Report5004/22 5. Presentation 10004/11,04/18 6. Project Completion & Final Report 10004/25 Individual Class Participation 100

5 Featured DL of the Week It is a demo and tour of your DL, highlighting interesting and unique features and functionality. Sign-up for the date that you want to present the DL. We will have 2 or 3 presentations per week. Select a DL of your choice. Submit your review about the DL (Canvas Assignment Submission) on the date of your presentation. Give a presentation of your DL on the date that you signed.

6 Featured DL Review 1.DL Name 2.URL 3.Mission 4.Community 5.Content 6.Services 7.Technology 8.Publications

7 Featured DL Evaluation Mission/Goal – The mission or goal of the DL was clearly defined and understandable. Content – The presentation and report cover important features of the DL. Organization – The presentation was consistently clear, concise, and well- organized. Preparation – The presenter(s) shows clear understanding of the DL and well-organized. Timeline – The 5-minute time was well-used for delivering the content of the presentation and the DL demo.

8 Annotated Bibliography Choose a topic of interest in digital libraries from Digital Library Curriculum Development Module Framework (Available at: rk2008-08-23.pdf) rk2008-08-23.pdf Develop a research question related to the topic that you want to investigate (e.g., concepts, issues, trends, etc.). Search articles (academic or professional) to find an answer for the research question and select the most relevant ones (at least 6 from different authors). Write a statement up to 600 words about your literature review on the topic (APA style) Add bibliographic citations (APA Style) and summaries of the articles (about 300 words, each) that you cited in the statement.

9 Annotated Bibliography Evaluation Appropriateness of the topic in DL research and practice Writing fluency of the AB statement (e.g., clarity, completeness, organization, critical thinking) Relevance of the selected articles to the topic Writing fluency of the article summaries (at least 6 from different authors) (e.g., clarity, completeness) APA style in text and reference formatting, spelling, and grammar, word-limits, etc.

10 DL Building Creating and maintaining DLs are coping with the sheer amount of organizational, technological, and human effort involved. The planning, creation and execution of a DL draws on the expertise of many, and requires making difficult choices at almost every stage.

11 Components of DL Building The Resources Applications Software Users Services Evaluation Maintenance

12 DL Group Project Projects from previous students – DL Building (Image Digital Libraries) – Topic selection – Digitization 10 digital objects per members (minimum) – Metadata development and application – Usability test Examine the usability of your group DL. – Presentation – Project completion and final report

13 Group Member Responsibility Project Manager (PM, a team leader) Interface Designer (ID) Collection Developer (CD) Metadata Organizer (MO) User Analyst (UA)

14 DL Application: Omeka Examples of Omeka-based digital libraries –

15 What is a digital library?

16 What is a Digital Library? A library? A database? A collection of digital objects?

17 Digital Libraries: An Overview “Building DLs is not just a question of piling up disk drives; it involves creating an entire organization of machines and people, perhaps even a culture, in which we are able to find information and use it” (Lesk, 2004, p.5) From “Understanding Digital Libraries” by Michael Lesk

18 “Digital libraries are the logical extensions and augmentations of physical libraries in the electronic information society. Extensions amplify existing resources and services and augmentations enable new kinds of human problem solving and expression.” Marchionini, Encyclopedia of LIS Definition 1

19 “Digital libraries are the logical extensions and augmentations of physical libraries in the electronic information society. Extensions amplify existing resources and services and augmentations enable new kinds of human problem solving and expression.” Marchionini, Encyclopedia of LIS Definition 1

20 Digital libraries as “focused collections of digital objects, including text, video, and audio along with methods for access and retrieval, and for selection, organization, and maintenance” (Witten, 2010,, p. xvi) Definition 2

21 Digital libraries as “focused collections of digital objects, including text, video, and audio along with methods for access and retrieval, and for selection, organization, and maintenance” (Witten, 2010,, p. xvi) Definition 2

22 “A managed collection of information, with associated services, where the information is stored in digital formats and accessible over a network. A crucial part of this definition is that the information is managed. A stream of data sent to earth from a satellite is not a library. The same data, when organized systematically, becomes a digital library collection.” Arms, W. Y. (2000). Digital Libraries. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. Definition 3

23 “A managed collection of information, with associated services, where the information is stored in digital formats and accessible over a network. A crucial part of this definition is that the information is managed. A stream of data sent to earth from a satellite is not a library. The same data, when organized systematically, becomes a digital library collection.” Arms, W. Y. (2000). Digital Libraries. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. Definition 3

24 Definition 4 “Digital libraries are constructed, collected and organized, by (and for) a community of users, and their functional capabilities support the information needs and uses of that community.” Borgman, C. L. (1999). What are Digital Libraries? Competing Visions. Information Processing & Management, 35(3), 227-243.

25 Definition 4 “Digital libraries are constructed, collected and organized, by (and for) a community of users, and their functional capabilities support the information needs and uses of that community.” Borgman, C. L. (1999). What are Digital Libraries? Competing Visions. Information Processing & Management, 35(3), 227-243.

26 Definition 5: “DLs are organizations that provide the resources, including the specialized staff, to select, structure, offer intellectual access to, interpret, distribute, preserve the integrity of, and ensure the persistence over time of collections of digital works so that they are readily and economically available for use by a defined community or set of communities” DLF’s working definition of DL (1998)

27 Definition 5: “DLs are organizations that provide the resources, including the specialized staff, to select, structure, offer intellectual access to, interpret, distribute, preserve the integrity of, and ensure the persistence over time of collections of digital works so that they are readily and economically available for use by a defined community or set of communities” DLF’s working definition of DL (1998)

28 What else you can think of important aspects in defining a digital library? What is not a digital library? What is your definition of a digital library? What is your definition of not-a-digital library? – Post 1-sentence definition of each to Canvas>Modules>Week 4 > Things to do after class > Week 4: What is your definition of a digital library

29 Copyright, Ownership, Fair Use, Public Domain “Possession of a copy of a document certainly does not constitute ownership.” (Witten, 2010, p. 29) “Copyright does not last forever; when it expires, the work passes into the public domain” (Witten, 2010, p. 31) The Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works – Min duration = author’s life time + 50 years US Copyright Office – Min duration = author’s life time + 70 years – Fair Use (US Copyright: Fair Use – Purpose, character, nature of the work, the amount and substantiality of the portion, the effect of the use, etc.

30 Creative Commons CC is a nonprofit organization that enables the sharing and use of creativity and knowledge through free legal tools. Free, easy-to-use copyright licenses provide a simple, standardized way to give the public permission to share and use your creative work – on conditions of your choice.

31 CC Licenses Attribution: CC BY Attribution-ShareAlike: CC BY-SA Attribution-NoDerivs: CC BY-ND Attribution-NonCommercial: CC BY-NC Attribution-NonCommerical-ShareAlike: CC BY NC-SA Attribution-NonCommerical-No-Derivs: CC BY-NC-ND

32 Group Meetings Discuss the topic of your DL. Decide the roles (leading responsibility) of project members. – Project Manager – Interface Designer – Collection Developer – Metadata Organizer – Usability analyst

33 Class Feedback What is the clearest idea or concept in class today? What is the muddiest idea or concept in class today?

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