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Unit 1 Reading Give a man a fish No. 14 Middle School 2008/11/27.

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1 Unit 1 Reading Give a man a fish No. 14 Middle School 2008/11/27

2 What do these pictures remind you of? poverty

3 Brainstorm: What do you think may lead to poverty? disasters diseases wars poor environment growing population

4 Over 50 million children died between 2000 and 2005. It means that there is 1 child dying every 3 seconds. 20 children dying ____________. Around the world, _____________ children die every day. every minute 27,000–30,000 World Hunger and Poverty

5 2005 年 “ 现场八方 Live 8 ” 慈善演唱会,仍旧是由 20 年前发起 Live Aid 的爱尔兰籍歌星鲍勃 · 格尔多夫 ( Bob Geldof ) 发起。 Bob Geldof

6 “ 李连杰壹基金计划 ” 是由中国红十字会博 爱大使李连杰先生发起和倡导的一项为公 益事业的筹款计划, 他倡导每人每月最低 捐出 1 元钱, 帮助那些确实需要帮助的人们。

7 Is it enough? Give a man a fish

8 Fast reading Scan the passage quickly and find the answers to the following questions. Only focus on the information needed to answer the questions, please.

9 1. When was Live Aid held? 2. How many people has the WFP helped since it was established? 3. What is the saying mentioned in the passage? On 13 July 1985. More than one billion. Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.

10 Careful reading 1. Find specific information to answer the following questions. Read the passage carefully and deal with the following exercises.

11 1) Why was the Live Aid concert so important? 2) What things are included in the infrastructure of a country? 3) What is the long-term solution to the problem of poverty? 4) Why is education and training for young people in developing countries so important?

12 (L7) Because it raised $ 100 million for famine victims in Ethiopia and also raised public attention. It also put pressure on politicians to do something about the famine. 1.Why was the Live Aid concert so important?

13 2. What things are included in the infrastructure of a country? (L38) Things like transport, irrigation, electricity, postal service, telephones and schools are included.

14 3. What is the long-term solution to the problem of poverty? 4. Why is education and training for young people in developing countries so important? (L41)Development aid together with food aid. (L43)Because the future of developing countries lies in the hands of children.

15 The World Food Program, set up in 1963, aims at ending world hunger, which is the number one risk to global health today. Over the past 40 years, the WFP has worked hard to provide food aid for the weak and the poor, and to improve the nutrition and quality of life.

16 Match work 1. In a poor country, this programme focuses on development and reducing unemployment. 2.In a country that suffers a natural disaster such as an earthquake, or a man-made disaster such as war, this programme will help. 3. In a poor country, this programme targets those most at risk such as babies, children, pregnant women and the elderly. Food for Life Food for growth Food for work

17 2. Choose the right answer according to the text. 1)In countries where there are too many unemployed people, which help would them receive from WFP? ( 推断题 ) A. Food-for-Life B. Food-for-Growth C. Food-for-Work

18 2. Among the following sentences, which one is not right according to the text? ( 细节判断题 ) A. The little rainfall in Ethiopia led to destroyed harvests and killed cattle. B. Disease is the number one global health risk, killing more people than any disease. C. Development aid together with food aid is the long-term solution to the problem. D. Young people in eastern Nigeria are being trained to use computer technology to develop their problem solving and communication skills.

19 3) From the passage we know the author thinks the most important thing to help developing countries fight hunger and poverty is_______. ( 写作意图推测 ) A. to appeal to people to donate B. to speak highly of Bob Geldof C. to develop the work of WFP D. to help them help themselves God helps those who help themselves. 天助自助者。

20 Fill in the chart according to the passage. problemssolutions a short-term solution __________ aid as well as food aid give a man a fish feed him for a ______ disease a_________ solution ____ aid _____ a man to fish feed him for a day ————— poverty hunger food long-term development teach lifetime

21 Look and think It is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish. 授人以鱼,不如授人以渔

22 What happened in Wenchuan?

23 What happened to the children? They lost parents and became orphans.

24 How to help them?

25 Tips to help the children: Donate money, food,books, clothes … Build new schools. Send teachers to the areas to teach them. Send doctors to help them physically and mentally. The government should give them beneficial policies. (free education, low- interest loan etc.) Work as volunteers in Wenchun. ……

26 Step5 Phrases 1. 授人以鱼 2. 授人以渔 3. 慈善音乐会 4. 现场援助 5. 集资 6. 给 … 施加压力 7. 除 … 以外 8. 夺去生命 9. 世界粮食计划署 10. 紧急粮食援助 11. 毫无疑问 12. 惊人成就 1. give a man a fish 2. teach a man to fish 3. a charity concert 4. Live Aid 5. raise money 6. put pressure on 7. on top of 8. claim lives 9. the World Food Program 10. emergency food aid 11. without doubt 12. an amazing achievement

27 13. 发展中国家 14. 处于关键时刻 15. 进一步落后于 16. 发达国家 17. 改善基础设施 18. 发展援助 19. 粮食援助 20. 在 … 手中 21. 社区计划 22. 传统商业 23. 成功故事 24. 良好开端 25. 更美好未来 26. 填饱肚子 13. developing countries 14. at a crossroads 15. fall further behind 16. developed countries 17. improve the infrastructure 18. development aid 19. food aid 20. lie in the hands of 21. a community programme 22. conventional business 23. success stories 24. a good start 25. a better future 26. fill one’s belly

28 1.Read the passage again and finish off exercises D & E on pages 4-5. 2. Write down the results of the discussion. Homework:


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